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  1. DjC
    Yes it is 100% Working on PS2. But only working in the Roxas data battle (This will be fixed)
    As soon as we fix the DMA, and give him ALL his animations and work out some tiny bugs :3
    Post by: DjC, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. DjC
    I don't know if Erkz new already, but I know Cloud didn't and yes the bugs will be fixed.
    Post by: DjC, Jul 17, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  3. DjC
    If you have 8.0 0r higher you have to use the update, but I'll send all that stuff in the PM, with instructions. If this isn't a necessary thread you may delete it. I just wanna make sure lazy people get a chance to use some awesome codes that they miss out on because they are too lazy to type it in >.>
    Post by: DjC, Jul 16, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  4. DjC
    Well it's about time I made this, I had a request for some Day1 files 2 months back. So heres how it works. You post me ALL the codes you want for your game (Including the Kingdom Hearts Series) I will make you the Day1 file, and PM you it. If I don't get to you right away don't spam the thread I will get to you eventually (within a week). Also this is only for CodeBreaker users, that have 7.0 through 9.2 ONLY! Enjoy :D. Oh and just to clear this up, CodeBreaker lets you use 200 lines of code BEFORE it says you have too many codes activated. Don't be afraid to post a lot of codes, I can handle it :3.
    Thread by: DjC, Jul 16, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: Code Vault
  5. DjC
    What are you looking for?
    Post by: DjC, Jul 11, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  6. DjC
    Actually I imagine that Birth By Sleep will be similar to how Crisis Core is set up, like graphics,battles,etc. I think it'll all be alike. And if Terra dies then his spirit is still around because he's in Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix (As you already know). I kinda was looking at Aqua and then looked at Namine, and they both look alike, except with different colored hair. Just thought I'd tell the peeps XD.
    Post by: DjC, Jul 11, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. DjC
    Hmmm? That's strange in one of the videos I could've sworn I saw some lag. And for a second I thought that those were play as codes but I noticed that it was zoomed in.
    Post by: DjC, Jul 3, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  8. DjC
    Thank you. Any who, So what did you shoot the video on? The emulator?
    Post by: DjC, Jul 2, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  9. DjC
    *Sneaks into room*....................... *Cough*or the 11th*Cough*............................. *Runs away*
    Post by: DjC, Jul 1, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  10. DjC
    Well today was the last day of school and at 2 A.M. tomorrow I will be leaving to Texas (on an air plain XD) for the whole month of June, then I'm coming home for a week and going to Florida, after that I'll be in town for about 2 or 3 weeks and I will be heading out to Indiana after the 2-3 weeks. I should be back either late July or early August, I will try and be on my cell phone's mobile MSN and AIM while I'm gone so if any would like to keep in touch you know how to contact me. I'll miss the forums alot, have a great summer and take care everyone.

    ~DjC :)

    P.S. if I can get my hands on a computer I will try to make an effort and come on, also wish me luck on the plain ride,as I don't really like air plains at all ever since... you know what but I know everything will be ok. See ya guys! :D
    Thread by: DjC, Jun 4, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  11. DjC
    I thought you were asking about DMA. Since you just said "What? XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD". But shouldn't the animation mod be able to give him the animation for Dark Aura? Or are we talking about swapping animations that the character has, like an example, switching the Sora's High Jump with Quick Run. Or can we give him Riku's Dark Aura attack? I thought we could make Terra use Dark Aura since Cloud can make Roxas use magic.
    I think you HAVE to have the second cloud for the code to work. I THINK that he is steeling/ sharing Cloud's animation or something since they are both using the same attacks and move at the same time. Cloud told me about it but I forgot what he said.
    Post by: DjC, May 31, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  12. DjC
    Eh, Coder or no Coder I'm just glad to do what I can, besides I'm not very good with PS2 hacking, PSP hacking is my strong point also, credits go to CloudStrife252 for teaching me everything I know about Animation Modifiers and other hacks. But anyway we are all Coders at heart and I don't need a yellow name to prove it :D. But now I'm curious to find out if the animations are DMA, I think it is but I could be wrong.
    Post by: DjC, May 30, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  13. DjC
    No, I don't think so. It can't cause a BSOD because if the adress changes the code should just have no effect. Now if the code worked once and it didn't work the second time, then that's a different story.
    Post by: DjC, May 29, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  14. DjC
    Erkz, DMA= Dynamic Memory Alocation. It's when an adress changes when moving to a new area, loading a save data or just by resetting the game. So games are completly DMA and you have to rehack the code over and over again BUT there is a way to make the code that's DMA work anywhere. Some games have half of it DMA or some times just one or two levels and it could be that the animations are DMA in KH2.

    Cloud, What do you mean? I can play as Cloaked Roxas (Hood Down) mush ball in the normal KH2 game on the P

    S2 with out a problem, same with Cloud. Except you fall through the floor.
    Post by: DjC, May 29, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  15. DjC
    When you play as bosses you CAN'T do anything. You can only stand, but if you use an animation mod you can give the boss ANY animation you want. So if you wanted to play as Terra you can use ANY of his attacks as long as you use the correct animation mod(s). You can even make Terra use Dark Aura.
    Post by: DjC, May 28, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  16. DjC
    Wait a sec, all the animation mods worked that you gave me, in every room that I tested. Maybe for the codes that only work in one area are DMA, if they are I kn

    ow how to counter act it. Maybe you should give it a try. It might work.
    Post by: DjC, May 28, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  17. DjC
    Are you talking to me or erkansilk? And erkansilk the Phat PS2 is the original PS2 not the ps2 slim. Also what you do is load up your cheat device, pick the Terra in Slot X (X= what ever drive slot you put him in.) Then go to start game and boot the free version of HDLoader NOT the game, then at HDLoader, load the ISO, and test away.
    Post by: DjC, May 24, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  18. DjC
    The reason why we can play as bosses on the PCSX2 emulator and not on the PS2 is because of something about the computer having such a massive hard drive and the PS2 doesn't. But it doesn't mean that we can't find away to make these work on PS2, it just will be a lot harder hack. The reason why we can't use the codes that have been posted for the emulator is because they freeze on the PS2. The only way I think we can play as bosses and other people is by model modifying. Like the code that lets you play as Cloud (not by the UCM code), it works on the PS2 but he is a mush ball. If we modify the mush ball to having a stance, animations, etc. It would probably work on PS2. That's the only way I could imagine playing as other people on the PS2. Oh, I don't know if this method will work but I think there is away to play as bosses, characters, etc. If you have a PHAT PS2 with a Hard Drive Disk, you could probably stick the ISO of the Kingdom Hearts 2/FM game on the Hard Drive Disk and use a Game Shark, Code Breaker, or Action Replay to use the UCM codes for playing as bosses/characters on the ISO and it probably won't freeze. If you have an 80 Gigabyte Hard Drive Disk it should work, if you have a 120 Gigabyte Hard Drive Disk then I'm pretty sure it'll work but an 80 Gigabyte Hard Drive Disk should be enough. I would test it myself but I don't own a Hard Drive Disk for my Phat PS2, if anyone can test this theory please let me know your results.
    Post by: DjC, May 24, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  19. DjC
    I know Cloud's working on some stuff, other than that I have no clue.
    Post by: DjC, May 24, 2008 in forum: New Releases
  20. DjC
    Nope Xemnas is definitely not playable. I think that the last battle is DMA, that's why we can't have Riku and Xemnas outside their battle, but that's just my theory.
    Post by: DjC, May 23, 2008 in forum: New Releases