LOL ok, does anyone have that code I requested? The Mickey w/ Boss Killing Ability?
Where did u see that?
Is there a Code to let Mickey Kill Bosses (And I am so Psyched about the new KH game! but the sucky thing is, me no have a DS or PSP, but I think I'm gonna get a DS, they're less expensive)
Using What, Infinite Jump? Awsome, I'll try it, so, if nothing's solid, will Sora fall through the Floor?
No, I mean Like the Invisible wall that keeps you from falling (E.G. In the trail to Hades room, try to fall off the trail, is there a way to get past that?
Is there a code to break that Invisible Barrier? (for the second time)
Well? Is there? anyone?
Is there a Code to Break the Barrier? I've always wanted to do that!
Here's Mine: If u add me, I'll accept
Ok, My URL is
Got a MySpace? Tell me, I'll add u!
So I'm guessing no one does have a MySpace account
Anyone here got a MySpace Account?
Hey, Guys, anyone got a code to play as Riku yet? also, is there a way to make Mickey wield the Ultima Weapon?
I've got One:
Does anyone know the "All characters are black" Code I requested earlier?
Well? Does any1 have it?
What's the Code to make the Characters Black as seen in this Video:
I dont want to be annoying or anything, but did anyone post the Code for the Villains Vale and the Vault Area Codes? Cuz I looked back some pages, and i didnt find it
Can someone give me the code to get the Villains Vale (Maleficents Hideout) and The Vault (Where Jafar's Lamp was found in Agrabah)?