i dont even like her hair that much and i still thinks its good
i deleted it all and wrote a few sentences har. tho i wasnt sure why it mattered in the first place since i wasnt under the impression you cared...
i edited that big long post if you still care for some reason lol
everyone go read yotsubato
respect go away i default to reading manga i frequently undertake 500+ chapter readthrough plans but working up the motivation to watch even a movie is dang near impossible because anime is stupid. tho manga for leiji stuff and lupin doesnt exist online apparently
im sorry i forgot here now its not a anime anymore View attachment 44984
IT IS CALLED GALAXY EXPRESS and lupin are you a psychic ive been watching galaxy express for two years and have seen 11 episodes.
i dont like watching long animes but some animes i want to watch are too long what should i do. ps too long is 100+ long is 50~ ehh is 25~ ok is <13
does anyone even play that anymore thats so june 2016
oh boy tons View attachment 44983 here. thats one of my favorites pls treat it kindly
i give you permission to change avatars if you want that is my present to you
yay more build fighters bullshit to continue ruining everything good about gundam. build fighters is kinda like the prequel trilogy. youve ruined it forever and theres no way to take any of it back. i can still enjoy what i enjoy, but moving forward the damage has been done and it will never be the same.
then i vote for gintama. i know the name and dont hate people who talk to me about it
pull the lever. id take responsibility on my conscience for one persons death to save five others. i wouldnt kill the person with my own hands, but id gladly due something less gruesome and arguably indirect. now if that one person was someone i knew and the five others were strangers, no chance would i do it. this is assuming that what would probably happen, which is id feeze up and turn around and pretend nothing happened and be crushed with overwhelming guilt for the rest of my life, wouldnt happen.
and terrible