that's sexist
@Faendra I'd appreciate you uploading your Gemfx config! c:
Did you edit the screenshots afterwards, or were you using a program like SweetFX while running the game? o:
rest in peace bb
every day you show up for work, excitedly tell her the wingspan of an albatross like you just found out every day
XIII and Lightning Returns, but only if they make Lightning's butt and boobs bigger and add copious amounts of fanservice. Honestly just make it borderline hentai.
my ***** karuta breakin through the ranks and tearin **** up hell yeah hell yeah ****ing right ****ing right
Well, this sounds interesting. I'm always up for a new RPG, especially when they stray from the typical fantasy setting. Maybe they'll take some cues from VTM~
here's some analysis about the player character possibly being the Lord in this game! Spoiler if this is right, i wonder if we'll get to customize our unit or just pick boy/girl...
what's your vape rig bro
what do you mean exactly?
i think when heavensward comes out i'm just going to buy a year subscription and play the **** out of this game. i miss it.
sry you have to pay $5 for THIS premium content :^)
staff confirmed nintendo fanboys??