im pretty sure we will, this game is suppose to reviel the stuff that we dont understand about the organization, and everything about the organization will be revealed lol ^^
im pretty sure that it cant be imported, cause ds games have special codings that tell the ds wat region it is, and usually an american ds wouldnt be able to decifer a japan region coding, but i could be wrong
well, nomura said there trying to fit voices into the game, but there having difficulties, so we have a 50-50 chance of voice acting, but hey i dont really care, at least it will be in 3D and we'll be able to play as the org members, that'll be fun
good point, but i think we'll find out y he wields these 2 specific keyblades in the game, maybe ur correct about that
yea, they'll probably get it at the end of summer, and we'll probably get it in fall or christmas
well if we had a soft mod that would let us reset by pressing like L1 and R1 we could reset the game and avoid rebooting gs,cb,ar max, ect.
i really dont know, maybe u just wont use them at all, which i highly doubt
well of course, maybe u have to find the 101 dalmations to get one of the keyblades?
eventually we'll be able 2, maybe they'll let u switch and there not showing roxas use oblivion or oath keeper because they dont want to give out 2 much info
they said all 13 members r playable in multi player, r they playable in single player as well?
i still think we'll be able to use roxas's true keyblades, we have to because u fight riku in the game, and in the cut scene where he fought riku he had oath keeper and oblivion
i think so 2 but im still spectical about roxas using kingdom key instead of oath keeper and oblivion, btw nice sig, i repped u :D
i wanna be xemnas,xigbar, and axel
well i didnt either untill i noticed that he has a completly black keyblade, and his shirt resembles his keyblades, one side of his shirt is dark and the other side is light, just like roxas's keyblades
i think it has something to do with ven, since vens keyblade is completly black, and oath keeper has something to do with his light, and oblivion has something to do with his darkness
to complete missions that the organization tells u to and to find out the full story behind roxas while sora was asleep
r so over rated these days, now that we have toaster strudles. wat do u think?
wat flame war? anyway, i cant find this ratchet and clank game at the vid store or the game store. so ill sit and watch
ive noticed something to, in the ven gameplay pics, hes holding his keyblade in his right hand and his keyblade isnt backwards, wat i mean is he holds his keyblade upside down in the secret ending and in the gameplay pics he holds it like sora does. mayybe square decided to make some changes?
i dont really care, but i garentee u that i wont bother trying to hack rachit and clank. and i dont even think kh220 has started the new tutorial