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  1. theicksta123
    any1 got a code to play as Sora during the Roxas story? as I already said, I accidentally left my memory card at my friends house, so that could be a code worth trying
    Post by: theicksta123, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  2. theicksta123

    Ok, just thought i'd give it a try, got any codes u want me 2 test? iy might take a while to test them cuz I left my PS2 Memory Card at my friends house.:stupid:
    Post by: theicksta123, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  3. theicksta123
    Is there a code to play as Timeless River Sora? with TR Donald and Goofy?
    Post by: theicksta123, Sep 15, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  4. theicksta123
    djc, I tested the codes, and it was a no-go, srry
    Post by: theicksta123, Sep 13, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  5. theicksta123
    Ok, I'll test it ASAP, but it might not be till tommorow, cuz of school and everything
    Post by: theicksta123, Sep 11, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  6. theicksta123
    No, I dont think so, post the code and I'll test it for you
    Post by: theicksta123, Sep 11, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  7. theicksta123
    Can someone give me the code that makes all the characters fat? it doesn't matter if its ARMAX or RAW, I got a converter recently, also, if there are any codes in need of Testing, either PM them to me, or just post them.
    Post by: theicksta123, Sep 11, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  8. theicksta123
    Can you do Xigbar x3 Crucial Critical Mode? It doesn't have 2 be No Damage.
    Post by: theicksta123, Sep 11, 2007 in forum: Video Showcase
  9. theicksta123
    Is there a code to get the Night of Fate BGM, just to let u know, this is the song:
    Post by: theicksta123, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  10. theicksta123
    *Whispers* I know how ya feel
    Post by: theicksta123, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  11. theicksta123
    any1 got any RAW codes in need of Testing? Cuz I can test them, and I'll PM you the Results. Also, how the hack can I convert codes? It sounds cool, and I could get some cool codes outta that
    Post by: theicksta123, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  12. theicksta123
    [/QUOTE]no, it doesn't exist in regular KH2[/QUOTE]

    Can you tell me what the song is? cuz I have another Idea
    Post by: theicksta123, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  13. theicksta123
    Dangit, thanks anyway tho
    Post by: theicksta123, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  14. theicksta123
    Is there a code to have the BGM when u fight the Data guys KH2FM? If there is, can I use it in KH2? I need it in RAW, Just to let everyone know, I can only take Codes in RAW Format, just to let u know.
    Post by: theicksta123, Sep 9, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  15. theicksta123
    Did anyone ever find a way to play as Riku?, cuz I've been gone 4 a while.
    Post by: theicksta123, Sep 8, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  16. theicksta123
    Do you mean change the music 4 hacked battle's? cuz I have LOTS of KH2 Battle BGM's(and a couple of KH1 Battle BGM's, and they work on KH2), do You use Codebreaker?
    Post by: theicksta123, Sep 6, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  17. theicksta123
    Ok, I know that Evilman posted this a while ago, but I tried the the code that lets World Characters use Abilities (when you play as them), but when I put the codes in for Auron, all that happens is, Auron loses his weapon, and he sounds like sora, and whenever I move, the game freezes, can someone help me?
    Post by: theicksta123, Sep 5, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  18. theicksta123
    well, do u know how to convert codes? Cuz I KNOW that I have Groundshaker in there
    Post by: theicksta123, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  19. theicksta123
    What Code system do u use? if its Codebreaker, then I have LOTS of character Codes, and the forms are most likely in there. I only have Codebreaker Versions
    Post by: theicksta123, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Code Vault
  20. theicksta123
    Yeah, if u need the code, I only have the RAW Version
    Post by: theicksta123, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Code Vault