Hey there,welcome to kh-vids.Remember to follow the rules and have fun :D
It's a long story...axel said occ-g2g,bb
I don't even wanna remember about it...axel said.Just don't do it again marluxia
You were lucky,axel said.Don't ever do that again,ok?
Welcome.Remember to follow the rules and have fun :D Nice name btw
Welcome.Remember to follow the rules and have fun :D
I told you not to do that,axel said
Welcome.Remember to follow the rules and have fun :D By the way,nice av - it made me lol
Ok...axel said and followed demyx
What's wrong with him?axel asked
Well...Aero is cool but I chose the last one
Whatever,axel said.Stop yelling
Ok...axel said confused.Just try to keep it down people
Axel was in his room(duh)
occ-larxene and ralene are in axel's room along with axel.Xemnas tried to kill ralene but she escaped and now vexen did smt with an experiment...