Um we all know that bucky can beat those 2 in like 1 second
I want some earthbending
I'd bang him/her because he/she is sexy as hell i'd be like mphrmpgrmpg because i'd get that POISON ...
this looks like something from mmd
dude you just gotta feel the music its suppose to be like dream music and happy music
can i like change games since my emerald freezes and i cant fix it so can i like play hesrt gold and stayt with the grass thing please so loike yeah
Mickey sounds like his nose is stuffed
This looks like fun so i'll join :3 Name: Lorenzo Self Proclaimed Title:美しい草 Username: Roxas-Ventus Type Chosen: 草 Sprite Picture: Starter: chikorita HM Slave: i need to choose Game Cartridge: EMERLAD Roster: treecko Location: the starting town in howen am i like in? (-_-メ)
the last time Roxas-Ventus updated his status was...wednesday june 3 2:02 am
the last time Roxas-Ventus updated his status was....wednesday 2:00 am
I change my mind I will choose soul silver and I want my type to be Grass Ss won't work so I will choose EMERALD and choose grass It's is my final decision
I will choose fire red and my type will be grass If that's ok
Can I start a new game?
Am I suppose to do the post game stuff too? Hall of fame
Updatei found and caught a zweilows and evolved it into a hydreigonalso i found my first shiny. It was a paniward on route 9 and evolved it into a bisharpi defeated the elite fournow i have to beat the champion Now I defeated the champion
Update i got the wave badge from marloni got all the badgesi have to find and defeat team plasma first before i go to the pokemon league
lucky star was my first anime ... That I knew was anime
Updatei got the legend badge from drayden 1 more badge