“Yes I am well aware and no, the one guard who was down here was napping, he has since been arrested and thrown in the dungeon” The Emperor said “Now, I want you to study this gate and see if it is possible for anything else to come or go, and if it is, find a way to make sure they can’t come through, even if you have to build a wall in front of it” The Emperor said “As for your apprentices I want two of them assigned to Commander Kenton’s Guardians and the rest will be sent to the front lines in Aria” The Emperor ordered, he then left the room.
“It is an honour to meet you, unfortunately the subject I called you here for is now unimportant, I assume you know where we are so I will skip the long explanation, a few hours ago, this gate opened and something from the other side came through” The Emperor said as he directed everyone attention towards the gate.
Kenton helped Suri down, as soon as they were liberated from their temporary riders the dragons all took off without hesitation, after helping Suri a woman in her late thirties in royal garments came and talked to Kenton in a very low voice, her expression was of worry as she left “I am afraid dinner must wait, the Emperor is waiting for you, the situation has changed” Kenton said as he led the group down the tower, once they reached the main level he led them down a hidden staircase that took them deep under the Citadel and eventually after a few minutes in the dark they emerged in a large room that was dimly lit, a massive hollow gate stood in the centre of the room. The architecture was different and much older than the rest of the Citadel. In the room there were many guards that looked like they were ready for a fight, but one stood out amongst the rest, his armour was black and a lot bigger than the others, “Your majesty, Commander Kenton reporting back” Kenton said as he kneeled in the mans presence, the man turned and slowly walked towards the group.
It didn’t take long for the group to be flying over the mountain ranges of the Seraphim Empire, in the distance one of the Empire’s Airship Fleets could be seen as well as wild dragons flying through the mountain ranges below. Some of the wild dragons started flying alongside the group until they reached the shore line, the wild dragons broke off as the land mass vanished behind them. After a few more hours of flying the towers of the Citadel on the Sealed Isle became visible as the sun rose, the towers had hundreds over dragons flying around them as the group landed, each tower was a home to Dragons, most floors where big enough to have eight dragon nests that were filled with multi-coloured dragon eggs. Kenton hopped of his dragon as his soldiers landed at other towers. The blue dragon that flew with them followed Kenton around like a puppy as he helped the apprentices dismount their dragons.
The Dragons let Alux and the others on, though they were obviously unhappy about letting strangers ride them. Kenton and his men all hopped on Dragons to escort them. The dragons all flew up at the same time and flew towards Sealed Isle at a fast speed, at the rate they were going they would reach the Isle close to dawn. A little blue dragon flew in formation alongside Kenton.
“Ah yes” the young man said “My name is Alastair, I have a proposition for you, I am a dragon rider and I plan to go to Aria to fight against the Seraphim, but not as part of the Aria army or any army, I am trying to gather exceptional people to help me fight, and I’m not talking about the Seraphim Soldiers, I mean the ones behind all of this, the Emperor and his lackeys. Anyway I saw you training and was wondering if you would join me?” Alastair said in one breath, as soon as he finished he took a deep breath as he waited for a reply.
“Yes, you must go now” Kenton said to Alux “A flight of well-trained dragons are waiting to take you to Sealed Isle where the Emperor has invited you all to ‘dinner’” Kenton said as he turned and left, the soldiers moved out of his way as he approached, they remained spread out to let Alux and his students to pass as a group of Dragons landed outside the building. They leaned down so they could be mounted.
“I am Commander Kenton of the Guardians, The Emperor has sent a personal invitation for you to meet him, and it’s not optional Alux” The Lyle said, his face and features hidden behind his armour “It also extends to you students” he added as some of his soldiers came in the front door behind him, their armour all had the same emblem on their left shoulder. The sounds of bells started ring threw out the Sealed Isle Citadel as the guards in every section prepared for battle as if some threat was detected. The Citadel guards also started locking down key areas of the Citadel making it almost impossible to leave unnoticed. There was a knock at Mya’s door as a young swordsman dressed in black stood there waiting for her answer.
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Okay lets start One night in Xamia’s dark forest a small army of Seraphim soldier’s found the estate of a talented magic user and his students, the commander of the soldier’s burst into the main hall as the estate was surrounded by his soldier’s “I wish to see the head of this estate!” he ordered to a young house servant.
Your character is accepted into Nine Kingdoms, and you like SAO? How far are you? Have you read the Light Novels?
Nine Kingdoms: Forever War In a far off world called Fare Demons ruled with an Empire that expanded across the southern continent of the planet called Phobis until the humans slaves toppled it and sealed the Demons beyond the Demon Gate in what is known as the Demon War. The humans were lead by six heroes that eventually founded the Seraphim Empire in place of the demons and at first they flourished. Until an army from the northern continent invaded and occupied the northern section of the Empire, with the Empire now at war with the North the rest of the Empire started growing unstable and rebellions kept appearing while until the Empire was a shell of itself and five kingdoms and another Empire appeared alongside the Seraphim Empire. Since then the Kingdoms have lived in peace until now. In the Seraphim Empire the Emperor has died and been succeeded by his eldest son who has started invading its neighbouring kingdoms and has begun invading the Aria Empire. There is more to the war then people think as an unseen force pulls the strings….. Locations & Nations View attachment 33028 Seraphim Empire The Seraphim Empire is the Empire that was founded after the Demon War and largest nation located in the Southern reaches of the continent. Following the Demon Wars the Empire has slowly lost its territory until it was a shell of what it was, but now the new Emperor has begun a Campaign to retake its former territory. The Seraphim Empire military is known as the most powerful military force on the continent. Dragons are native to the country and as a result, the Seraphim Empire army rears these mighty beasts as partners for their Dragon Riders, further increasing their military power. It’s also the only country to practice all three arts of magic in large scale and uses the magic to create powerful large airships that are used to bomb ground armies. The Seraphim Empire’s capital is stationed in the mountains, making it near impenetrable. Over the centuries the Empire has been building up its armies in preparation for when it would eventually retake Phobis. The Sealed Isle is a remote island of the Coast of Seraphim in the South that was once the Capital of an Empire that came before the Demons and where the Demon's Gate is located. The current Emperor has rebuilt the citadel there and is using this island as his base of operations while he plots his secret campaign. The island is notoriously difficult for ships to sail to and is a death sentence for inexperienced sailors and adventurers. The island is the origin of dark magic and is where the Imperial Church has been perfecting dark magic to best the other nations. To its north are the Kingdoms Vain and Xamia. Xamia Empire The Xamia Empire is a medium sized monarchy bordering the Seraphim Empire, Ungrate Desert and the Kingdom of Vain. When the Seraphim Empire begun its invasion the prince of Xamia killed his father and surrendered to the Seraphim Empire. Xamia is divided into urban and agricultural sections. The Emperor rules from the Capital city of Xamia Keep, deep within the country. Many fringe cities line the edge of Xamia's borders; many of these are comprised of farmland. There are many lakes which border Castle Ren in the Vain-Xamia border at the northern edge of the country. Currently its territory has been under the control of the Seraphim Empire for twenty years. Vain Kingdom Vain is a kingdom that is located in the southern section of the continent with Ungrate Desert to the north, Xamia to the south-west and Seraphim Empire to its south. The Kingdom of Vain was ruled by Xemit, the peerless Warrior King. It enjoyed a long-standing treaty with its southern neighbour Seraphim until recently, when Seraphim, under the command of the Emperor, invaded Vain and killed King Xemit. Currently its territory has been under the control of the Seraphim Empire for eight years. Vision Kingdom Vision Kingdom is the second largest country in the far west. Its capital city is Jahlia. The Kingdom of Vision is known to have established itself as a country of artisans and is famous for the Angla Church, which is based there. The Vision Kingdom Military has three generals, who are appointed by the King. It may be noted that Light Magic is often associated with Vision Kingdom, due to the presence of the Angla Church and thus several famous light magic users having a form of connection to Vision through their membership in the church. The Western Isles are an archipelago of three separate islands off the coast of Vision and was originally colonized by the Seraphim Empire but has since fallen to Vision. Falberina is the largest of the three islands. Caledonia lies to the south and it is where Castle Eduna is situated. Grina, the smallest island, is located to the north. The islands are rich in minerals and resources, although piracy and banditry often occurs in the islands. Since the Western Isles are water locked and isolated from other countries, it is hard for even the mighty Vision to keep a firm grasp on the law of the land and with its intricate system of small islands, it makes a perfect haven for pirates to do their bidding. Saradi Free Lands Saradi Free Lands are home to the nomadic tribes, they are famed swordsmen, as well as horse riders who usually fight from horseback. The Vision Kingdom is to the west and the Saradi Kingdom to its north while the Ungrate Desert is to the east and south. Originally part of the Saradi Kingdom the nomadic tribes managed to force the Saradi Kingdom out with support from the Seraphim Empire. Currently the nomadic tribes are uniting to support the Seraphim Empire. Saradi Kingdom The Saradi Kingdom is the third largest kingdom, it is a desert nation located in the central region of the continent and expanding west and bordering Vision and the Saradi Free Lands, to its direct East and north is the Ungrate Desert. As a desert nation, the country is well known for its mercenary guilds, of which the Queen is the highest Guild master. Currently it is preparing for war with the Seraphim Empire. Deria Alliance Deria Kingdom is the fourth largest country on the continent and inhabits most of the Northern Region. It was the landing point for the army from the northern continent. It lacks the unity of the other nations and consists of many fledging kingdoms vying for power, usually weak the kingdom unties whenever a foreign power tries to invade or when a strong ruler unites the land for a crusade south. Aria Empire The Aria Empire is a theocracy dedicated to the goddess Ariana. Aria is the fifth largest nation on the continent and is the only country located in the east, and only has borders with Deria and the Ungrate Desert. The Seraphim has recently launched a surprise invasion against the Aria Empire and so far the Aria Empire has not been able to slow their advance and has suffered heavy losses. Ungrate Desert The Ungrate desert is in the centre of the continent, it is harsh and almost impossible to live in for though it does have a vast wildlife that cannot be found anywhere else. Ilium Ilium is the only other known human continent located north of Phobis and is the origin of humanity. It has been reduced to a barren and icy wasteland. Its cities and towns have been destroyed and the country's harsh snowy weather makes it impossible to farm anything, the last scraps of humanity formed the army that took the Northern Region of Phobis and formed the Deria Alliance. It was once home to the first human Empire that rivalled the Demon Empire in everyway, but the two eventually went to war that the humans lost. The Demons took half the remaining human population to Phobis to rebuild their own empire while cursing Ilium with a dark spell called Eternal Winter that eventually drove out the remaining humans. Animas Anima is a continent located west of is the origin of the Ancients or as they were originally called Alia, they left their continent for unknown reasons and settled on Phobis. The people who live there now are an offshoot of the Ancients during the Ancient-Demon war who escaped the Ancient’s capital on Tara Island (Now known as Sealed Isle) during the final days of the war and now call themselves the Anima, they have slowly rebuilt their people and only now have made slight contact with the humans of Phobis. They unfortunately lost almost all of their magical knowledge during the war. Magic Arts Gaia Magic Gaia Magic is the most basic magic brought to the world by a now extinct race. It uses the power of the world to manipulate the world according to the users will but is very limited, though it is also used to enchant weapons and is also the main source of power for the Seraphim Airships. Light Magic Light Magic was thought to be created in humanities rebellion against the demons and was designed to kill demons and protect humans, so it is seen as a holy art by most people but in truth it was actually created by demon rebels as a variant of Dark Magic taught their human allies, historians later changed these demons into the gods that humans have come to worship as to hide the origin of Light Magic. Light magic usually manifests as a blinding burning light or a massive inferno, or both. It is also capable of easily healing people. Dark Magic Dark Magic was created by Demons during their war with their ancient creators and tipped the war in the favour. It was created to devastate Ancients, Dragons, Humans and any demons that allied with them. Many humans condemn Dark Magic but some cults practice it and the Imperial Church has recently begun teaching it. It usually manifests as physical shadows or black goo. It is also capable of summoning monsters and corrupting animals to do the casters bidding. Creatures Demons Demons where originally created by a now thought extinct Ancient race that the Demons rebelled against and wiped out. The Demons managed to create their own magic and used it to create a parallel world called Ria where they resided for thousands of years. Eventually the Demons split into two factions, ones that regretted destroying their creators and other that believed they should return to fare and conquer the planet. The extreme faction eventually left their world and repapered in Phobis which was now inhabited by a Dragon Empire. Realizing the Dragons could be a threat they had a war with the dragons and wiped most of them out, leaving a few as wild animals in the south. They built their own Empire over the remains of the Dragon Empire and also remained connected with the more reluctant demons that remained in the parallel world. They then discovered the Northern Continent Ilium and discovered that its inhabitants looked much like their creators, insulted they enslaved the humans out in a war and used them to rebuild their Empire. It was at this point the demons that returned to Fare realized they could no longer reproduce, even though the demons in Ria still could. It was at this point the humans rebelled against the demons. No longer able to sustain their numbers and the heavy demon casualties from the humans light magic eventually forced the remaining demons to retreat to Ria threw the Demon gate as the Humans sealed it behind them. All demons don’t suffer from aging. Each Demon has a unique ability that can range from mundane to extreme and has two forms, a monstrous form and a more human like form. The human form is capable of looking completely normal or carry traits of their monstrous form. It depends on the demon. Dragons Dragons came from a far off continent and built their new Empire on Fare long after the Ancients had been wiped out and the Demons exodus. For many years they lived in harmony until the Demons returned. At first the Dragons tried to make peace but eventually they committed to the war, but at that point the war was already lost as their cities were levelled to the ground. Most of the surviving Dragons fled across the ocean to find a new land while the few thousands that remained fought the demons till only a handful remained. As a final insult the demons erased their knowledge from the Dragons and reduced them to the mentality of animals. Once the demons were driven off fare the Humans started using the dragons as mounts. Dragons once had the ability to transform between human form and their dragon form. They lost it when the demons wiped their minds, though there is a rumour that intelligent dragons are returning. All dragons could use Gaia Magic to devastating levels. Anima The Anima are the primary descendants of the Alia or Ancients, and determining when Alia history ended and where Anima history began is nigh impossible. They led the remnants of the Alia Empire located on the other continents named the Animus Empire ruled by the Anima, but it was crushed by many rebellions of their slave races like the humans of Ilium and most of the Alia and Anima on the other continents returned to Animas, were absorbed by the new races or destroyed. The Anima have risen again and re-established the Animus Empire but carefully branching out and scouting the other nations instead of simply invading. Other scattered descendants of the Phobis and Ilium survivors of are located in most countries. The Anima look almost identical to humans except they are shorter and have slightly pointed ears, hey keep their ties to the Alia or Ancient secret. Orcgian During the Alia-Demon war many Alia where captured and experimented on by the Demons and turned into the Orcgians. The first Orcgians were created when the Demons wanted fresh cannon fodder for the war and turned many of their prisoners into Orcgians to be this, but the transformation sent them mad and eventually the Demons gave up on them and exterminated them so they could focus on the war, but many survived and fled to the Ungrate Desert. When the Dragons arrived on Phobis the Orcgains attempt a war against them but were driven back, but the dragons could never finish them off, saw thing happened when the Demons returned. But during the Demons rule they slowly lost their madness and started serving the Demons who gave them knowledge and they built a city in the Ungrate desert, but when the Humans rebelled the Orcgain abandoned the Demons and fortified their city and used magic to make the desert uninhabitable to anyone but them, occasionally they send raids out against nearby Human Kingdoms but for the most part they keep to themselves. Orcgains are usually very large and have skin that varies between green and brown. Vampires Vampire have recently emerged on Phobis, Vampires are powerful beings, fiercely independent and incredibly individualistic, even the weakest one has power beyond that of any normal human, to them humans are little more than cattle to be harvested, and yet they hide in the shadows of human society, parasites that stalk the night. Though they drink blood they aren’t actually dependant on it, it’s more of an addiction the makes them temporarily stronger. The vampires are weaker in sunlight but don’t die from it, but in their weakened state humans can fight them easily. All vampires have pale skin and red eyes, they have conclaves hidden threw out Phobis. Please only ages 13 and up. Romance is ok, but keep it tame. You cannot control other people's characters. Follow the forum rules. Try to have fun! Thanks goes to love for the map. The rp will be starting in the Aria Empire during the Invasion. Character Sheet Name: Gender: Age: Weapons: Appearance: Nationality: Personality: Bio: Name: Emperor Gabriel Heming Vaunt Seraphim the VIII Gender: Male Age: 41 Weapons: Durandal Appearance: Gabriel is a tall and well built man, he usually wear black heavy armor even when in the throne room. He has blonde short hair and blue eyes. Nationality: Seraphim Personality: Gabriel is a very quiet person, the most he speaks is at the war councils and he mostly keeps to himself, except when he is with his wife who he has a soft spot for. Bio: Gabriel was the heir to the Seraphim throne, and the son of Empress Ryiola. Gabriel was a very gifted child, and it was obvious that he would become a fine ruler of Seraphim Empire. However, his spiteful father Emperor Cain Seraphim tried to stop him from taking the throne since his father had a mistress who had bore him a child and he wanted that child to take the throne instead. Gabriel and his half-sister loved each other dearly, but Cain also wanted to bring an end to their contact and eventually made it impossible for them to interact. At Gabriel’s coming of age feast Cain attempted an assassination by handing his son a goblet of poisoned wine. Gabriel fell ill from the poison, but did not die. However, with the help of his close allies who had grown tired of cain, he stayed in hiding and had a false funeral arranged. When Cain stepped up to the casket to view Gabriel's body at the funeral, Gabriel, now in a lust for revenge, rose and stabbed his father to death. Following his father’s death his supporters killed his father’s mistress but he managed to reach his half-sister in time and had her exiled for her own protection. Now the new Emperor he started by building the new fortress on Sealed Isle and with the armies his father had built up launched an invasion of The Xamia Empire. The Xamia Empire was caught off guard and most of its armies crushed, Gabriel offered its leader the chance to surrender but he refused and continued the war, but Gabriel had a backup plan, rather than crush the Xamia armies and make the remaining people hate him he convinced the Xamia’s prince to betray his father to save the Xamia people, the prince assassinated his father and in the confusion Seraphim troops took out the remaining Xamia officer still committed to fighting the war without destroying the armies. He then aided the rebuild of towns and cities and had the remaining armies of Xamia slowly intergratted themselves into the Seraphim army. He then spread rumours that Xamia’s ruler had been conspiring with demons and the people of Xamia started blaming their former ruler for the war and so Gabriel had Xamia’s prince installed as a Hero as the now reinforced Seraphim-Xamia army now spread slowly into the Vain Kingdom. The war with the vain Kingdom was a lot slower since Gabriel ordered his generals to avoid attacking cities. Eventually this worked in his favour as the people eventually rebelled against Vain and after years of war Vain was now part of the Empire. Gabriel personally killed Vain’s king and then returned to Sealed Isle and let his Generals deal with the invasion of the Aria Empire. Name: Lyle Kenton Gender: Male Age: 28 Weapons: Grand Reave (Two handed Sword) Appearance: He has dark brown hair and wear heavy armour that is dark grey. He wear normal clothes outside battle. Nationality: Aria Personality: Lyle is a kind hearted man who looks out for his people, but he is willing to sacrifice a town to the Seraphim if it gets him closer to his goal. Bio: A former captain of the Aria Military. Kenton was one of the top soldiers in the military despite his rank and age, and took on the duty of protecting his people in Seraphim occupied land. But his constant struggle against the Empire eventually wore him down to the point where he betrayed the Aria Empire, selling out his commander in exchange for the right to rule Aria’s former territory once the Seraphim win so he can make sure his people are treated right. He is currently one of Gabriel’s highest rank soldiers with his own force called the Guardians. As gift of good faith Lyle was given a dragon egg by the Emperor the egg hatched into a female blue dragon he named Lillian who he is currently raising. Name: Alastair Vaun Midaya Trios Gender: Male Age: 19 Weapons: Twilight Sacrament Appearance: He has an average build, he has black hair and usually wears black coats and clothing. Nationality: Aria-Seraphim Personality: Is a calm person who usually travels alone. He is fiercely against Seraphim’s invasion and expansion, he believes in gathering a small group to stop it. Bio: Alastair was born in the Seraphim Empire, his mother though was born in Aria and he has suffered somewhat from others because his appearance is more similar to someone from Aria then Seraphim. His father who is a Dragon Knight taught Alastair to fight using lances and swords, he took a preference to swords for their more heroic look. When he was seven his father gave him a dragon egg that hatched into a female black dragon he named Alyssa and was given the demon slaying sword Twilight Sacrament. When the invasion of Aria began Alastair and his mother were sent into exile and eventually arrived in Vision, since Alastair has been training to fight Seraphim.
The mage teleported inbetween the consumers and the ones running away, he raised a hand towards the consumers and used firaga to set them on fire, most of them where burned to ash but the last two adapted before that. The mage counted by freezing them and shattering their frozen bodies.
From the shadows of ruined buildings a few consumers came running out towards the two, but behind them a hooded mage watched the two run.