pls dont also we're dating now
how long until i win
no the worst club is any gundam fanclub ever. always postin about 00R and wzc n ****. and nice. corner that market
can cat be the club president
arch confides his secret love for bueno in me. he composes the sweetest love letters, i swear
go snake
i had to tilt my screen all the way back to read this
you know it.
but its capable of googling what they are. close enough
die already, earth is for the young
its a lie. youre selling your body to the diamond mining industry in the congo. theres nothing sexy about digging in the dirt until your fingers are bone.
act now because pretty soon everyone youll ever be interested in will already be taken.
hello hello
stab everyone
i mean honestly fabric doesnt look like matte plastic irl and those are some weird fingers but yeah its a pretty image. looks great
guys i dont even like anime