''Troubles?''axel asked.''Are you kidding me?It's not a problem,don't worry''
''Ok''axel said and ported to larxene's room
Ok,axel said.Where is she?
occ-yeah.No one's here.It's like a ghost town...
I haven't seen him,axel said
occ-I'm here
Hey there,welcome to kh-vids.Remember to follow the rules and have fun :D
Cerberus and big Ursula.They were so annoying.And I gotta admit that I was pretty lucky with Cerberus cause when I was about to lose smt happened and I beat it.But Ursula took me 2 days to beat!
Yeah,I did that by mistake on my second try
Sora x Riku people! One of the best yaoi couples ever!Imagine the fangirls!
Yeah,Final Form is really cool.Especially that Glide Ability it gives you is awesome!
Well,the first six came from Radiant Garden since they were Ansem's apprentices.As for the rest I say they came from new worlds that we don't know
I have made a gummi ship in both games.But it was kinda confusing to built one in kh2
I've never been to Disneyland
This is just wrong...axel said
Um...dunno,axel said.Wanna go find roxas?
Well duh!axel said.And I usually yell at roxas for about anything...Or fight and stuff...Now I just wanna relax.What's wrong with me?
Or being *coughs*calm!axel said.It doesn't match my personality!
I don't have a freakin' idea,axel said