The Emperor did not follow Mixt, instead he went to the library, he went straight for a very old book called 'The Four Prophetic Stations' and left the Library, the librarian tried to stay him but he ignored him and simple left the academy, his work was done here. Robert left his room, he passed Phisoxa and Allen, he didn't acknowledge them as he went to go get a meal.
As soon as the documents were signed they transformed, the citizenship one turned into a passport like object and the second turned into a Royal Emblem similar to the Emperor's one. "Welcome to the family son" the Emperor said to Mixt, almost laughing as he opened the classroom door "You are now immune to anything they try and charge you with, oh and now your a prince" the Emperor said as he left the room.
“I have known about you for a long time, since before you were born. You have a great destiny to fulfil, but you will only be able to fulfil it if you are given the proper chance, now that chance is just a signature away. Let’s be honest, you have never belonged here, and the event the other day only proved that, after all you enjoyed it” The Emperor said pacing back and forth.
"Lets just say I enjoy looking out for my investments" he said as he handed Mixt some documents "These documents will make you an official citizen of my Empire and the other my adopted son, both make you immune to being charged with anything in this academy. Its up to you if you sign them, but it does make my job easier, I did plan to have you sign these before something like this happened but of well"
"I wish first to speak to my client alone and in private, as is his right" the man said to Juno "Unless you wish to deny him his rights" the man added as he approached Juno.
The Emperor sighed as Atrox kneeled “Why am I not surprised that you jumped up at this opportunity” The Emperor said standing “Leave us” the Emperor said to everyone else in the room. The other commanders and the guards hurriedly left the room. I have a few conditions before I let you take command, first you are not being promoted, not until you successfully conquer Aria, second, no slaughtering innocents, or mass destruction of the remaining cities or using captured women for your pleasure, if you follow those instructions a General title and lands will be yours” The Emperor said “Finally there is a woman in Aria, she carries the crest of the Dragon Peaks, she and her son are to be brought Alive and Well to the citadel, that is all” the Emperor said waiving Atrox away.
"Of course" he said as he pulled out a small emblem and passed it to Juno, it was the Royal Emblem of Eclipscion only carried by the Emperor. "Ooops, wrong one" he said quickly as he took it back and passed Juno another emblem with some documents that identified him as part of the academy staff.
The town the group entered was mostly empty and quiet, except the Tavern which could be heard across the whole town. Meanwhile at the Sealed Isle at the Citadel the Emperor sat on his throne, all his available commanders sat at the war table in front of him arguing over what the best strategy for finishing of Aria, each one wanting to gain favour and be promoted to the official rank of General. A messenger quickly ran in and bowed before the Emperor and his commanders “Your Majesty, General Harold Fol took the Aria Empire’s capital three days ago, but unfortunately he lost his life in the battle” the messenger said. The Emperor waved him away as he looked to his commanders “So, we now have a vacant spot and we are in need of someone to become the eleventh General of the Aria invasion, I would give it to Kenton but he is not here so who among you will take the spot?” the Emperor asked his commanders.
“I am this young man’s advocate, appointed to him by the academy, you can’t speak with him unless I am here or if he orders me away” the man said as he stood next to Mixt “So now you can speak to him.”
In Nine Kingdoms the main group is heading your way just so you know.
“Okay” Alastair said to Eins as he headed back to the others and headed for town “There should be an Inn or monastery we can stay at, once we have made sure that he is alright we will then wee where we are and what the situation is in the surrounding area”
A man in a black coat entered the Academy, his face hidden by its hood. People starred at him as he walked in but he ignored them as he walked past them, he had a single goal in mind. He walked past a man in a white robe and smirked, he knew the man and any other day he would fight him, but not today. He came up to an almost empty class room and broke the door as he entered "Step away from the young man Juno" he said as he entered.
Alastair looked around as he noticed he had forgotten the other person he had picked up, he saw him a few feet away and went to him "Sorry about your friend, are you alright?" Alastair asked him "We are heading to town, you are welcome to join us"
Alastair didn’t say anything, he simply entered the room and picked a small handgun for himself, along with a combat knife as a backup, it’s all he would need. “We can’t linger, they will be after us in no time and this time there won’t be anyone protecting us” Alastair said to Kendric “That women will hunt us down relentlessly, trust me on that. If it comes down to it, I will hold them off while you all escape” he added as he thought of what to do next. “We need to get to the surface, that obvious, we are probably already the most wanted people in all three countries. What we need to do is vanish for a while, everyone will be after us and most of them probably won’t want to listen and surrendering to them would be more dangerous than running, we need to split up, and we need leverage” Alastair said as he paced back and forth, trying to think of what they could use, he stopped after a few minutes “The stone thing” he said quietly “We can use it.”
Alastair didn’t trust the new comer, he had seen the magic he used but right now they needed to get to safety “This town has a monastery, they should open their doors to us” Alastair said as he walked back over the Alyssa “Go into the trees and rest once we our out of sight” he said quietly so the others wouldn’t hear him.
“Is everyone alright?” Alastair asked as he checked Alyssa’s wounds, he scales were badly damaged and she was bleeding a little but was mostly just exhausted from carrying five people. “You will be alright girl” he said patting her softly on the side. He then checked on Vitan who was still unconscious “Your in bad shape, need to get you to a healer” Alastair said quietly.
Alyssa flew as fast as she could, she was slowed down by the extra weight but even with that she made good speed. Until the other dragons caught up, they proceeded to ram and slash Alyssa as much as they could, Alastair kept them back by swinging his sword at them when they came close but they still attacked. When they reached the Vision border the other Dragons broke off and flew back towards Saradi, Alyssa flew for a few more minutes before she started to fall to the ground, but before she could hit she managed to glide for a few minutes before crashing near a small town with a monastery.
Kenton stepped back as Saradi Soldiers from the free lands filled the gap, the Army had now surrounded the city remains and with that Zwei and Eins. Before they could charge them Alyssa swooped down and grabbed Eins and flew up before the other dragons could react and headed towards Vision. The Empire’s dragon riders gave chase.
The other side of the hill was a steep decline, once on top of the hill Alyssa flew pass it as Alastair jumped and landed on the saddle, as the dragon flew around Alastair examined the field, Suri, the new comer and what looked like two people near the city, he could only take three more people with him, someone needed to be left behind and it was his choice. Alyssa flew low and snatched Suri and the new comer up into her claws and flew towards the entrance “Only one” Alastair said to himself as he flew above them, avoiding the Airship bombardment. As Kenton kept Zwei concentrated on him another two Knights approached Zwei and swung at him from the sides as another headed towards Eins.
Before Vitan could get to Suri Alastair looked up, fear cover his face as a massive shadow came over the group “Look out!” Alastair shouted as the ground behind Vitan exploded, sending him fly up into the air. “Alyssa get him!” Alastair ordered as Alyssa flew straight up and caught Vitan in her front leg. Alastair ran forward and grabbed Suri by the hand and practically started dragging her towards a small hill.