I think someone already posted these,but its ok cause their really new, I wonder why they decided to put wonderland back in it
somebodies working on it but you could have them as party members
what do you mean?
whats the command menu code for mickey?
I don't think they should take out disney ,but they should make it a little bit more teen related
yea 11CEF10C 00000317 thats codebreaker CZEW-KD7U-B53FR U5VU-DGHD-793VV thats armax whats the mod just plain code for mickey and rikus command menu
they can't replace those keyblades but do you want it for like kingdom key or something?
what keyblade would you like them to replace?
downloading it is illegal, but you could import re:com which is inside the kh2fm+ box, u'd need a premod ps2 or swap magic to play them since they only play on japanese ps2 and ps3 , the gameboy version I think basically disappeared=\
I think its a little bit harmless but it really should be taken seriously in some cases I hope they don't ban it I like that show
not that simple.
thats not what I want
k:P but also couldn't you guys make a code that just deletes it? the part of bosses that makes it so they can only be killed in a combo
which is why I was wondering if you guys could make a code to do that
I think its funny
could you guys make a code so that to kill bosses you don't have to use a combo?
Roxas, alot better than sora
I think he should have split it up into diff charities
that is so funny but so deserved
I think this is in the wrong section