After slamming his sword of light into the side of Gantu's ship, Stratos kept the tempo up and continued his pursuit. Jumping off the keyglider again, he summoned the blade to his hand, and began unleashing a flurry of slashes at the hull of the ship. With one final slash in his combo, he let loose a large burst of sound that pulsed forward into the ship. With that done, Stratos got back on his keyglider and kept pace once more. Stratos used Air Combo 4/31
With the group having managed to catch up fast enough with Gantu, Stratos tried to steady himself on his glider before beginning the fight. With both Kaida and Steel moving forward, Stratos began to focus on the way they moved and the flow at which the attacks were coming in, syncing himself up to it before letting out a single deep breath. "Metronome." As he said this, a fuchsia aura began to surround him and let out a small pulse that covered his allies. With that out of the way, Stratos propelled himself forward to be in melee range of Gantu. Leaping off his keyglider, the boy summoned it back to his hand as a keyblade that was soon entirely enveloped in a large blade of light. Letting loose one powerful slash, Stratos slammed his blade of light into Gantu. Once the attack was finished, he threw the keyblade behind him, turning it back into a keyglider for him to land on and continue the chase. Stratos used Auto Aura Level 1 to start Metronome. Stratos used Excalibur. 3/31
Just gonna do this before the fight starts but spending my 50 crowns to get a +5 to strength. Also I haven't claimed it yet but cashing in the rewards for HP +5 and AP +1. HP: 85 (+6) Crowns: 3 Strength: 38 (+5) AP: 68 (+7)
"Well, then no use standing around here." At Ananta's suggestion to use their gliders, Stratos had summoned his keyblade back to his hand. He didn't seem to pay much mind towards Aux's reluctance to follow along them with a keyglider, instead spinning his own in his hand. Looking towards Nani, he said, "don't worry. We'll be back with her." Looking to the sky, he simply mumbled, "we have to." With that, he tossed his keyblade into the air, jumping after it. As he did, the blade turned into his keyglider of which the boy landed on it. Taking a small breath, the boy rocketed off into the sky, in hot pursuit of Lilo's captor. 2/31
Stratos's expression didn't soften any as the whale man had managed to get away, his grip tightening around his keyblade. As the group of natives to this world once again mentioned the term of "ohana," Stratos's face only seemed to be more indignant as he looked to the sky, merely mumbling, "no one gets left behind. No one gets forgotten." With his hand shaking for a brief moment, he let out a sigh, trying to keep his own anger in check for a moment before turning to the rest of the group. "Well, how are we going to go catch up with them?"
While most of the people had gone off to the beach, following Lilo and her dog, and their target, Stich, Stratos had lagged behind. For his project he needed something sharp, and with no knives being too present and his keyblade being something that he wasn't exactly able to use out in the open, he had to improvise a bit. As such, with a bit of searching he had eventually a stone lying around that had a sharp enough edge that he could make due with it enough. Trying to work swiftly and carefully on his project, the boy let out small exclamations of pain as he had accidentally messed up a few times and had the stone knick himself by mistake. All the same, the boy continued to work until he realized just how far behind from everyone else he had managed to get. Beginning to make his way swiftly the boy was a bit lost and so his journey took an even longer time then normal until he had finally made his way down to the sandy shores. What he saw there was not exactly the welcoming or mundane sight of beach going activities he was expecting. On the beach stood not only his allies but a giant whale, shark, thing looking man. The threat was immediately evident by his comrades already having their keyblades drawn, though was only reinforced by them fighting and continuing to strike at the enemy before them. With a scowl forming on his face, suddenly angered by the disturbance that the fish person was causing to both them and the beach goers. Putting his stuff away, the boy summoned his keyblade to his hand and began focusing as towards his opponent, wanting to be rid of them as fast as possible. As he did, despite the island being filled with nothing but palm trees there was a sudden flow and fall of cherry blossoms, descending from the sky as everyone in the area seemed to slow down until they were all stopped. In that instant that time seemed to freeze, Stratos vanished from the spot he was standing at, appearing behind the whale man and skidding across the sand as he finished his arrival. As he did, a large slash mark appeared in the air over the man, causing an explosive force to soon be carried alongside it as the boy turned to face his opponent. Twirling his keyblade, looking at the others he said, "sorry for taking so long, but let's take this big guy down! " Dismissing his keyblade for a moment, Stratos charged his now free hand with a red, burning magical energy. As it continued to flow into his hand, growing brighter as it did, the boy clenched his hand into a fist and began to rush forwards towards his target. As his fingers were formed into their clenched state, the glow began to grow even brighter, only for Stratos to then throw a punch at the back of his opponent. As the attack connected, a large resounding explosion was formed across his back, fire bursting out as a result of this one fist bumping into his foe. Backing off, Stratos wasn't about to pause to survey the damage dealt, instead summoning his keyblade back to his hand and charging it with magical energy once more. The energy flowed to the tip of the blade, forming a small aqueous sphere, before the boy fired off four blasts of aquatic power all at once at the man. As each of the bubbles connected against the target, the water broke its spherical form, exploding with a large amount of brute force behind the attack. OOC: Words: 612 EXP: 60 Total: 60 Damage Dealt: 176 Remaining: 444/1500
With one trial being done and being thrust into the other, Aeira wasn't quite sure which enemies she was to actually fight at this moment. Clearly, it wouldn't be any of her allies, but she wasn't entirely sure which of her non-allies she'd actually have an easy time fighting, both physically and morally. However, this was made much easier for her by the proctor essentially calling himself out to a fight and some other guy seeming to summon a swarm of evil looking creatures. The girl was, however, not really interested in the second one, and only felt like she would deal with them if they became an active threat to them. Instead, she was more interested in the proctor, both because of his keyblade and the name he gave himself. Cracking her knuckles, the girl looked to him and said, "the rock, hm?" Waiting for the onslaught of attacks from some of her other teammates to finish first, the girl then took off, sprinting forward and moving to do a singular simple punch at the man's gut, attempting just to see how he'd react.
Buying Powerline for 2k munny. Munny : 4,530 ----> 2,350
"Yeah, that's uh, that's a good distinction." Stratos then tried to think of some other plan they could get Stich away from here, when Ananta spoke up. "That's," the boy paused for a moment. "That's actually a good idea. Lilo seems friendly enough that she'd probably just go along with it, and she still thinks that thing is her dog. So going for a walk with it seems like a fine idea. Besides, we can probably ask her more about it and see if we can figure out what's what with it before we try and forcibly take it."
The boy thought about it for a moment and said, "well, since we got our Auras I'd like to think I'm better at most. So if we need to stop him that way then I can probably bring him down. But uh," he looked around, seeing that they were still in a largely public place saying, "are you sure it's ok to just bust out some high tier magic in here? I mean, didn't you just scold Aux for almost bringing out his keyblade?"
While things seemed to be going south for the Dottari and the hounds, most of the hounds having dropped already and the Dottari leading them having been felled too, the hounds seemed to grow more desperate than anything else and continued to lash out violently towards the people in front of them. The first of the hounds tried to bite down on Velvet's legs, but the undine proved far too nimble for the hound to actually sink its teeth into them. Reno, however, was not so lucky. As the hound bit into his leg, It then jerked its head back with enough force to pull Reno's leg out from under him and send him falling onto the ground. Spoiler: OOC Houndo 1 attacks Velvet. 1d20 (9) + 2 = 11. Miss. Houndo 2 attacks Reno. 1d20 (19) + 2 = 21. Hit. Rolls 1d4 (1) +1 = 2 damage. Because it hit it uses its trip ability. 1d20 (15) beats Reno's CMD. Reno is tripped and now prone. Active Combat Log
Stratos, who was near Kaida and Steel observing the thing in full said, "well, he's probably super fast and you're like, the speed guy. So no one else can catch him, except maybe Kaida, but she's the laser guy right now. If you're worried about his strength though, you should try and tag team with Aux, because he's also probably super strong. Just like, lure him into the big guy or something. And then uh, then...." Stratos seemed to think on it for a moment, before saying, "well, I haven't that far ahead yet."
As the dog they were following let out a shrieking noise, Stratos winced a bit, seeing the glass break a bit at the sound. Looking to Aux he said, "well, I don't think that's quite the destructive we were looking for. But, well," the boy seemed to shrug as the people and the dog started to move. Following after them, Stratos briefly broke off from the rest of the group for a few moments, though wasn't gone long. When he got back, the group was now in front of a hotel, prompting the boy to say, "well, now what do we do? If they go in we can't exactly maintain subtlty if we just follow after them."
Stratos looked towards the blue dog, seeing that it wasn't doing anything too destructive, he nodded at Ananta's comment but said, "well, I guess we don't need to do anything about it, but we should still keep an eye on it. If not because it'll do something dangerous, but because there were people who wanted it gone in the first place. And, obvious fact here, they aren't exactly all that local, looking." He gestured towards the actual locals of the island, before saying, "so, we should probably keep it, or at least the girl it's with, safe from them. Or just figure out what there relation to the thing is and why they actually want it gone in the first place."
As the topic soon came to everyone's homeworlds and names, Stratos said, "well, I don't really know where I got my name from. Don't think my parents ever really told me why they named me Stratos of all things." The boy mulled over it a bit, though, as everyone else seemed to get a bit more sour on the topic, he decided not to bring up the topic of family much more. As Ananta bumbled about wishing she was born elsewhere, the boy said, "well, neither Steel or I are from Central Haven. Nor are most of the others for that matter, so if things went differently in your life you might miss out on the friends you'd be making now." That and it wasn't as if Central Haven was all that pleasant of a place to be now as well, but Stratos opted not to add that in.
With the duo having found there way to the tallest building in Shibuya, the girl looked up at the looming challenge. Cracking her knuckles, she said, "I'm off." With that, the girl crouched down before taking off for a running start. Once she got to the base of the building, she continued to attempt to run up it, getting a few steps in before lunging forward, and upward, the building. Reaching out her hands, the girl managed to grip onto the side of the building, pressing her fingers in and making a grip if there was none. From there, with surprisingly agility and rhythm, she began to throw her other arm up and dig grab onto the building with that, hoisting herself up before continually going back and forth with her arms for this. It took awhile and she definitely seemed to be exerting herself, but Aeira did not slow down in her entire ascent of the building. Once she got to the top, she was greeted with the sight of a flag, and after huffing a bit to catch her breath, grabbed it. After catching her breath, the girl looked down only to sigh at the realization that she had now had to get down the building. With flag in hand, the girl dug her hand into the side of the building before letting herself dangle. Once she was doing such, the girl let go of the building, beginning to fall, only to grip back onto the side of the building as she started to speed up. Her hand slid down the building's side as she continued to try to dig her fingers back into the wall, once doing so stopping her descent entirely. She continued to repeat the process until she finally fell back to the ground. Once there, she shook her arm out, only to let it hang at her side to rest it. Huffing for air heavily, the girl raised the flag as she looked towards Vallus. "Done." With their task done, Aeira began to walk back to where Charlie was to show that they had completed the task.
Stratos raised an eyebrow as Aux told him not to call him big guy, only to ask for his name. With a small grin on his face, Stratos put the snake charm in his other hand as he extended his free hand out for a shake. "It's Stratos. S-T-R-A, T-O-S. Stratos. A pleasure to make your acquaintance, Aux." Stratos didn't mean to be sarcastic in his introduction to Aux, though he couldn't feel he was coming off as such. After that was done with, he said, "anyway, if he's any bit dangerous then I'm sure a situation will arise where we can swoop in a stop whatever trouble's going on. That'll be a nice way to enter into the scene. Though, I guess wishing for something bad to happen is a pretty terrible plan."
The boy looked at the snake, as Kaida gave it to him. Seeing the serpent charm in his hand, the boy began involuntarily smile as he ran his fingers across the rough scale work that Kaida had done on it. After a brief moment, he looked back up at the girl and, realizing that he had been spacing out a bit, said, "o-oh. Man, this is great. I don't think I ever thought of myself as a snake person before, but this is cool enough that I think I can reconsider that. Really, thanks. It means a lot." With a smile on his face, the boy examined the charm once more, and then went to seemingly examine the trees around him. When Ananta spoke once more, he looked back and said, "oh, yeah. Well, those guys seemed to be talking to themselves a lot when we came in anyway, so I doubt they were giving us the full story. I wouldn't particularly say it's harmless, but I suppose we should make sure nothing bad happens to or because of it for now."
Being very greatly injured, Purrah decided to make a retreat away from the Dottari and the hounds. While there were three hounds, one seemed more focused on the dog man in front of them, snarling in a challenge at them and thus didn't pay any attention to Purrah. As such, the other two hounds chomped at her legs, while the Dottari swung their mace down at her head. The first of the dogs was batted away by the feline's shield why the second tried to sink its teeth into her, but couldn't get past the armor. Finally, the Dottari swung down and though his aim seemed true, Purrah was still nimble enough to avoid the mace swing. Having just avoided certain death, Purrah made their way away from the front lines. The dogs were still snarling at their pray, one looking at the fox man before them. As such, the hound lunged forward and sunk its teeth into Reno's leg, which while painful was not overly so. The other two hounds, now that Purrah had gone, chased after the next closest threat. Moving towards the Undine, they both charged at her with teeth bared and snapped at her, though she proved nimble enough to avoid the attacks. Spoiler: OOC Houndo 2 Attack of Opportunity: 1d20 (12) + 2 = 14. Miss Houndo 3 Attack of Opportunity: 1d20 (14) + 2 = 16. Miss Dottari Attack of Opportunity: 1d20 (10) + 4 = 14. Miss Houndo 2 attacks Reno: 1d20 (16) + 2 = 18. Hit. 1d4 (1) + 1 = 2 damage. Houndo 3 attacks Velvet: 1d20 (8) + 2 = 10. Miss. Houndo 1 attacks Velvet: 1d20 (7) + 2 = 9. Miss. Active Combat Log As Roshe ran alongside Vance and the man who seemed to rile up the crowd earlier, she eventually ended up running alongside only a few other people as the crowds had finally dispersed. The girl felt like she could stop running soon, looking back to see that the crowd was far behind her, but she was soon carried along by a different sound. Moving with the group to see a large gathering of thugs beating up on a man, the girl clenched her fists, about to call out to them, only for the people she was traveling with to be far more responsive and quick about it. With brutal agility, they had managed to take down a few of them, with another seeming to be way out of it. While they had stopped hitting the unconscious man, Roshe moved to meet the eyes of one of the thugs saying, "you should all really reconsider this." Flicking her wrist, a ball of blue and fuchsia light appeared in her hand which she proceeded to fire out towards the thug. As the ball struck him, the man's body glowed, outlined in a color similar to the one she had tossed at him. With another flick of her wrist, pale silver chains appeared around him, tightening around him and hampering his movement. Spoiler: OOC Rhose moved 15 down and 5 feet to the left. Roshe used Glow (touch attack) on Thug 5. 1d20 (12) + 3 = 15 on touch. Thug 5 is glowing. Used Bound Light on him, causing glowing target to become Entangled. Must make a fort saving throw each round (DC 16) or become Staggered for one round. Lasts for 1 minute.
While the body of one of his hounds was mangled by a fine stab, bullet wound and mind sword piercing its body, the Dottari in charge of them didn't seem to be all that worried. Instead, his fury only grew, especially as more strange people, especially a dog person, joined the fray. Readying his shield and mace, the man stood his ground, eyes focused on the woman who had broken his nose before going for a swing of his own. Despite his injury, the man didn't seem any bit deterred by it and managed to land a solid hit at Purrah's ribs, dealing a significant amount of damage and nearly dropping the woman. Spoiler: OOC Dottari attacks Purrah and hits (1d20 + 4= 18 + 4 = 22) Deals 1d8 (5) +2 = 7 damage. Purrah is now Disabled (can only take a standard or move action on her turn. Taking a standard action makes you take one damage. Active Combat Log