Hello larxene,axel said
Lex...?Wake up!axel said
There's larxene,axel said and pointed
Where's nam and the kids?axel asked.Haven't seen them today...
Bye,axel said and hugged larxene
Oh,thank god!axel thought
I knew it!axel thought.Well...I dunno...I'm a little bit tired....
You're gonna be a hero if you manage to beat Ansem!It's damn hard!
Um...n-nothing,axel said.Hehe...Oh boy...
Roxas,if they want to take us to the mall again,it'll be your fault,axel whispered
Nah,never heard of this one
Where are you going?axel asked
Well at least you're here now,axel said
Point there,axel said smiling
Yeah,axel said.Whassup?
And lex's with him too!axel said and walked to them.Hiya guys
So,see anyone around?axel asked looking around
Yeah,axel said and stood up
Axel hugged her back.Where are the others?he asked
This,axel said and kissed her on lips