Nope. I can ashure you that Xemnas has nothing to do with my new project. Just wait till Fridayish/Saturday. What is that code?
That better not be the Xemnas code. . .
What? I'm not working on a play as Kairi code. I'm just saying I'm making a code that stops mushballs from falling through the ground,walking through walls,etc. You'll find out what I'm working on possibly Friday? Maybe sooner? Or later? I dunno, but it'll be out before the end of next week for sure.
I'm working on a fix, so don't worry ;).
xD Looks like model moding is the new "cool" hack, probably because it's really easy :P. Well I can tell you this Axel and Cloud do work on PS2. DON'T GET YOUR HOPES UP. They truly do suck if you play as them on PS2. You can't attack, some people freeze when attacking. Also since your into model moding you should know that most mushballs fall through the ground. If you want to wait a little on your video, I'm working on fixing that, then you can put it in your video if you wish to. PM me if you're interested.
I am 100% sure that BBS WILL come to the U.S. and PAL regions.
Who said anything about playing as Terra?
If you give them their mset they get their original A.I., so no mset swapping it makes it suck XP. And if you guys liked the Roxas code wait to you see what's next, it'll be terrafic *hint hint* ;). Dude, the reason why we DIDN'T want to release it yet is because we were going to release a bonus with it. But that will have to be a separate project now. So don't be making me look like the bad guy >.>
You know I find it really funny that you released this code, without telling me or the crew. We agreed to release it AFTER it was completed, not when you thought it should.
DMW? Either someone made a typo and said DMW or they were talking about the DMW in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII XDDD.
Memory Sky Scraper eh? I'll keep that in mind in case I have time to make the same code for another room ^^. Do what SoraOscuro said to do, that will fix it. The final release has that fixed and even better, you can use reaction commands ;).
I'm the one who keeps stating about the DMA. It is VERY annoying and if you fix it you freeze a lot. DMA stands for Dynamic Memory Allocation. It means that the address changes in every room. Well that's how it is in KH2. In other games DMA can be more annoying. In some games the address and values change every time you leave or enter a room, if you save a game, if you move, etc. Yes we can freeze the address and values but the game crashes too much. So DMA isn't worth such a head ache, I had to take 3 Advils because of it. So don't expect the code to be working out side that battle anytime soon. Well I can hack it for another room but it'll only work in the room I dump it in. So yeah. . . other than that the code is working perfectly all bugs were fixed except the DMA.
Meh, I thought this code was awesome myself as me,SoraOscuro,and 00Roxas00 hacked it. But it really sucks. It only works in one room, although we are trying to fix it, it CAN be fixed but you have a VERY VERY VERY high chance of the game freezing when you do an animations :/
LOL, I like the ending of the second video. Just wip a keyblade at Xemnas and instant win, that was 1337 stuff righ thair
Yup, the code production is going by smoothly we really only need to work on the DMA, which I am working on. So we'll keep you guys updated ;).
That shouldn't be hard to fix. Well I mean yeah it will be hard to make but I already have an idea on how to make that go away.
It's both. But Umm this kinda isn't the right place to ask XD. Ask me through PMs or in the KH2FM thread.
I will try my best :3. Oh and does anyone have the HUD mod?
I can make the codes that need digits, but I can't actually have every digit apart of it, I'll make t he ones with the digits except I will leave the part where the digits go as 0000 so you know where to put them ;)
Do you want me to put all those values into codes? Because you can't have the values as a code its self. Oh and I'll have it done before Sunday :3