Stratos used Cura on Kaida.
Stratos twirled his two keyblades in his hand, tossing both of them both at the head at once. Stratos Dualcast Strike Raid (x2)
Aeira raised an eyebrow at Karina as she made her suggestion about creating a hole underneath Shiro. Aeira waved her hand dismissively as she said, "that's impossible. I'm not quite that magically inclined that I can just cause the earth to move how I want it to." Putting her finger to her chin, Aeira seemed to ponder on the idea a bit more before saying, "actually, there might be a way. It's not exactly a pretty method, nor is it as instantaneous as you're hoping. In fact, it's pretty likely to fail. Besides," she looked over to where the two keyblade wielders were fighting before saying, "it all depends on whether or not he can even win the fight, because if I try it before he does, I'll probably just get him killed anyway."
While Stratos wasn't feeling so hot himself, he looked around to see that everyone else was pretty banged up as well. Seeing that Kaida was in the worst of shapes, though, the boy pulled out a potion and tossed it to her, saying, "Kaida, here." With that out of the way, he merely braced himself for the coming storm of ice that was bound to happen. Stratos used Hi-Potion on Kaida. Aeira looked at the two others who seemed to be bickering about something, unsure what it was they were talking about when it came to "winning." All the same, the girl was in agreement to go deal with Uniform, walking alongside Karina as she cracked her knuckles, ready to engage the man.
Jumping away from the creature as it fell, the girl readied herself for one final blow against the creature, rushing towards it and punching it in the side as it did. The shadow of the darkside started to break apart, as Aeira stomped on the ground creating a torrent of rocks around her. Punching forward, the rocks swarmed into the creature's wound, causing the sharp stones to flood the body of the creature and pierce its insides and outsides alike. The dark smoke began to billow out from its entire body as it seemed like it was about to be destroyed. With that, the creature seemed about two steps away from dying and only one shot was needed to finish it. Yellow Darkside: 200/5000
Aeira clenched her fists tightly as she charged at the now nearly dead Darkside. Moving to its leg, the heartless seemed slow to react as she simply bolted her way to the leg, finally not having anything bar her path to get there. With a single punch, she slammed her fist into the leg of the creature, causing the leg to give out and break into more and more dark smoke, causing the creature to fall downward. With one powerful roundhouse kick, she managed to strike the heartless with such great force that the leg broke off, causing the creature to fall completely off balance. Yellow Darkside: 600/5000
Gripping on tighter to the tendril of darkness, Aeira continued to pull more and more against the creature. However, as the tendril seemed to be giving way, the girl figured she'd need one last boost of force to tear it off. Slamming both of her feet down onto the creature's head, she jumped off the creature's head, bringing the tendril with her. As the head of the darkside lurched forward, the tendril gave way to the pressure and was torn clean off. Landing on the ground, Aeira looked to see Koa attack it as well, giving a thumbs up. Confused as to why, the girl reciprocated with a confused expression and thumbs up of her own. Yellow Darkside: 1000/5000
Aeira wasn't really sure what the two below were talking about, but didn't really think it productive to intrude on their conversation, and instead just stayed where she was. Her grip on the darkside was still firm, one hand still holding onto another tendril, and her opening to strike at it was clear. Bringing back one fist, she continued to hammer it into the skull of the darkside as it continued to seem like it was in more and more pain from the onslaught of three. Yellow Darkside: 1400/5000
After smashing the face of the heartless, the girl gripped onto the tendrils of darkness coming from its head and stayed there. The heartless then started to thrash around a bit more as Arctus appeared on the scene, stabbing at it as well. Digging her feet into the head of the heartless, the girl pulled back, causing the tendrils she was holding onto to break apart before she had finally managed to tear them off, causing large quantities of dark smoke to bleed out from the wounds. Yellow Darkside: 1800/5000
Landing on the ground, the girl backed off from the heartless as Karina had gone in to strike it repeatedly with her own weapon. As the heartless seemed to be occupied with the fire girl now, Aeira merely rushed forward, jumping into the air and onto its arm. The darkside was confused by this sudden appearance of Aeira, only for her to then jump off the arm towards the head of the creature. With one solid punch, she managed to strike the face of the darkside, and forced it to stumble backward in pain. Red darkside defeated Blue darkside defeated Yellow darkside: 2200/5000
As Aeira was getting ready to strike the heartless once again, she looked back as a fireball sailed overhead, exploding against the body of the heartless. Seeing that Karina was now here, being the one to send the fire ball at the creature, she merely looked back and raising up one hand said, "hey." Without saying anything more, the girl ran towards the darkside, jumping into the air towards the creature. As it was now distracted by the fireball, the girl didn't have anything stopping her from merely punching the torso of the heartless, heavily slamming her fist into the stomach of the darkside. Red darkside defeated Blue darkside defeated Yellow darkside: 2600/5000
After causing the enemy to recoil from her attack, Aeira looked over to the heartless, only for her attention to be briefly diverted by the shouting of the loud axe man again. Looking at him with a curious expression, the girl wasn't sure why he seemed to b enjoying himself so much, but turned back to face her current foe. As she did, she saw the open hand of the creature moves its way towards her, and by stomping on the ground, she created an orbit of rocks around her once more. As the hand got close enough, the girl punched forward, her fist slamming into the palm of the creature and the rocks into their fingers. Red darkside defeated Blue darkside defeated Yellow darkside: 3000/5000
After her foot smashed into the clasped hands of the darkside, the hands were forced to the ground, causing them to land with a loud thud. Aeira too landed on the hands, though she jumped off of it as the darkside tried to lift its hands back up. As it did, however, a dark orb was created between the two of them, that the darkside then threw at the girl. Looking impassively at this, Aeira merely punched at the sphere, causing it to be launched backward towards the darkside, exploding against its head as the creature was forced backward. Darkside red: defeated Darkside blue: 200/5000 Darkside yellow: 3200/5000
As her kick had been successful, the girl managed to get both of her feet back onto the ground before looking at the darkside's leg once more. However, her attention was taken by the two palms of the heartless coming at her from the side once again. Clicking her tongue in annoyance, as the two hands moved towards her, she merely jumped into the air, avoiding the two hands as they slammed into each other. As Aeira had avoided it, as she began her descent, she brought her foot down in an axe kick again, smashing it into the two clasped hands. Darkside red: defeated Darkside blue: 400/5000 Darkside yellow: 3400/5000
Aeira continued to move forward, getting ready to pummel the darkside after forcing its fist away. Walking over to the creature's leg, she had a clear target, though the darkside did not seem to be more than willing to let her have it. As the creature brought down its other hand to try and stop her, she merely looked to the side as it came at her. With a calm breath, pivoting on one heel the girl brought up her other leg to delivering a powerful kick into the creature's hand, deflecting it away from her. Darkside red: defeated Darkside blue: 600/5000 Darkside yellow: 3600/5000
As the man had retrieved his axe from the heartless, he made note about a hair cut given to the darkside, before leaping off to go and attack another one. Aeira merely looked at him, her expression unchanging before saying, "what a weirdo." With that, she casually walked over to the darkside, who, while confused, seemed to take note of its new target. Bringing back its fist, it went to go punch at Aeira, though the girl merely brought back her own. Before the fist collided, Aeira punched forward, colliding the fists together and forcing the Darkside's hand back and away. Darkside blue: 800/5000 Darkside yellow: 3800/5000
As the poor, broken and miserable form of the darkside she had been fighting was on its last legs, Aeira moved to finish it off. However, before she could, an axe flew from nowhere, striking into the head of the darkside. As the axe flew through the creature, the mangled head of tendrils broke apart, and soon enough the darkside erupted into a plume of dark smoke. With the creature having been felled, Aeira looked over to the man that had dealt the killing blow as he shouted atop another of them. Her expression was neutral, as she simply shrugged, walking over to the thrown axe. Picking it up, the girl twirled the axe around as she looked straight to the yellow darkside. After a few second of focusing, the girl began to take a few step forwards, before tossing the axe with great force at the creature, the axe flying and burying itself into the side of the creature. Darkside blue: 1000/5000 Darkside red: defeated Darkside yellow: 4000/5000
As the darkside started to fall to the ground, it tried to bring itself back up with its other hand. However instead of letting it get back up, Aeira merely walked over to its other wrist. Clenching her fists tightly, she started to punch against the wrist of the other hand. With each punch into the hand, the darkside continued to lurch forward, constantly trying to keep itself back up. However, forming the rock gauntlet over her hand again, she punched one more time into the wrist, breaking it apart and causing the darkside to fall down. Darkside Blue: 1000/5000 Darkside Red: 200/5000 Darkside Yellow: 4200/5000
With the hand being disabled, Aeira moved her targeting to the next most vulnerable place. Seeing the wrist of the damaged hand now exposed, Aeira made her way over to the body part. Clenching her fists tightly, the girl then started to punch rapidly and repeatedly into the heartless's wrist, the darkness behind it starting to give way under the raw pressure of it. Eventually the wrist gave in, the darkness exploding and breaking into smoke, causing the darkside to fall to the ground, lying somewhat helplessly. Darkside Blue: 1200/5000 Darkside Red: 400/5000 Darkside Yellow: 4400/5000
After tearing a hole into the hand of the darkside with her rock gauntlet, the darkside moved its hand back as it squirmed in pain. However, not being one to let up when her goal was so close, Aeira jumped into the air and slammed her spike gauntleted fist into the hand of the darkside's hand. The gauntlet spike broke as she did, causing the hand to smash into the ground. As it did, the girl then landed onto the hand, bringing her foot down in an axe kick onto it, causing the hand to squirm some more as a noticeable hole opened in the darkside's hand, black smoke pouring out of it. Darkside Blue: 2400/5000 Darkside Red: 600/5000 Darkside Yellow: 4400/5000