ive known kh220 long enough to know that hes not like that. and hes gonna teach the basics of hacking and move up to harder stuff as we get a better understanding
we already can, its just that his model is messed up, and u fall through the ground, im sry but thats the closest we'll ever get to playing as him
but thats a good thing, id rather hack codes that were already made so i get the hang of hacking, u know wat i mean...
alright, but please start wit kh2. i hate wen people use other games, and i will be testing those codes u sent me in an hour or so, ill give u results later
that wouldnt happen to work wen u get bsod would it?
about wat khkid said early, i agree. cloud told me the same thing. gba hacking is completly different then using ps2dis. so y not start at ps2. ill barly hack gba codes, i dont even play snes anymore, and psx is kinda just, well not interesting, now im more than willing to learn. ill download w/e i need and give it my all. even if it takes me a year
sweet, cant wait
wen will this all be starting? and r we gonna start with ps2 hacking
i know a website that needs members, if u put the hacking tutorial there, itll bring in more members, u wanna put it there?
code master projects, the place where evil learned how to hack. @kh220 sign me up for sessions, cause i definatly wanna take ur class!
actually i get confused wen i try to learn from cmp. im more of a visual learner though :/
hey, i got a good idea, y dont u make ur own hacking tutorial since the old tutorial will probably never be updated
i have 2 test in the morning, and isnt the code u gave me just for max hp? or is it a stats mod?
if know one can get me the codes, can someone tell me where i can find some re com codes, cause ive looked and i cant find them anywhere
hey im looking for some re com codes, can i have the max hp,cp,and ap codes. plz and thank u
ummmm wasnt this suppose to end friday? and it looks like A one so he might as well update the tutorial
awsome, finally a vid thats ready for psp! im sick of using youtube converters to convert it to psp and then it has crappy quality. great job coders.