So, Xaldin. Not to be pushy, but did you find the Nicovideo link yet?
Does the size of the spell/finisher move effect the power of it?
I might just be me, but your name isnt a dark red, but a lighter tone of red, lol. I am 99% u arent banned. And WTH is that in KHkid's vid?
Evilman: Youve reached over 2000 posts. Hence the color change
Thanks for the link when it gets here Xaldin :). And Master form gliding is sometimes useful.
Whats the differecne between the two? I cant tell
Xaldin I need the link. I searched what you posted ()キングダムハーツ), and cant find it.
Evilman, I though the 13th struggle was the song used in KH2FM when you fought Marluxia and stuff. Would that song work in normal KH2?
10354EAC 00000097 The 13th struggle converted plz. And will this work on KH2? Not on Final mix.
Is there a code to make the Keyblades look like they are in Halloween town?
Is there a BGM code to have 'Darkness of the Unknown 2' during the Xemnas IV fight.
Yeah, it is. You dont hit any platform to stop yourself.
I have a question/theory. Do you think if we go the code to Inf. Air dodge like in one of the final Xemnas battles, that we can get back onto a map after a endless fall?
Can you post a screen of it?
Um, if I buy KH2 again, from a Uk website. Would it be considered PAL?
Alright. Its a person in an Org. XIII coat, floating in the air.
Yeah it is. But theres one mysterious figure there.
Evilman, with debug rooms, can you even find beta items.
Congrats and Happy B-day Evilman. Uh, work your butt off at what ever your doing during your break. And come back soon :D
Allies or enimies?