Search Results

  1. Jayn
    { moved even though i'm not misty }
    Post by: Jayn, May 27, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Jayn
    { Okay, it looks like I'm not getting them. If you're not in the clear in the OP I haven't received anything from you. The chorus email isn't receiving them for some reason, so you can either PM them to me if you have a link, or email me at

    For those of you who have sent them to the chorus email, you just need to forward those emails to the klairecross email.

    Sorry. ;_____; }
    Post by: Jayn, May 27, 2014 in forum: KHV Chorus
  3. Jayn
    { Hey guys, when you send in your parts could you do me a favor and let me know here? Some emails haven't been getting through and I want to make sure I have everything. ~ u ~ }
    Post by: Jayn, May 26, 2014 in forum: KHV Chorus
  4. Jayn

    Random stuff.

    >> 21 every day for two weeks.

    >> CURRENT: 21
    Thread by: Jayn, May 26, 2014, 4 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  5. Jayn
    { Well, while Fork raps those back up lines for Fresh Prince, I thought it may be nice to practice some animating and launch a DR. v: I'll be purging the OP of inactive members, but for those of you still around and interested, you may be getting a PM from me soon. ~ }
    Post by: Jayn, May 25, 2014 in forum: KHV Chorus
  6. Jayn
    Profile Post Comment

    Replied to your PM! :')

    Replied to your PM! :')
    Profile Post Comment by Jayn, May 25, 2014
  7. Jayn
    { As long as it's pretty I don't care. v: }
    Post by: Jayn, May 25, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Jayn
  9. Jayn
    { Hello friends. For this FNC I have spent like 7 hours now trying to set up a game for us and it's finally working. If you want to play, you should get online. :') We're playing hide and seek.

    Basically, this except for a lot more simple because first time and it was a pain getting the thing to work at all;

    I'll work on a proper arena after tonight on my own time that'll make it more elaborate but until then, this will exist for tonight and then be destroyed [ or renovated ] before tomorrow. You get 10 stupid tokens to use but we don't have the shop set up so if you win, I'll let you pick 10 things you need instead like 10 diamonds or 10 flowers or w/e. }
    Post by: Jayn, May 23, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  10. Jayn


    { Ganbatte Novabu. (*‿*✿)}
    Post by: Jayn, May 22, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Jayn
    { Be Prepared, Hellfire and Poor Unfortunate Souls definitely come to mind. However, I think some of the best villain songs are ones that are a bit more subtle. One of my favorites is Mother Knows Best and the reprise.

    This is a deceptive, manipulative person who 'loves you' in their own way but tries and control you by making you fearful of everything or making you feel like they're all you have - and that's a bit more real to me and what makes the song so great imo. I've literally had family basically express this whole reprise to me and make me feel terrible for making my own choices simply because I wasn't listening to them anymore and I know a lot of people actually have someone like that in their life, so it speaks to me in a different way than the other ones do. }
    Post by: Jayn, May 20, 2014 in forum: Music
  12. Jayn
    Profile Post Comment


    Profile Post Comment by Jayn, May 19, 2014
  13. Jayn
  14. Jayn
    { Hey, I saw some signs for another project? o: When you guys make projects you'd like people to contribute to, can you please post about them so I can add them to the OP under 'projects' and know what's going on lol }
    Post by: Jayn, May 18, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  15. Jayn
    { Skipped until l figure out how I want to draw you. ~ Will be done soon. }


    { Based on how drew you from the Garden of Eve RP ... without the facial hair xxx. }
    Post by: Jayn, May 18, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Jayn
    { Okaaay! Updated the thread.

    We're running out of songs that are suggested in general and not for anything specific so please, suggest here:

    If you're missing achievements you need, as stated before please tell me and I will award them to you. v: The points spreadsheet is updated!

    Also remember you guys can use your points to sing whatever you want! }
    Post by: Jayn, May 17, 2014 in forum: KHV Chorus
  17. Jayn
    { Thank you so much for participating, everyone! It seriously means a lot to me. If no one joined or supported each other this wouldn't be able to happen. ;___; You can find the downloads in the description! }

    Post by: Jayn, May 17, 2014 in forum: KH-Vids Radio
  18. Jayn
    { [/hides] Thank you guys ;___;

    Mish. <33 I'm really glad you joined I missed you. }
    Post by: Jayn, May 17, 2014 in forum: KH-Vids Radio
  19. Jayn
    { ;__; Cal. <33 Such a strong voice.}
    Post by: Jayn, May 17, 2014 in forum: KH-Vids Radio
  20. Jayn
    { omg Shy. <33 I LOVE your energy. Every time you sing you're really passionate and it makes me really happy. ; w ; <33 Love it! }
    Post by: Jayn, May 17, 2014 in forum: KH-Vids Radio