can i join? it's ok if i can't join i understand.... :3
nobody at my school plays kingdom hearts or knows any anime at all except my 2 best friends. i also hate it when almost everyone says call of duty is the best games ever. it makes me mad sometimes lol
i will always love kingdom hearts
1kristoph gavin 2klavier gavin 3miles edgeworth 4trucy wright 5apollo justice 6phoenix wright 7godot 8dick gumshoe 9manfred von karma 10winston payne (can you please not post any breakdowns there really creepy mostly matt engarde)
can i make a text video (i dont wanna use my voice)
they also had a meow wow plushie
1.cheats (like the famous konami code) 2.glithes (most games have them) 3.every power that you get you get at the begining of the game then you lose them (like in prototype) 4.good or bad ending like bubble bobble (i got the bad ending because i was playing coop i think) 5.enemies that kill you in an instant or one hit kills ( i think they had that in final fantasy with like these guards and in mario) 6.after ending you keep going (like in kingdom hearts 3d you get a crown which means that you completed the game and u get julius also in twewy you get another day) 7.fake endings (i can only think of 1 BATMAN ARKHAM CITY) 8.a stupid guy (i can't think of any at this moment) 9.jumpscares (uhh....idk) 10.phase through models and walls (like glicthes or you just can do it) 11.quotes 12.annoying quotes ( GET UP ON THE HYDRA'S BACK...GET UP ON THE HYDRA'S BACK...GET UP ON THE HYDRA'S BACK) 13.girly japanese men (goku) 14.nudity (why the hell do they have that?) over ( i almost had a heart attack) 16. character select screens ( i wanna take you for a ride do do dadadada da da i wanna take you for a ride dodo do doooo) 17.cliffhangers (mr guy-hey how you doin-*shot* ughh *screeen fades to black* mr gamer-omg who did that i guess ima have to wait till the sequel *no sequel* nooooo) 18.soundtrack 19.annoying reapeating music (dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun dun) 20.choose what happens (walking dead the only thing i can think about at this moment) 21.random people (all my pokemon is at 1 hp and this trainer wants to battle me WTF?? and in final fantasy my people needs some potion or to go to a inn im right next to the town and then a battle starts) 22.close up face (i hate in cod zombies when i turn around a zombie in in my freakin face) 23.cute deaths ( i would never play a game when cats die) 24.stretch (nope) 25.slow motion ko's (street fighter) 26.repeating ko's (tekken ahh ahh ahh ahh ahhhhhhhh) 27.hit sparks (tekken with that red blood spark) 28.confusing story (kingdom hearts) 29. a remake (solo remix final mix collecters edition golden eddition) 30.last 1.....a crossover
i have nothing to do in here at all no rp's no other fourms no nothing i would like to join rp but almost every one is so hard to even make your own character when the groups were here there was group rp's like trpgtnwwg the kh rpg (the kh rp had too much random crap) death note or something like that ect. so yeah does anyone have any ideas or any rp that i can join or something (i feel like a buttnip)
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hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm chronolagy order? like birth by sleep kingdom hearts kingdom hearts com kingdom hearts 358/2 days kingdom hearts 2 kingdom hearts coded and kingdom hearts 3d
can i post a timeline in chronotriggerolagy order
when i was8 i hit in a car while i was first learning how 2 ride a bike
or used to live in Tokyo
i like emo music alot!!!!!
is this boss at that musical world
it looks like she's flipping the bird
i like the ps3 because of the classssssucs and that online world ps home and how u can play ps2/1 gamez on it p.s did anyyywan get the beta dashboard