Hey there,welcome to kh-vids.Remember to follow the rules and have fun :D
It seems that xemnas did that trick he was talking about...axel thought.Now roxas can't remember about them
Ok...axel said
Axel turned around and saw marly.Hey marly,he said.Whassup?You look kinda sad...
Huh?Oh,I got it,axel said.You did same thing with larxene and ralene right?
Whassup?axel asked.How are the kids?
Axel saw sora and riku.What are they doing here?he asked and pointed
Axel saw roxas.Hey,he said walking towards him
Hey roxas,axel said and sat next to him
occ1-lol occ2-nah,it's ok By the way where's Zexion?axel asked.I might need some help,you know...
Yeah he is
occ-Ienzo You!axel said.Stay with larxene in case smt happens.I'm going to find ralene
Really?axel asked.Well,let's go look together.She'll have to be here somewhere
What's odd?axel asked walking to larxene
I wonder where Roxas is...axel thought looking around the castle
I want Axel
Axel for me