Mixt, I need help with floor five
I will sit on here all night if I have to, I will catch you and force you to talk to me *Evil laugh*
Why arn't you ever on skype, is it because we arn't posting?
Ansem get on skype earlier
“To stop you from ruining my plans, now tell me why you have returned” she said in an impatient voice. “Because there is a war going on there and our orders from the Emperor are to go to the front lines to see if anything has changed since the gate opened” Kenton said mounting a dragon, he took off as many other dragon riders from the other citadel towers followed.
Kenton came back in “Now we ride for Aria” he said as another dragon landed in the tower. “I am a demon, but this body is borrowed material, I am actually in Aria right now” she said pacing “Now, why have you returned?”
Kenton lead Suri back to the tower she slept in before, once up in the tower Kenton revealed Suri’s new armour that had been forged as a lavender dragon landed in the room “Put it on” he said as left the room. “Call me Atrice” she said as she led him to a small hidden cave outside town “Now tell me what you have learnt since you returned to this world”
After a while Kenton came to Suri “Come with me” he ordered in a stern voice. “Saradi fought their civil war long ago, nothing we can do to stop them from waging a war on each other if they want, not while it’s just the two of us. We just need some where to rest so Alyssa can be ready to cross the desert” Alastair said as he observed the land below them. “Get lost” the soldier said to Bheliar as he drew his weapon “People aren’t meant to be in this town, so I would go the other way if I were you”. Behind Bheliar a woman in a black clock came up “Please forgive my companion” she said as she grabbed Bheliar by the arm and pulled him away, her strength was greater than any human.
“It’s, Saradi, when isn’t there a problem, right now one supports the Empire while the other doesn’t” Alastair said as Alyssa flew towards the border. The town was occupied by soldiers from the Seraphim Empire, unlike the soldiers at the citadel these soldiers didn’t wear heavy armour but instead theirs was more leather and they all wore travelling cloaks.
“We should head to Saradi, either to the Free Lands or the Kingdom, each one has a possibility of something going wrong, after that we have to cross Ungrate” Alastair said, as he finished Alyssa flew up and headed East at a fast speed.
“Unfortunately you picked the worst time to have your epiphany, you know being conscripted and all” Kenton said “Hungry? The great hall should have some food about now” Kenton said leaving Suri. The dragon looked away from Mya as she introduced herself, “Ah, I think she means it’s nice to meet you to” Alastair said as he blatantly lied as he mounted his dragon and offered his hand to help Mya on.
“Maybe its best you don’t know and just keep moving with your life if you feel someone is after you” Kenton said “Maybe your parents did something wrong and you may have to pay the price?” “More of a teenager, but she’s hot blooded, moody and vicious, a winning combination, also doesn’t help that she can rip anyone in half without much effort” Alastair said as he walked next to Alyssa “Anyway, Alyssa this is our new travelling companion, who’s name I have been to rude to ask” Alastair said gesturing towards Mya “Travelling companion, this is our ride who is called Alyssa, which you might have picked up on before”
“And you are clearly drunk, wearing clothe like that, where are you meant to be from, one thousand years ago” the man said as he laughed and fell over passed out.
“Oi” someone shouted at Bhelair, a man who had a mug of ale in one hand and a stick in the other walked over to him, well more stumble but he got there “What are you wearing? Better question where are you from?” the man asked almost falling over.
“Don’t tell her what to do, she might eat you” Alastair said standing between Alyssa and Mya “Alyssa, we had an agreement, you don’t eat any innocent people and you can go and eat all the bandits and wildlife you want, so take the claw off the priest and let him go” Alastair said as if he was talking to a child, the dragon followed his instructions and Alastair faced Mya “This is my dragon Alyssa” “Nightmares?” Kenton asked coming onto the balcony “I’m sure there a lot different from the ones most suffer from” Kenton said as he leaned against the railing.
The mage finished off the remaining consumer by frezzing them and then shattering them, "Hey stop" he said as the two people kept running.
“Wow really? It’s usually harder to get people to come along” he said as he waited outside for Mya, when she came back out he lead her outside as the sound of a dragon roar echoed through the area “Oh god, not again” Alastair said as he ran towards the source, a black dragon that wasn’t to far away from where Mya had been training before had trapped a priest under its foot and looked like it was about to eat him “Alyssa no!” he ordered as they approached, the dragon snarled at Mya before looking down as the priest as it liked its lips.
As soon as they finished talking to armourer Kenton lead them back to the tower that they arrived at earlier, “And this is where you will be staying” Kenton said as they arrived on one of the lower tower levels “Over there is where the beds are and since you are rookies you will be helping the carers” Kenton said indicating a small room to the side “The Guardians are a Dragon Force so you will have to become familiar with dragons, there are two ways to do it, this is the far easier way” Kenton said standing in the middle of the room, he flinched a little as the blue dragon from before climbed up the back of his armour “Lillian get down” he said trying to reach the dragon as it playfully held on.
Kenton lead the two to the armourer who started by taking their measurements and asked them what they wanted to be on their armour and what colour they wanted it to be, he also asked about weapons they wanted. Kenton leaned against the wall while it happened.
Kenton came forward as Alux decided their roles “Those of you that are going to front lines return up the stair case, some officers will direct you to where you need to go, as for you two come with me” he said when he looked at Richmond and Suri and left up the stairs.