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  1. Roxas-Ventus
    i got the jet badge from skyla​
    im at opelucid city​
    Post by: Roxas-Ventus, Jun 8, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  2. Roxas-Ventus
    i trained my scraggy it is now a scrafty​
    i went to nimbasa city​
    i battled elesa and got the bolt badge​
    then i went to driftveil city​
    i got a zoura​
    i trained it to level 35 now it is a zoroark​
    also i defeated clay and got the quake badge​
    i went to the pwt and battled hugh,cheren and colress​
    then i went on team plasma's ship​
    shadow traid kicked me out​
    now i am going to mistralton city​
    Post by: Roxas-Ventus, Jun 8, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  3. Roxas-Ventus
    after pokestar studios i battled a team plasma grunt which made my purlion evolve into a liepard​
    after that i went to castelia city and defeated burgh and got the insect badge​
    i went on route 4 and caught a sandile and a scraggy​
    i trained the sandile to evolve from a krokorok to a krokodile​
    now it's level 40​
    i plan on not using the krokodile since i have to train my scraggy and liepard​
    Post by: Roxas-Ventus, Jun 8, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  4. Roxas-Ventus
    I defeated roxie and got the toxic badge
    Right now I'm headed to pokestar studios and after that I'm heading to castelia city
    Update my purlion evolved into a liepard
    Post by: Roxas-Ventus, Jun 7, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  5. Roxas-Ventus
    June 7
    Went to vibrank city to battle roxie
    But before that I went to catch another purlion (I released the other one)
    But when I got it I took it to the pokemon center and she said something about pokerus
    What is pokerus?
    Post by: Roxas-Ventus, Jun 7, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  6. Roxas-Ventus
    June 6
    After defeating hugh I went to route 19 to learn how to catch a pokemon
    then I caught a purrloin level 3
    I began training it to level 11
    After that I met alder and went to floccesy town
    After I was done talking to him I went to route 20
    I fought some trainers with my purrloin and now it's level 12
    I went to floccesy ranch to battle hugh,defeating him with some scratches
    Then I had to go find the lost herdier
    I got the tm frustration from the team plasma guy that stole the herdier
    After all of that I had to face two school kids from alders house
    Then I went back to Aspertia city to face cheren
    Then I got the basic badge
    The Most darkest guy ever!
    Black 2 Version
    Last Updated: June 5th 2013
    Location: Aspertia city
    In Pc:​
    Post by: Roxas-Ventus, Jun 6, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  7. Roxas-Ventus
    Profile Post

    Enjoy the moment

    Enjoy the moment
    Status Update by Roxas-Ventus, Jun 5, 2013
  8. Roxas-Ventus
    June 5
    named character Black
    named rival hugh
    Received tepig
    Defeated Hugh's oshawott with 4 tackles

    Update June 5
    I had to reset the game forgot to delete old save
    Named character Black
    Named rival hugh
    Received tepig
    Defeated Hugh's oshawott again with 5 tackles
    Again tepig leveled up to level 6
    Did the usual tutorial of how to heal/ catch pokemon
    Post by: Roxas-Ventus, Jun 5, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  9. Roxas-Ventus
    Name: Lorenzo
    Self Proclaimed Title: The most Darkest guy ever
    Username: Self Roxas-Ventus
    Type Chosen: Dark
    Sprite Picture: [​IMG]
    Starter: tepig
    HM Slave:
    Game Cartridge: Black 2
    Location: Aspertia city

    am I in?
    Post by: Roxas-Ventus, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: The Playground
  10. Roxas-Ventus
    The darkest moment is when sora gets shot in the face in port royal if you fail a reaction command
    I'm sorry
    Post by: Roxas-Ventus, Jun 4, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  11. Roxas-Ventus
    At school I think of a kingdom hearts tv show with animation changes
    My covers has wisdom sora on it
    My ds has a kingdom hearts case
    I have 10 kingdom hearts shirts
    I made a kurama scythe
    A crown necklace
    Kingdom hearts pin that are on my backpack
    And that's it ☆*:.。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
    Post by: Roxas-Ventus, May 6, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  12. Roxas-Ventus
    I think kingdom hearts 2 had the best keyblade designs
    My favorite keyblades are two become one,oathkeeper,oblivion and bond of flames
    Post by: Roxas-Ventus, May 6, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  13. Roxas-Ventus
    The only show I liked from g4 was code monkeys
    Post by: Roxas-Ventus, May 5, 2013 in forum: Movies & Media
  14. Roxas-Ventus
    i can....give you a cobalion if you want.
    Post by: Roxas-Ventus, May 3, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Roxas-Ventus
    i don't think theres such thing as a shiny kyurem or cobalion
    Post by: Roxas-Ventus, May 3, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Roxas-Ventus
    Character Name:Black
    Friend Code:4471 1473 9549
    Game this is from:White
    Time zone: eastern daylight time (GMT-4)
    Post by: Roxas-Ventus, Apr 30, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  17. Roxas-Ventus
    Post by: Roxas-Ventus, Apr 28, 2013 in forum: Social Groups
  18. Roxas-Ventus
    That's cool
    Post by: Roxas-Ventus, Apr 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. Roxas-Ventus
    ▐▐ Location_Camp circle Clothes_ Mood_angry Music_ ▐▐​
    Lorenzo put his handheld system back in his pocket.
    he tried to look for a water fountain at the circle.
    "Please don't tell me that there's not any water here" mumbled Lorenzo.
    The temperature has been increasing since he's got here.
    after a while he gave up looking for the fountain.
    "i'll just sit down in the shade"
    Lorenzo sat down on a bench under an apple tree.
    as time passed by Lorenzo got tired and fell asleep on the bench,dropping his handheld system.
    Post by: Roxas-Ventus, Apr 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Roxas-Ventus
    As Lorenzo got off the bus he was moaning really loud.
    "I should've just stayed home instead of going to this stupid camp" thought Lorenzo as he was walking to the camp circle.
    As he looked around the camp circle he can see a lot of students
    "I'm already starting to hate these people"
    The temperature was really hot today so Lorenzo started sweating
    "Why did it have to be so hot today?" Said Lorenzo as he wiped the sweat on his face.
    After that he took out his handheld system and started playing so he could ignore the people around him.
    Post by: Roxas-Ventus, Apr 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home