wats the station of awakening or calling code
wats the station of calling code?
what is the station of awakening code jokered?
someone post the station of awakening code jokered version
whats the cb or armax code for station of awakening and where do I go to cornerstone to use it?
wats the station of awakening code?
why dont you guys try hacking those season doors in halloween town
what is the station of awakening code?
1412 is not the station of awakening
nvm i made it to CO <3 nvm i made it to CO <3
ok take this code for ex. DACC2263 B2E4782E 1A6922E8 00000E04 I cant enter anything other than the first 2 lines for my cb 10.1 how do i enter the last 2
This DACC2263 B2E4782E 1A6922E8 00000E04 can't be condensed further can it? cause idk how to enter more than 2 lines.
1A6922E8 00000E04 or 1033E830 000000E04
I tried that i get a bsod
I tried the castle oblivion code from somewhere in hb and i end up at cb but cameras from a far distance i dont see sora and i cant move
why do i get a bsod when i try to load the castle olbivion code?
when i used the oblivion code in cornerstone i got a bsod when i loaded the game how do i stop that?
have you guys found a way to fight marluxia at the castle oblivion place? and do you have the station platforms hacked yet?