people gave him what he needed and he didn't want it and can some give me the neomoveset master and valor for roxas, and what does this code do magic lvl mod 201A4CE0 240B0003 201A4CE4 A1CB2524
can some give me the neomoveset master and valor for roxas, and what does this code do magic lvl mod 201A4CE0 240B0003 201A4CE4 A1CB2524
also neomoveset master and valor for roxas, and what does this code do magic lvl mod 201A4CE0 240B0003 201A4CE4 A1CB2524 and also can someone port this code from final mix+? (its a boss change code) 11C6C4EC 00002EE0 11C6C670 00000080 11C6C674 000000F0 21C6C690 00000064 21C6C694 00000000
not what I wanted at all, but ty anyway
I need ultimate solo and boss fights(joked versions) or a code that just gives any boss alot of hp and makes them do more damage, and dw sora(roxas style) Jokered version, and can valor sora use magic? and the code for wisdom outfit, and master outfit but I want him to use master animations also can someone port this code from final mix+? Ultimate Roxas 11C6C4EC 00002EE0 11C6C670 00000080 11C6C674 000000F0 21C6C690 00000064 21C6C694 00000000
I need ultimate solo and boss fights(joked versions) or a code that just gives any boss alot of hp and makes them do more damage, dw sora(valor style) but if he dosen't use valor animations nvm, and dw sora(roxas style) Jokered versions, and can valor sora use magic? and the code for wisdom outfit. I also want master outfit but I want him to use master animations
I need ultimate solo and boss fights(joked versions) or a code that just gives any boss alot of hp and makes them do more damage, and dw sora(roxas style) Jokered version, and can valor sora use magic? and the code for wisdom outfit, and master outfit but I want him to use master animations
I need ultimate solo and boss fights(joked versions) or a code that just gives any boss alot of hp and makes them do more damage, dw sora(valor style) but if he dosen't use valor animations nvm, and dw sora(roxas style) Jokered versions, and can valor sora use magic?
is there like a str mod for goofy riku and mickey?
do tell <3
the reaction command mod, if you give it to like dw sora will he do the action or not? ex. would be rising sun will he do it or it won't work?
no their not
I use this code 21cb96f4 5f303031 21cb96f8 464c5442 if I want sora to have valor form animations?
so your saying if I put valor model to normal sora he'll have valor animations?
whats the sora duel weild code?
whats the code so sora can duel weild?
then just gimme sora-.-
how do you play as duel weild sora?and kairi