Like you guys, I'm much less suspicious of Cat~ after she took the time to make that presentation, but allowing her to be lynched... doesn't completely sit well with me. I understand the reasons and part of me agrees, but it just feels like we would be letting a now likely town member die. Then by the next day we are down 2 more people. I don't know. For now we should take this time to investigate our higher reads. For example, KeyToTruth. They throw out votes based on hunches which on the second day just seems a bit weird to me. Most of their posts are short and without much speculation or meaningful opinions. Also... Here they unvote al because of others' reasoning, and then vote Cat~'s what the majority are doing? Just seems very off to me. Why did they wagon? They could have just unvoted al and waited to vote when they have formed their own theory or opinion. They did eventually come around and give reason to voting for Cat~ here, but it makes me wonder why they didn't just state those reasons when they voted. Seems like they hopped on a wagon without thinking and this is their way of trying to validate it after the fact. ##Vote: KeyToTruth12 Also, if there any questions I'd be happy to answer them.[DOUBLEPOST=1417033708][/DOUBLEPOST]welp, i had my post written up in another page and didn't see Cat~'s until after posting
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY JIGGA FROM ANOTHER ZIGGA (how do you even see birthdays on xenforo?)
Dragon's Dogma 2!
Going to add Zelda to my list of mafia reads... they seem overly nervous/stumbling over themselves after being suspected and put on the spot. It's not a lot, but something to consider.
why would i share my base? it's secret.
if it doesn't have the lightning that they originally showed i honestly don't care
thread over, this is all i needed
say nice and encouraging things to me please thanks would like a copy to give to my girlfriend so we can play together pls
Buddying, to me, is when two (or more) people seem like they're teaming up and defending each other or acting casual with each other. If you're a townie, you have no reason to be doing this with someone as you have no idea who is mafia and who isn't. Mafia know who is on their side and can buddy and come to the aid of their team. That's why I see buddying as a mafia tell.
About al not unvoting Cat~ when she was close to being lynched, I think it would have been a little suspicious if he had. Maybe he didn't unvote because it would have brought attention to him and Cat. Right now my mafia reads are... Spike: This one is mainly a hunch as there's not much to go off of, I just think it's possible he's mafia. KeyToTruth12: Hasn't contributed much and mainly just throw around votes without much explanation and wagon on other people's votes while saying as little as possible. Cat~: I agree with Mish's reasonings. Her actions have come off as self-preservative. I feel like she is mostly just commenting on things. She hasn't posted any of her reads yet either. I think definite townies are Midnight and Mish. They're both very helpful and contribute to the group.
get this fake anime **** outta here
Spoiler please come to me snow. i want to wake up and see 90 feet of snow.
pls go
I'm not entirely sure, but I think it's a strong possibility. It's hard to make a case when there's so little go off of from him. If it's true, it's odd that they'd kill off Sunrose when he was the only one who really tried to make a case that Spike might be a townie.
I think there are three possibilities as to why Sunrose was killed off. It was a random kill. Mafia saw Sunrose as a threat because they are one of the more productive people in the game. This is reaching a bit, but maybe we were onto something with Spike and Mafia decided to kill someone who had votes on him. I think Mafia chose Sunrose because they had unvoted him before and maybe we would have glanced over this detail when checking the votes. This is all I've got. Any thoughts?
do kids bring anything but misery?