tfw you'll never paint a hot girl's ass
You can offer your thoughts, theories, or opinions if you have any. Even if they're minor, it still helps.
I'll keep my vote on Spike for now. Like you said, he could still be mafia and I just want to keep the pressure on. There's still plenty of time left in the day.
I was hoping to incite a reponse from him seeing as he hasn't said much... We need people talking more.
happy birfday
Sorry for lack of posts, I was busy all day yesterday. ##Vote: Spike Because claiming to be innocent just rubs me wrong.
you heard it here folks. 2 khv users can't be wrong.
@Makaze It's 11pm. It's late. Demanding me to respond in the next 6 hours would be unreasonable. I'll post my reads tomorrow.
Remember to keep an eye on buddying and players not acknowledging other certain people. Things like this can be telling.
I am silly.
Calxiyn KeyToTruth12 Spike Moksha Risky Biznu (tummer) I think that's everyone who needs to post.
his face is so punchable
##Vote: Midnight Star Don't drink and mafia. 〜( ̄▽ ̄〜)
The first day is always the hardest.
I thought the whole plan was to eliminate inactive people? I didn't find Mish, Beau, or Spike all that suspicious either. I was voting purely on who would be the least useful to the town. If people had asked me questions, I would have answered, but nobody did. I got into the game late and I asked and prodded people because it's the only way I knew how to help at the time.
I don't mind having Mak as somewhat of a 'leader figure' because of his confirmed town status, but at the same time I didn't like his idea of basically randomly voting for someone else. Being a leader doesn't mean you're always right. I know that it was meant to see how people react or to smoke mafia out, but I didn't see any point in lynching anybody else. I knew the risks I was taking when I pulled my stunt. It sucks that The Fuk? ending up being town, but he was the only candidate I thought was worth lynching. @Spike we're waiting for your thoughts.
Yeah, I know, which is why I regret it. At the time I thought he had more votes than he actually did. And fair enough I guess. Sorry for saying anything.
Actually I intended to revote The Fuk? the whole time. To me, he was the most likely candidate because of his general lack of response and contribution to everything. I wanted to revote him so he would be the one lynched instead of whoever Makaze chose. But then Marushi voted out of nowhere so it made the whole thing void because he had more than enough votes for a lynch. Also, @Makaze, you really need to stop calling people out simply for viewing the thread. Just because they viewed it doesn't mean they'll always have all their thoughts gathered on what's going on. I know you just want responses, but it's a bit naggy.
I'd like to hear what you think as well tbh