any1 got a code to play as Sora during the Roxas story? as I already said, I accidentally left my memory card at my friends house, so that could be a code worth trying
Ok, just thought i'd give it a try, got any codes u want me 2 test? iy might take a while to test them cuz I left my PS2 Memory Card at my friends house.:stupid:
Is there a code to play as Timeless River Sora? with TR Donald and Goofy?
djc, I tested the codes, and it was a no-go, srry
Ok, I'll test it ASAP, but it might not be till tommorow, cuz of school and everything
No, I dont think so, post the code and I'll test it for you
Can someone give me the code that makes all the characters fat? it doesn't matter if its ARMAX or RAW, I got a converter recently, also, if there are any codes in need of Testing, either PM them to me, or just post them.
Can you do Xigbar x3 Crucial Critical Mode? It doesn't have 2 be No Damage.
Is there a code to get the Night of Fate BGM, just to let u know, this is the song:
*Whispers* I know how ya feel
any1 got any RAW codes in need of Testing? Cuz I can test them, and I'll PM you the Results. Also, how the hack can I convert codes? It sounds cool, and I could get some cool codes outta that
[/QUOTE]no, it doesn't exist in regular KH2[/QUOTE] Can you tell me what the song is? cuz I have another Idea
Dangit, thanks anyway tho
Is there a code to have the BGM when u fight the Data guys KH2FM? If there is, can I use it in KH2? I need it in RAW, Just to let everyone know, I can only take Codes in RAW Format, just to let u know.
Did anyone ever find a way to play as Riku?, cuz I've been gone 4 a while.
Do you mean change the music 4 hacked battle's? cuz I have LOTS of KH2 Battle BGM's(and a couple of KH1 Battle BGM's, and they work on KH2), do You use Codebreaker?
Ok, I know that Evilman posted this a while ago, but I tried the the code that lets World Characters use Abilities (when you play as them), but when I put the codes in for Auron, all that happens is, Auron loses his weapon, and he sounds like sora, and whenever I move, the game freezes, can someone help me?
well, do u know how to convert codes? Cuz I KNOW that I have Groundshaker in there
What Code system do u use? if its Codebreaker, then I have LOTS of character Codes, and the forms are most likely in there. I only have Codebreaker Versions
Yeah, if u need the code, I only have the RAW Version