Search Results

  1. Jayn
    { Such passion. Dat vibrato. ;____; [/pulls from ice fortress] @SPACESHIP }
    Post by: Jayn, May 31, 2014 in forum: KH-Vids Radio
  2. Jayn
    { Dances. You don't sound sick, Fork. ~ u ~ I'm diggin' it. }
    Post by: Jayn, May 31, 2014 in forum: KH-Vids Radio
  3. Jayn
    { omg the memories @Anixe. Lovin' the energy. Singing along with you. :'D }
    Post by: Jayn, May 31, 2014 in forum: KH-Vids Radio
  4. Jayn
    { First ending to Mirai Nikki. :'D }
    Post by: Jayn, May 31, 2014 in forum: KH-Vids Radio
  5. Jayn
    { Thank you guys. ;___; Wish I had time to do the full thing but alas. awhiohja


    Fearless, I love the ~ Lana ~ tone you have here. So mellow and nice. * u * }
    Post by: Jayn, May 31, 2014 in forum: KH-Vids Radio
  6. Jayn
    { Cries forever. I love this. I think this is my favorite song you've done. @SynK }
    Post by: Jayn, May 31, 2014 in forum: KH-Vids Radio
  7. Jayn
    { holy heck great job on that long note tale * v *


    [/Sways] you have a really pretty voice, cstar. Do you sing outside of KHV/internet stuff? }
    Post by: Jayn, May 31, 2014 in forum: KH-Vids Radio
  8. Jayn
    { I really love your voice Tale. ;___; }
    Post by: Jayn, May 31, 2014 in forum: KH-Vids Radio
  9. Jayn
    { This song is ... really inappropriate omg. But yeah, rock on Mish! }
    Post by: Jayn, May 31, 2014 in forum: KH-Vids Radio
  10. Jayn
    Karaoke Night will be starting soon! [ Hopefully, after this long song lol. ] Oh, okay, should be up now. Sorry for being late. I just got home and no one I asked to put the thread up was around, I guess. ;__;

    1. Poison - Mish
    2. Kings & Queens - Tale_Wind
    3. Zombies - Cstar
    4. Sayonara Memories - SynK
    5. Blood Teller - Jayn
    6. Video Games - Fearless
    7. Ready Steady Go - Anixe
    8. All My Friends - Fork
    9. Let It Go - Tummer
    10. Hyadain no Kakakta Kataomoi-C - Skyheart
    11. Gun - Beau
    12. Endless Despair II - Laplace
    Thanks to everyone who mixed your own! It's a huge help to me!
    Thread by: Jayn, May 31, 2014, 69 replies, in forum: KH-Vids Radio
  11. Jayn
    { Going to set up for 6PM est tomorrow. ~ }
    Post by: Jayn, May 31, 2014 in forum: KHV Chorus
  12. Jayn
    { Helllllooooo. It's Friday Night Crafting so if you've got the time, it'd be cool if you logged onto the server. ~ w ~ @Beau has really helped me with fixing up the hide and seek arena, so in an hour or two I'll probably try to host a game if you'd like to play. There are like eight rooms now, but the second floor needs some work done so doing that atm. I don't remember the winners from last time because last time was kind of cray cray but this time I'll give you guys your rewards. Also @Llave I believe I have some levels to give you so next time you're online while I am let me know

    edit: waiting for synk to get online. }
    Post by: Jayn, May 30, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  13. Jayn
    R U L E S !! ( UPDATED )

    It's been a while so if you have any questions, feel free to ask. But basically, when I open the thread, pick the shape you want. Sing your part and send the raw vocals to ASAP and I'll take care of the rest. If you want to do harmonies or adlibs, always do them in separate files. For this song, you can sing/record to the original song because the timing is the same ( I'll just cut out the silence from the intro ).

    ★ = Mish / ♥ = PaW / ✿ = Beau / ♦ = Wiggerz

    { }
    Come ride with me
    Through the veins of history

    { }

    I'll show you how god
    Falls asleep on the job

    { }

    And how can we win
    When fools can be kings

    { }

    Don't waste your time
    Or time will

    { ♦♥★✿ }

    waste you

    { ♦✿ }

    No one's gonna take me alive
    The time has come to make things right

    { ♥★ }

    You and I must fight for our rights
    You and I must fight to survive

    { ♦♥ }

    No one's gonna take me alive
    The time has come to make things right

    { ★✿ }

    You and I must fight for our rights
    You and I must fight to survive

    { ♦♥★✿ }

    No one's gonna take me alive
    The time has come to make things right
    You and I must fight for our rights
    You and I must fight to survive
    Thread by: Jayn, May 30, 2014, 11 replies, in forum: KHV Chorus
  14. Jayn
    { Locked upon request. }
    Post by: Jayn, May 30, 2014 in forum: Technology
  15. Jayn
    { Locked upon request. }
    Post by: Jayn, May 30, 2014 in forum: Technology
  16. Jayn
    Profile Post Comment

    no lol i got your new email though

    no lol i got your new email though
    Profile Post Comment by Jayn, May 29, 2014
  17. Jayn
    >> CURRENT: 63
    Post by: Jayn, May 29, 2014 in forum: Social Groups
  18. Jayn
    { Alrighty, today is the last day. @Fork, @Mish, @Beau ( you have to send it to the email in the PM ), @SynK. }
    Post by: Jayn, May 29, 2014 in forum: KHV Chorus
  19. Jayn
    Profile Post Comment

    throws dollars

    throws dollars
    Profile Post Comment by Jayn, May 28, 2014
  20. Jayn