Nope..:3 Ryuuga: Ashton? >_>
Hasn't it? I'm good. You? xD SERIOUSLY? -dies- X.x
Hai. And you are? xD Joking. -tacklehug-
Arron? O_o Mine starts with a "K"
I leave for a few months, and everything changes! BTW, love the new look. <3 Anyway, while I'm here... boo.
xD Good, but I'll tell you anyway. It's from the Disgaea manga... [sarcasm]I've been great...[/sarcasm] Been in the hospital, with DKA (diabticketoasidosis[sp?]) and nearly had a kiney failure... Yep, great.
Well, hell, hi. Because I got my autographed picture of the king from (I'll give you a cookie if you can figure out where that came from)
I have no earthly idea. I can't seem to spell it the proper way, so... xD
How do you think the world will end??
I really need to quit diskapearking...O-o
Ugh, Riku on the 13th floor. It took me about 4 days to shake him loose...o_o
-dies- Shhh, I'm not here....
-yawn- ...>_>
Wow, I've never seen that before... @ La Sofa: XD It does, kinda...
Wow...just... -dies over the smexehness-