{OP updated. <: Tomorrow is the last day to turn your stuff in! I really, really can't make exceptions for late songs this time around because I actually need the couple of days to set everything up. This is my first time uploading the file to the server myself as an admin and just in case I blow up the site or w/e I need some time. ;__; }
{ what thE **** WHAT ?!?!?!? WHAT ?!??!?!?!??!?!} Spoiler I AM DYING. I WISH I DIDN'T HAVE TO ADD SOMETHING OF SUBSTANCE HERE BECAUSE HONESTLY I'M JUST LIKE ???????????????? IS THIS THE REAL LIFE????? UM. I DON'T. WHAT. Okay so I hated that they went back in time. Time traveling episodes are like the worst in series for me because I'm not patient enough to want to watch all of that happen again and the same stuff usually goes wrong yaddayadda waste of time. So that was obnoxious, but it was a massive dose of Emma x Killian so that was kind of nice because he is a beautiful man, and it didn't drag on so i was cool. BUT ... When Emma saved that prison ***** I was like nope this is a bad idea nope nope nope. And seeing Regina's expression ... Why can't she ever just be happy, jesus heck. ;___; why this. AND ELSA??? THE SNOW QUEEN??? what is hAPPENING i don't even know how to feel about this
{ wh- wha } { omfg LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE }
{ Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay. Anyone can start the call for FNC when you're ready. <: I'm there just ... feeling awkward interrupting the chat lol. }
{ Yeah! I'm always accepting those so whenever anyone feels like sending one in go ahead. :'D }
Spoiler Hello Spoiler Hello
{ The base is spawn. But yay! Thank you! Well, Friday Night Crafting starts at 7PM EST so that's around when. We'll wait for everyone to trickle in before heading out. }
{ I've installed an anti-griefing mod so that we can figure out who keeps breaking stuff. Mob griefing is off, which means it's been members breaking blocks and stealing junk. The mod logs all activity and does a lot of other neat stuff, so if you find something broken or missing and want to know what's going on, ask and I can find out. You guys should already know this but please don't break people's things??? ? ?? It feels silly to have to say this lol. if you accidentally break something, please fix it and before you take stuff from people, ask. .__. Anyone caught griefing will be spoken to once and then banned on the second offense. We also have a whitelist now so no one outside of it will have access to the server. If you run into any problems please let me know. }
{ Hey guys, I made new signs for some chests on the north wall of the base. If you have any stuff for the ~ battle ~ tomorrow night, please put it there. I'll be gradually moving that stuff to where the stronghold is. Probably a good idea to make some beds too so that if we die we'll spawn there lol. The stronghold has a lot of creepers and idk what else. Also if you have any ender pearls / blaze powder that'd be cool too because we need a few more 'eye of ender's to activate the portal. }
{ Yepppp. Found one the other day after gathering stuff and getting some help from Cal and Kairi. Decided not to even attempt that alone. }
{ Maybe not individually, but collectively we have a ****-ton of stuff. Enchantments [ we keep our levels when we die so that's pretty op ], weapons, potions, armor, food, pumpkins, etc. We would just have to coordinate it and prepare, which I'll help do later on tonight and tomorrow morning. If nothing else, it'll be fun. ; n ; }
[raw]<iframe width="350" height="240" src="//w2.countingdownto.com/543972" frameborder="0"></iframe>[/raw] { Just a reminder that tomorrow is Friday Night Crafting. :'D If enough people are on and feel up to it, we should go fight the Ender Dragon maybe aaaay. }
{ Locked upon request. }
{ Cries please read the rules }
{ CONGRATULATIONS TO THE WINNERS. And thank you to those who posted to help move things along. We did it! I hope you guys actually play with us because i swear 2 god #J-DAWG OUT }
{ Getting close. ~ }