With the winds of the vortex that AJ had conjured both parting the waves of ash and lava that smothered the sky, Stratos let out a sigh of relief as the battle had seemed to end. As Moana made her way to the lava spirit, and the ocean gave way to guide her there, Stratos watched in awe as the spirit was revitalized. From what was once a wrathful volcano came out a green giant, their power being every bit as great as the volcano they had just fought. While Moana seemed happy, Stratos hadn't dismissed his keyblade yet, looking to the others and Maui asking, "we're not going to have fight her too are we?" 4/30
While everything seemed to be going well, Stratos knew there was always at least one point in the fight where the foe they were fighting seemed to try and turn it all around. And as a loud cloud of ash and smoke filled the air, Stratos could tell this was the point where it would happen. The eruption hurting his eyes as it was, the boy felt an even worse pain occur as lava started to rain from the sky, showering the party in heat and scorching earth. Gritting his teeth, Stratos based it as best he could, and as he saw Kaida go all in for a strike against Te Ka, the boy followed up with a strike of his own. Taking in a deep breath, he twirled the keyblade behind himself charging it with energy as the sound around him seemed to still and quiet down. With a single slash, he let loose a large burst of sound from his keyblade, rushing towards the volcano spirit. Stratos used Bass Boost. 3/30
After healing Marx, Stratos looked back to see that a strange barrier of wind had enveloped Te Ka. While it certainly looked similar to Aero, Stratos wasn't quite sure what the true power behind this attack was, until their newcomer seemed to throw a large gout of water at it. As the water mixed with the wind barrier, it almost looked as if the wind was tossing the water back at Te Ka whenever it would try to escape, effectively pummeling the volcano spirit for twice as hard. Whistling, he looked to AJ saying, "well, that's one neat trick." It was then that Te Ka had retaliated, covering most of the party in lava once more. While Stratos was still on fire, he looked to see that his wounds were already being taken care of once again by the big robot. "Thanks. Again." Looking to see that of the five of them Kel was looking the least well off, Stratos sent yet another Curaga towards the man. Stratos used Curaga on Kel. 2/30
As Stratos had the immense joy of having lava dumped on him, he began just saying an "ow ow ow," as the continuous flames on top of him kept burning. However, soon a familiar looking robot came down to aid them, providing some great health care at affordable rates to the boy. With the robot having healed the boy right up, though still on fire, he simply gave a thumbs up to both Baymax and then over to Kaida who had summoned them. Seeing that the rest of the party was also on fire, he charged his keyblade up with a green light and used it to heal up the newest of them, as they seemed the worse for the wear. Stratos used Curaga on Marx. 1/30
Rolling his shoulder, stretching himself out, Stratos turned to their new team member saying, "well, just another big monster to fell. So I'm always game." As the group made their way to the fight against Te Ka, Stratos summoned his keyblade saying, "let's go." Twirling his keyblade around, the boy summoned an orb of water at the tip of his blade, sending the orb into the sky. As it exploded, clouds started to form and a rain started to fall on the battlefield below, mitigating some of the heat that was coming from the volcano spirit. Stratos used Metronome into Rhythm Mixer. Stratos used april showers
Just a note, Stratos has Blacksmith equipped and equipped player pin, SOS Ring, and moogle badge and has equipped some new abilities, and spent 60 crowns on speed so his stats are now HP: 100 (+6) MP: 7 (+3) Crowns: 8 Speed: 41 (+5) AP: 84/74 (+15)
Stratos knew he probably should've been more confused by the whole turn of events with their new keyblade wielding ally then he was right now, but given that this wasn't the first wolf he had seen with a keyblade nor was his reaction particularly grand to the first, Stratos simply said, "welcome to the party." Soon enough, the topic moved back to Maui and his lack of confidence in his demigod powers due to being unable to change into said animals. First was a hawk and next was a shark. Stratos thought about it some more, and tried to think of what else Maui could change into. They had a sky animal, small, a sea animal, medium. So, naturally, they needed a large land animal. Trying to think of a large land animal they had met, Stratos eventually snapped his fingers saying, "what about a T-rex?"
Going to make Wallet bleed some more and purchase the rumbling rose keyblade Munny: (1260 ---> 10)
Though Stratos had managed to hit solidly against the the crab monster thing, it seemed that it had done little to save Kaida from her current predicament. Panicking a bit, as it seemed that the crab was about to swallow Kaida whole, the boy went out of his defensive stance and tried to close the distance between the two of them as fast as he could. Of course, as there was any amount of distance between them, he wasn't able to actually move faster then the crab could close its mouth, and so it had seemed that he would've been too late to do anything about it. His eyes going wide as it tried to, he paused as he saw that the mouth was still lodged opened. Looking to the culprit, he saw the familiar blade of Lofty Grasp, Beuce's keyblade, keeping the crab creature from completing the first step of the digestion process. With Kaida able to escape the creature, Stratos was only more surprised as the crab monster seemed to possess the strength to not only take a good deal of punishment from their attacks, but also possessed the strength to break a keyblade in two with just the brute force of his claws. Thinking that they'd need to use a bit more power then the average encounter would entail to bring Tamatoa down, Stratos merely said, "metronome." As he did, the familiar fuchsia aura began to flare up around him, letting loose a small burst of sound as it did and coated the others in a similar, yet smaller aura as the power of beginner lessons took up around them. As this happened, Kaida was knocked to the side, being kicked by Tamatoa before asking if anyone else had any ideas. As it began to move towards her more, zeroing in on this meal, Stratos said, "yeah! But it's a loud one, so get ready!" Taking a deep breath, Stratos tried to center himself as he focused on the tune and rhythm that made up his aura. As he let out one more breath he merely said, "Rhythm Mixer." As he did, the fuchsia aura around him flared up once more, seeming to create a sheen of fuchsia around his body, aside from just the usual aura. As it did, a pulse of sound was released once more, as everyone felt more in the groove of fighting, and found the small power his aura granted them grow even stronger. Twirling his keyblade around, a globe of energy began to form at the tip of his keyblade, his aura itself seeming to fuse into this orb as he called out, "Bass Boost!" Swinging his keyblade forward, the globe of energy launched forward and erupted into a large wave of sound, striking the crab monster and letting loose a discordant burst of sound at him as it did. The crab's eyes seemed to move around a bit, confused, as it seemed to have its accuracy lowered and gave Kaida an easier time to escape from its attacks towards eating her. EXP Writer III Words: 511 EXP: 100 Total: 200 Munny: 60 Tamatoa: 900 BP
Stratos had been relatively quiet the whole way through, mostly just confused by everything that had gone on thus far. As he now understood it, their mission was to help a girl who was chosen by the sea take a green gem to a volcano with the help of a large man, who now needed to get his giant hook from the clutches of an enormous crab monster. A crab monster who also collected keyblades. There was also a wolf with a keyblade, though, Stratos wasn't sure if he should've just considered that as strange or par for the course at this point. But, having entered the realm of monsters with the rest of the keyblade masters, Stratos merely sat back and looked on as Kaida and AJ attempted to distract the giant crab so that Maui could go and take his hook back. Unfortunately, despite being quite the braggart, the crab didn't seem to keen on making friends with them nor did he seem like having an actual conversation. As he moved in to strike at Kaida, the boy summoned his keyblade to his side, and began moving forward alongside the rest of the group. After Kel, AJ and the strange wolf that they had decided to bring with them had all made their move, Stratos began one of his own. "Hey crab...thing! You like shiny things! Then how about some of this!" Gripping both of his hand on his keyblade, wisps of golden light began to flow around the boy's keyblade as he began charging up the attack. As the light began to coalesce on his keyblade, Stratos took a breath before saying, "excalibur!" As he called out the name of the attack, the golden light enveloping his keyblade began to take more solid shape, elongating past just the confines of the weapon it was attached to. Creating a large sword of golden light, Stratos swung the hefty light attack towards the crab's underside, trying to force its jaw back upward and prevent it from going to take a bite out of his teammate. As the blade struck hard against the creature, Stratos began to put a great deal of force into the blade as tried to push up with it as hard as he could. Fighting against the monster, the blade soon seemed to become more unstable in shape, before with one final heft upwards it exploded into a large burst of golden light. The burst of the attack seemed to give the creature a slight amount of pause, though it seemed far tougher then to just be brought down by a few motley attacks thus far. With the swing of his blade completing through thin air, as the golden blade no longer existed, Stratos looked to see what the crab would do next. Spinning his keyblade around a bit, the boy took a stance, crouching lower to the ground with his keyblade seeming at the ready to be moved to guard against any oncoming retaliation cat. EXP Writer III Words: 500 EXP: 100 Munny: 30 Tamatoa: 1102 BP
I reached 150 Achievement Points and passed 135 on the way. So, claiming 50 crowns and the bonus +5 HP Spending the 90 Crowns on Speed. Also spending 1150 Munny on Monochrome. So, I now have 1850 Munny ---> 700 Munny 90 Crowns ---> 0 Crowns 95 ---> 100 HP 26 ----> 35 Speed
As the group began to leave the tourist trap island behind, getting on board a boat that Aux had found and moving to worlds unknown. While the boat was certainly a lot more spacious and comfortable then the one they had taken to get to the island world, and the context of their departure was far more positive and upbeat then it was last time, this didn't last for much time either. The further they moved through the sea, the more dangerous and perilous things became as the sea began to churn around them in a more violent fashion. The sky began to darken as the thick clouds began to cover more and more of it, creating a clear indication that a storm was brewing. This indication was only made all the more obvious as lightning began to arc across the sky and and the sound of thunder started boom and echo across the whole of the sea. While Aux seemed to try and get the boat started and moving, it had seemed that whatever was powering the boat was not moving. While Stratos tried to look around to see if there was anything he could do to help get them back to the shore before the storm hit its apex, but as he went to move across the boat, he was knocked off his feet onto the ground. As the waves grew rougher and rougher and rocked the boat harder, Stratos eventually couldn't keep on the boat and longer and was flung off of it, getting thrown into the sea below them. As he was thrown into the water, the boy managed to get up out from the surface of the water, gasping for air and beginning to look every which way that he could. Trying to see if any of his friends had managed to stay aboard or not, the boy couldn't see any of them but that was less because they weren't there, which they may not have been, and more because it was getting harder for him to see anything. The boy was barely keeping above the water by flailing his arms about wildly, but this did little for even less time and after being hit by a wave he was forced down under the water. As it pulled him further and further down, tossing him all about as violently as the water seemed able to, Stratos could do nothing but struggle against the whims of the water. Rennshalt did not have much in way of open water. There was a small lake a small distance away from the town of Himmel, but that was used for drinking, cleaning ,and other such mundane utilities. As a result, use of it for recreation, such as swimming, was strictly prohibited by the laws of his town. While not every one was entirely adherent to this rule, Stratos was not a born trouble maker or thrill seeker, and so he had never actually followed any of his more gungho or rebellious friends in their efforts in frolicking in the water. And, more to that point, it had meant he never had needed the knowledge required to have fun in an open body of water. As such, the boy's struggles and flailing throughout the large body of water was not actually anything close to resembling swimming, as he hadn't the faintest idea on how to swim in the first place. As he continued to try and try and try to keep himself a float, the water seemed intent on dragging him further down under into the watery abyss. While he could hardly see anything underwater, his vision started to get blurrier and his eyes began stinging. The only thing he could really hear was the roaring sound of the waves, muffled by the water that was filling his ears. He hadn't taken the biggest of breaths before being dragged under and soon enough his mouth had opened up and the water had begun spilling in through both his mouth and nostrils, trying to heave out the water while still underneath it. Eventually spots started to form in his vision as his lungs began to burn. Stratos could feel himself blacking out, and he figured that if he did then there was a chance he would never get up again. Though, he hadn't the faintest idea as to what he would do in this churning water, and eventually, he suddenly felt the pull of the water go more forceful then before. As if there was some kind of large rift in the sea that was pulling him through it, the water suddenly started to rush faster and faster in a single direction, before he finally felt as though he was being propelled back in the opposite direction. Being launched in a singular direction, Stratos was flung through the water, and eventually out of it. Landing back in the water, the boy's almost limp body started gently drift through the far less rough waters. Eventually, he had washed up on the shore, barely concious and starting to heave and gasp for air. With water spilling out of his mouth, the boy continued to cough as he slowly got on his hands and knees, bringing his arm to rub the salty water of his eyes. Slowly opening them back up, the boy was seeing nothing but spots in his vision for awhile before he finally managed to blink and see straight again. Getting more shakily onto his feet, he looked over and around, now taking in that he was on an island that didn't look too dissimilar to where they were before, and eventually his eyes landed on some more familiar faces. "Kaida! AJ?" While excited to see them both, he was confused as to how the other boy got here, but shook his head off saying, "glad to see you made it. And good to see you again too AJ. Um," now looking at the large man before them saying, "new friend?"
Alright, will probably stop by here again within this month, but just getting stuff out of the way now. Forgot that I had two AP boosts to redeem last time, so getting that second one redeemed now. Spending 2250 Munny to get Llama Head. Spending 60 of my crowns to get my strength to 45, thus finally obtaining the Dark Knight Job. Spending 50 more to get resistance up to 20. So final stats are like Munny: 3350 ---> 1100 Crowns: 135 ----> 25 Strength: 39 (+5)--->45 (+5) Resistance: 15 ----> 20 AP: 73 (+5) --->74 (+5)
It seemed that at the end of the day, they needed to look for some kind of transportation outside of their keygliders to get across the sea. Looking to Steel he said, "I guess we're better off just going with the boat, since we know it works." As Kaida asked if he had had cake batter ice cream before, the boy gave her a small dumbfounded look, before just chuckling to himself saying, "no. I've had cakes before, and those were pretty good. So, I imagine Cake batter is probably good too?" He looked to the others saying, "do any of you have a recommendation on ice cream flavor?" 31/31
Stratos nodded as Steel added to his thoughts on the matter as well. Looking to Kaida he said, "well, what if we just hovered over the surface of the water? Unless being on a keyglider automatically runs that risk?" Stratos scratched his head, not sure what to make of it before saying, "well, I suppose yeah, we could look to find a boat to own. I'm not really sure if we can find one just lying around for the taking, but, you never know." 30/31
Glad that everyone was on board with the idea of getting ice cream, Stratos walked alongside everyone else as they had found a stand to get something from. As they made their way towards the stand, Steel had asked a question, prompting Stratos to think on it a bit. "And it'd probably be less awkward then trying to secure a boat from someone else here. It's not like we can just borrow one, since well...I don't know if we'd really be good at giving them back." 29/31
Stratos found what Steel said interesting, mostly because he hadn't even thought of the place in that sort of a way before. But, when he had thought about it, the land did have a strange sanctuary type feel to it, with some kind of strange in between feeling. All the same, his thoughts were broken as Kaida had come around to the idea of using a boat and traveling via the sea. Well, come around in the loosest sense of the term. Stratos just kind of stood there, wondering where the girl was actually walking to as she vented out her hatred of boats, looking to the others saying, "well, I guess we should start looking for some boats to procure. Hopefully something bigger than what we had last time." Looking back to the blonde girl he said, "oh, and to help soften the blow, we can see about getting ice cream again before we leave here." 28/31
Looking to Ananta he said, "yeah, it just kind of appeared in my hand one day, and no one else in my world really knew what it was so I just kind of had to go with the flow, so to speak." He nodded as she mentioned they could probably break through if they just tried, and then listened to Kaida and Aux's explanations about the barriers, saying aloud, "so it's a really strong barrier with control on who gets in and out? Well, if it was strong because the Order was protecting it, then we should probably have no problem getting back to the land of departure. After all, we're not there to guard it and Yen Sid isn't so - well, that's actually probably more unsettling now that I think about it, but, I'm sure it'll be fine when we get there." 27/31
"Well, I didn't think it was a bad thing but good to know that we're definitely doing right by the worlds here." Stratos chuckled a bit, looking away from the other two a bit embarrassed,"sorry for asking a lot of these uh, well it seems pretty basic questions. I didn't really get a 'how to manual' with this thing and I didn't have a lot of time to adjust to this whole situation before things started getting crazy." Thinking on it a bit the boy said, "well, I suppose it'd be a problem if we tried to get to the land of departure and its barrier was up. But did Central Haven have one? Before things got...chaotic, from what little I saw it seemed like a hub or gathering place for all kinds of things. So, I'd imagine it want people to be able to get to it, so if it didn't you'd think the Land wouldn't either?" 26/31
Stratos shrugged saying, "well, I probably would've just launched us out into space without knowing it anyway, so any assurance is better than what we had before." Stratos scratched his head as Ananta made her comment saying, "well, I don't know how large the bubble that is this world is, but, I suppose if the heartless are everywhere else in the universe they probably could come here too. Besides, we just locked the keyhole here, so like they might've had the option before? Come to think of it, I know we go around locking them willy nilly, but I'm not actually sure what that's done." 25/31