but a voice mod would let us be sora but with o i dont know, goofy's voice
wat ever happend to the voice mod u were gonna give out?
pm me and ill share with u a little secret about swap magic, and carey/khkid, hex is the same as raw right? so do i use the raw m code for my swap magic coder?
since sm 3.8 uses hexcode wat would i convert the code to? and wat is the m code for kh2fm that works on swap magic coder? cause i was told u cant convert m codes
if this is spam, coders plz delete my post and answer me in a pm. but i got swap magic coder and i waz wondering if i need a specific master code for the ar max function?
i thought u had to use rikus moveset? unless u make a uwm
eh, we dont need it, besides it would probably disappear wen trying to attack or have glitches to it, the fly in all worlds code would be better btw the thing that ran across the flore in ur vide, i think that waz chip or dale, but lets not get off topic about that @.@
so we can use the heartless keyblade, if the coders made it?
it has cause ive seen a utube vid with thee model mod and it was for fm, but i dont think it was posted
that is 99.9% possible, it would be easy to make that code now that we can dump kh1
cool! cant wait
i tried using this m code: Master Code 903088e0 0c0c21e0 and it actually let my swap magic load with out a bsod but i tried using some fm+ codes and they had no effect, can u give me the correct 9 m code?
is there a summon mod? cause i saw 1 one a website acouple hours ago, and ive never seen it be4, also r u guys gonna make a fly in all worlds code? cause that would make kh1 more fun
is there any codes that work with the 9 type m code? non of the codes that r on the first page work
lol i can so picture that
im using swap magic and i keep getting bsod wen trying to load it after using a cb, does anyone have a 9 type m code for fm?
i think yen sid made the drive forms, not mickey, but then again, mickey did give sora the master form drive, idk
well of course itll be in english, since its coming out in the u.s. :p
yea but i hope we get voices 2, but if we dont its not a huge deal, btw i repped u
yep, im buying it the first day it comes out, same with bbs, then again ill just pre order it