gonna do this soon :3 Spoiler: zzz still makes me mad
doctrine dark?!
i don't really like his content that much because he just reminds me of a non-offensive pewdiepie but he's a swell guy
i just watched this last week for the first time, and loved it. i'm glad marvel are making movies with more interesting/weird characters. it got me back into superheroes. i was really tired of all the avengers stuff besides the captain america movies, especially because i really think the thor movies are boring garbage. can't wait for ant man and doctor strange...even if that alien lizard creature benedict cumberbatch is playing strange. :/
it's also free on spotify B]
objectively wrong opinion
i'll play DMC4 but not DmC. once was enough for that game.
BAYONETTA 2 MORE LIKE BAYONETTA 2.5/10 i'm just kidding i love bayonetta
i will add you right now! i'm playing Bravely Default at the moment tho
KHV Username: Trigger Time Zone: EST PSN PSN ID: Valyntine Consoles you play on: PS3 and PS4 Games you play: Destiny and Dragon Age Inquisition Steam Steam ID: quitejaded Games you play: CSGO Nintendo Network 3DS Friend's Code: 4098-3837-8291 Wii U Nintendo Network ID: mendia Games you play: [3DS] Smash Bros, Bravely Default, Fire Emblem Awakening, Animal Crossing New Leaf, Pokemon X and Sapphire [WiiU] Smash Bros, Mario Kart 8
i forgot to register you as a friend but i just did and my code is 4098-3837-8291
why are the ends of her pigtails red?
the sega saturn is an alright console
watching nat geo wild documentaries
well that explains why it's console exclusive for PS4. sort of a bayonetta 2 situation. that cross-platform play is ****ing awesome though. consolidating the entire community of the game. with all of that said, i really hope the look of the game changes at some point during development... i dislike how similar it looks to SFIV. ):
drink water they said, it's good for you they said
this **** is cray but awesome
tfw i learned you can angle multiple characters' smash attacks and have been able to since melee