"I'm sorry but get away from him" Alastair said quietly, looking at his sword as the glow slowly faded, he gripped the hand "All demon must die" Alastair added and then looked at the man "Including you, demon" Alastair said as he swung again, he was serious this time, he aimed to kill the man, or rather, to kill the demon.
I should tell you that the person that Alastair attacked in Nine Kingdom is a different person to the one that was healed, the one who was healed...
Before anyone could react Alastair grabbed the mans wrist and held it down on a table, he held Twilight Sacrament in a way that instead of cutting he would stab the hand. Quickly and efficiently the blade came down and stabbed straight threw the mans hand, the blade glowed as Alastair pulled it out and faced the man.
'I never owed you anything, I was free and clear, if anything you put my life in even more risk by making me save you, because of you running to us I was forced to leave someone behind, because of you there was to much weight and Alyssa was slowed down. Now you refuse to prove you are human!" Alastair yelled as he readied. "Why would anyone other then a demon refuse to prove their human?" Alastair asked "I have no reason to trust you, so one last time, prove to me your humanity or be cut down right where you stand!"
"If you truly a demon I can not let you go, seeing as you refuse to prove me wrong I will cut you down" Alastair said, it was a bluff but he said it with such cold determination and indifference that anyone who didn't know him would think he was serious "But if your not a demon then this blade will only hurt a little, then the lovely lady here can heal you, but if you refuse you die"
"I see" Alastair said lowering his blade "Then you won't mind being cut!" Alastair said coldly as he went to stab the man in the shoulder.
"Cut the crap mage, you used dark Magic back there, where did you learn it?!" Alastair shouted at the man, he readied for another attack "And if you are a demon in disguise don't think this is a normal blade, this is Twilight Sacrament, a sword forged centuries ago to kill demons" Alastair said hoping the man would not react the way he feared he would.
“Okay, thank you” Alastair said as he sat down, he thought to himself for a few minutes in silent. When he finally stood back up he drew his sword and swung at the mysterious man who he had brought along, he wasn’t going to hit him, all he was doing was testing the man’s reaction, ‘what will he do?’ Alastair thought to himself as his blade came down.
"We got caught in between a battle fought by the Saradi Kingdom and the Seraphim Empire, war has become between the two, unfortunately out companion here got injured badly in out escape" Alastair said as he sat down "All we wish is some help with magic if that's possible and then be on our way, we can pay for any help" Alastair said, he actually meant he would pay for it but they didn't need to know it.
All right they arrived at the monastery
“No, you’re out of place for using Dark Magic” Alastair said much quieter as they reached the monastery entrance and pushed the doors opened, there were two people inside “Hello, we need help” Alastair said to them.
"It doesn't involve ripping her still beating heart out of her chest does it?" Robert said leaning against the wall "Because I am totally against that type of stuff, now if you don't mind I am feel sleepy and I would like at least five seconds of sleep before this academy gets levelled, now I gave you what you wanted get lost" Robert said calmly "Or I could chop you up into one thousand and one pieces and let you reattach yourself, I could go either way at the moment"
"Does it really matter how I know, I simply listen, maybe you shouldn't be so loud? You better win Nny, I'm putting money on you" Robert said as he turned the corner and left, heading back to his room to sleep, but as soon a she heard that the guy was looking for he popped back around the corner "You mean Phisoxa? I saw her before, I think she was going to her room"
"And just like that you lost me as well, your not impressive, nor scary, your not strong or awesome, you are vain, weak and pathetic, if you think your scary I can show you real horror" Robert said with a yawn "At least that is what I would like to do, but I'm tired, I leave this to you Nny" Robert said walking away.
"As we said sloppy, this wasn't planned at all, and your not intimidating" Robert said to the man "I can turn the lights back on a lot easier then it took you to turn them off so say your cryptic threat and messages, fight us and then run away after we beat you like a god starter boss" Robert said mocking the man.
Robert entered the hallway just as Nny left to get help, he stopped just in front of the corpse "Seems everyone is killing each other these days" Robert said as he looked closer "How long till we are killing each other in the hallways?" he asked himself. "You know if the killer was any good he would come down here and check that the victim died in the fall"
"Of course, he took a dragon tail straight to the gut, then caught in an explosion and finally dropped on the ground, he is dying" Alastair said "Why are you so concerned?' Alastair asked the man.
"Here" Alastair said passing a pouch of gold coins to the mage girl "Go book us a room at the Inn or tavern while we take this guy to the monastery" Alastair said leading the mysterious man in a different direction.
Robert was heading back to his room after having a quick meal when he passed Allen and Phisoxa, he over heard them complaining about Mixt getting away with murder, he had heard about what had happened but hadn't gotten involved "Murderers is what these academies were founded for" Robert said as he passed them, he didn't stop to talk, he didn't even mean to say it, it was like someone else had taken over to speak for a second.
"Why are you two so suspicious?" Alastair asked confused "Its getting dark, most of them are probably at the tavern drinking or at home having dinner, these small towns are like that. We should head to the monastery" Alastair said as he lead the way.