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  1. Jayn
  2. Jayn
    { Updating shortly! All judge slots are now taken! Edit: Alright. Judges and contestants updated! }
    Post by: Jayn, Jun 3, 2014 in forum: RP Idol Archive
  3. Jayn



    Welcome to Role Play Idol, an original role playing competition for KH-Vids! For those of you unfamiliar, the term 'role playing' here refers to basically writing a collaborative story with other members with characters you create. From name and age to bio and personality, you create this character and then write from their perspective in a pre-defined setting with other players, weaving together a story as you go along. You can take a more in-depth look at role playing here.

    So, do you enjoy role playing, competitions, or just writing in general? Or maybe you need help sharpening your role playing skills, want to get back into it { or start }, or want to meet and interact with new people or role players! Whatever the reason for your peaked interest, this competition may be for you!

    [ WHAT IS RP IDOL? ]
    This is the fourth season of the competition, and if you sign up for a season, you do not have to compete in any of the next ones if you don't want to. This will be an OC { original character } competition, meaning that each contestant will be allowed to create two original characters ( one boy, one girl ) from scratch to compete with throughout.

    { C H A N G E S }​

    Unlike the previous seasons, this season will be more like an actual game/role play. Each judge will, like the contestants, be represented by a character. Like so!

    [​IMG] JAYN I like your spunk, kid, but I'm not sure you got what it takes to be the Idol, you dig? These cool cats need a leader - someone to look up to and, well, your fixation with violent rap music isn't sendin' these kids the right message! Maybe you should consider quoting less rap lyrics in your dialogue next time, yeah? Going to have to give you a 50 out of 100.

    We will interact primarily 'in-game' unless otherwise stated. This gives you more of a chance to bond with your character and develop as we go along instead of having to stop abruptly and focus on switching back and forth from in character to not.

    In other words, join this season as if you're just joining another role play!

    This section is now a post counting section. Every post you post here from now on will count towards your total posts. Posts made from before will be added manually to your account after I've tallied them all up, please don't hound me about it. I'll announce when I've done it.

    There will be no disqualifications, or voting. Each round you will have the chance to earn more points. The person with the highest amount of points at the end will be crowned RP Idol and receive the pin.

    Points will be given by the judges { judges, I will explain your roles and the points system to you when you sign up } with their critiques and there will only be two judges { three in total including the host } to give us less people to wait for. This number may be raised or lowered depending on how this season goes.

    There will be five days to reply before we move on. It should not take that entire time, but there will be absolutely NO extensions after that point. Remember, you won't be disqualified, you'll just miss out on points. We just want to keep things fluid and functional. As soon as everyone has posted, judging will begin. I will allow a maximum of 48 hours for judges to reply. If you do not reply by then, we will move on.

    No matter the setting of the lobby, there will be a door with a ~ magical ability ~ to change settings and scenarios. Considering I don't know how much interest this will generate or how many people will want to play, there will be 4 rounds unless a tie breaker is needed which means of the list below, you'll only be doing four of them. This may be changed, depending on interest. The scenes will be extremely vague, you'll only have a title to go off of so choose wisely, but each theme will emphasize a mechanic of role playing; for example, something like long posts, five metaphors, or extensive dialogue may be a requirement in your post.

    We will choose which scenes to explore first with a quick vote. If the voting style of it takes too long in the future, I'll randomize them instead.

    The winners of the rounds and whatnot will be announced across the RP Arena.


    You appear on a misty cobblestone path near a beautiful gazebo, the night sky alit with twinkling stars. There is no breeze to push the fog away and so it stays, slightly obscuring the view of an imposing, glowing ivory structure. As you move closer, footsteps crunching over a plain slightly curved gravel strewn path, the building comes into complete view. It's rather impressive. White, twinkling fairy lights are strung around the seven pillars that support the roof of the gazebo and also wind and stretch their way over the pinewood posts and railings.

    Excluding the short steps of the stairs that lead into the inner circle of the gazebo, nearly everything is illuminated by the large bulbs. About fifteen people can fit the inside, and there's a smooth pinewood bench built in a circular shape for sitting. This is the inner-circle. One must step over the bench it to enter and exit the ring it makes.

    Something about this particular building makes it different, and it's not the beauty of it - or the eerie fog hugging the field like a ghostly blanket. It's the strange, varnished Oaken door that towers above your sitting forms. The one that is dead in the center of the inner ring, with a glowing sign above it that reads "Lobby" in black stencil ...


    For anyone who knows me, every one of these is going to seem like a trap, but this isn't a horror competition so rest assured if it sounds innocent, it probably is. ... Maybe. Mostly. Font probably doesn't help.

    4. SO PEACEFUL ...
    6. LET'S SING!
    7. ... YOU GOT ME.
    10. SLICE OF LIFE.

    [ RULES ]

    ♣ Please be original. Your character cannot be from another anime, game, etc, unless the challenge asks for them to be.

    ♣ Your entry OC must be as simplified as possible. That means no powers or anything weird like that. Why? Because some of the challenges might conflict with that. Don't worry, the competition isn't that straight edge. You'll get to play with some powers.

    ♣ No god-modding. Yes, this still applies. No power playing.

    ♣ Try not to ignore the other contestants. Interact with everyone fairly.

    ♣ Try to stay in character.

    ♣ A judge cannot be a contestant.

    ♣ You will have two characters. A girl, and a boy. They can be the same person, just gender flipped with different names if you want. But you will have the ability to switch between them freely or when needed. It's more of an advantage to have them be two separate characters with different personalities so you're not stuck with one.

    ♣ Don't bring drama into this. If you're paired up with someone you dislike during a challenge, and/or you get voted out, don't rage. Just deal with it, or try again next time.

    ♣ Please be respectful of one another.

    ♣ You can be any age you want, but ages may be altered based on scenario.

    ♣ I reserve the right to add more rules before the competition starts, so check back here often if you decide to sign up! I will always alert you if I update the rules.

    [ JUDGES ]

    To be a judge, please PM me your sign up sheet. For you, the sign up sheet is entirely optional, but you do need a picture. If you You can play an original character who is judging or play as yourself { like my judging example from above }. We're basically the NPCs. We help guide the competition, and play important roles in certain scenes.

    Your job as a judge is to read the posts, and follow the competition. When we return to the lobby after a scene, all of the judges will critique every contestant on their performance, and award each contestant points. You guys aren't actually apart of the competition unless the scenario calls for it, but you help with crowning the winner. Anyone can be a judge, even if you don't role play { though this season will require you to role play a bit }. Just be fair and send me a private message. Anyone posting on this thread about wanting to be a judge will be tsk'd and denied. First come, first serve.

    If you are a judge this time, you CAN judge for the next season. This was originally different, but due to the inactivity of the last judges, I think it would work out better to have those who are really dedicated and wanting to be on the panel able to be on it.

    I would prefer the judges have Skype, because that's where most of the discussion will be taking place and it's the easiest.

    [​IMG] [​IMG] [​IMG]

    [ SIGN UP!! ]

    Bio: { Optional! }
    What scene do you want to do first?: { TITLE HERE! Please choose the same one for both character sheets. }
    Anything else?: 

    Allen Tor

    Thread by: Jayn, Jun 3, 2014, 15 replies, in forum: RP Idol Archive
  4. Jayn
    { Thought it was time for some spring cleaning! }

    Post by: Jayn, Jun 2, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  5. Jayn
  6. Jayn
  7. Jayn
    { Alright, suggestions will be closed in 7 more songs! This rule applies at this point:

    Post by: Jayn, Jun 2, 2014 in forum: KHV Chorus
  8. Jayn
    { Updaaaaateeeeeed! }
    Post by: Jayn, Jun 2, 2014 in forum: KHV Chorus
  9. Jayn
    { @SynK; Gave you Bad Apple. ~
    @Skyheart; Updated and given the martyr achievement. }
    Post by: Jayn, Jun 1, 2014 in forum: KHV Chorus
  10. Jayn
    { [/cries] Okay I don't think I missed anything but maybe I did so please let me know. ;__; You can find your points in the huge link in the OP, as stated [ thank u sky ]. And the chorus email should be fixed now so you can send them there.

    @Godzilla; I gave you the Disney achievement and aaaaaaaa for Zombies. ~
    @Laplace; Endless Despair II counts for Language Bender. }
    Post by: Jayn, May 31, 2014 in forum: KHV Chorus
  11. Jayn
    That leaves Wigglz with the diamond! I need a render from you as well @Wiggerz. You can find the requirements for the image here.
    Post by: Jayn, May 31, 2014 in forum: KHV Chorus
  12. Jayn
    You guys can claim songs now. :') Sign ups open! Let me know if you earned an achievement last time I need to give you.
    Post by: Jayn, May 31, 2014 in forum: KHV Chorus
  13. Jayn
  14. Jayn
    Unintended - Muse ( original | karaoke )
    Talk Dirty [ laughs ] - Jason Derulo (
    original | karaoke )
    Euterpe - Egoist (
    original | karaoke )
    Taishou A - Anina ( original | karaoke )
    Bird and the Worm - The Used ( original | karaoke )
    Sweater Weather - The Neighborhood ( original | karaoke )
    Wannabe - Spice Girls ( original | karaoke )
    Eye of the Tiger - Survivors ( original | karaoke )
    Love Never Felt So Good - Michael Jackson ft. Justin Timberlake ( original | karaoke )
    Masayume Chasing - BoA ( original | karaoke )
    You and Beautiful World - Yuyoyuppe ( original | karaoke )
    Lynne - Hachi ( original | karaoke )
    Bad Apple - Nomico ( original | karaoke )
    Post by: Jayn, May 31, 2014 in forum: KHV Chorus
  15. Jayn

    { Downloads in the description. :') }
    Post by: Jayn, May 31, 2014 in forum: KH-Vids Radio
  16. Jayn
    { omfg such an intense ending to karaoke night. I feel energized.

    Yaaaay though. Good job everyone. Thank you for participating. ; w ; Working on the video. }
    Post by: Jayn, May 31, 2014 in forum: KH-Vids Radio
  17. Jayn
    { [/Head bangs]!! }
    Post by: Jayn, May 31, 2014 in forum: KH-Vids Radio
  18. Jayn
    { [/twerks]
    such funky fresh song choices beau babe}
    Post by: Jayn, May 31, 2014 in forum: KH-Vids Radio
  19. Jayn
    { screams that rap though how ;_____________________; }
    Post by: Jayn, May 31, 2014 in forum: KH-Vids Radio
  20. Jayn
    { YEAH. Sky x Skye 4ever otp }
    Post by: Jayn, May 31, 2014 in forum: KH-Vids Radio