is homesuck a game????? p.s did anyone get the new dashboard from da xbox if u hav 1
im okay if im not on here
i have sc2 im a lv 38 star fighter with a star house and a star pool and a star cat and a star ship that i stole from the star pirates plus a star tv and star games for the star star star star star star star star staaar i luv starcraft
i never heard of persona but i've heard of shin megami tensei i would like to join
whats a persona rp?????
in kh2 theres a part in the game when you have to answer tell that guy the flavor of the ice cream sky sugar sea salt liver pepper i know it's sea salt but what happens if its wrong?
there is a walkthrough
i just noticed that they have a wakthrough and im looking at it right now
i need to know what it is before i click on it lol
im sticking to oovoo or something like that
some are really funny
what if the cutscene emotions changed p.s i like that hi hi puffy amiyumi avatar
captchas are so stupid if you dont know what a captcha is its a image of 2 wierd distorted words that are really annoying most of the time they have them for signing up for something or if you sign in on another phone or computer. the reason why they are annoying is because they are so hard to understand i looks like l m may look like n and and v's look like u it took me about 10 minutes to create a youtube account 5 for the user names and 5 for the captcha some may look easy but most of them are hard the reason for a captcha is to make sure your not a robot. a robot could not read the letters because of the distrortion text but i could see why they would have it for putting alot of comments rapidly. its because they dont want spams i think? idk but i hate captchas and i will always hate them
i rly do not like those sprites it looks so weird
lol now im getting it
im not getting it
is skype free
im getting it 4 the ipad