so does that mean it's mobile?
the cutscenes i like
here are 2 cutscenes i really like 1.screenshots (like twewy and coded) 2.358/days and chain of memoreis cutscenes
in the gba version the faces was creepy im talking about the cutscene faces. when sora smiles it's creepy that judge lady from wonderland was creepy when yuffie (i think) does that smile face (one when her eyes is like sqwinting lol) it's soo wierd but 358/2 days looked better since it's on a ds my opinion
mine was the famicom
i beated it in about 2 months plus i completed another day and the boss battle chain
i like twewy because of the 2 screen gameplay the music the story the graphics and the characters. and also 4 the website can you just false date it THE COUNTDOWN
they have 4 callings i think twewy twewy remix #1 kh3d twewy remix#2
One day Roxsew was playing at the arcades in shibuya while he was playing puck-man he noticed that his high score was ranked at #3.#1 was his friend len and #2 was his other friend josh Roxsew was the best at puck-man he was angry so he ran out the arcade and straight to len's house.roxsew punched len in the face giving him a black eye len said "what was that for???" roxsew said "your number 1 in puck-man im always number 1" len laughed "okay fine i'll let you be number 1...if you give me 1 yen" roxsew never gives money to people even if it's 1 yen "fine" said roxsew as he gives len the yen after that they ran to the arcade len took a rock then smashed the arcade machine "we need a new arcade machine" said len to the store manager he said they'll have a new machine in a couple of days the two friends went home.several days have past len came to get roxsew they went to the arcade a the new puck man machine arrived as soon as roxsew saw it he started playing for hours and hrs and hrs and hrs untill he reached level 256 [or 257 idk] roxsew never made it up this far he should of looked at wikipedia because he was facing the infamous kill screen roxsew said out loudly in the store "what the crap is this???" everyone looked at him then at the screen they ran over there looking he had to be careful because the maze was all f'd up but his friend josh looked it up then he gave him the directions and Boom he beated it the end
hey cloud
i luv that remix
if twewy 2 was made what would the story be about? them dying again or how the reapers game was made p.s the timer font looked creepy up close
what if they had all of the pins available to buy at the square enix online store.that would be cool.i would get 2 player pins + the cat graffiti poster
it would be cool if twewy 2 was for the 3ds
i didn't get the mark of mastery edition but i scanned all 5 ar cards on youtube lol
im using a 3ds
where are the groups ???
this is cool
i like the ps2 the most