Is this how the Russian athletes trained for ski jumping?
Queen Ienzo III, known to have looked youthful even in her elderly monarch portrait.
Ah yes, the young ones are the easiest to fall to the eternal collective.
After thinking about it for a while, some of these would be nice and easy-access to start up something similar to a Movies and Media Section Simultaneous Viewing ... Extravaganza (???) if anyone would be interested in joining hands together to watch old films on Youtube from the comfort of their homes in their underwear or some such. Some of these films are right gems and not everyone has seen a few of them, I do not think. It would certainly be a fun little event to organize, Ben.
Huzzah for being a win-win! Amusingly enough, I feel the more efficient searching system may just very well be an incentive for people to increase their usage of the search function in general. I hope that every member maximizes this as much as they can.
When the Red Revolution arrives, it is them who shall be the martyrs.
I hope all will go well and your time will be short in there. Best of luck, friend.
I, Gotterdammerung, would be extremely happy to note that the immortals in question were particularly safe, along with my Mimi-mistress, despite the many ills that were present within the labyrinth, if I were allowed to do so. Avoiding the thorned vines and voracious chomping-plants and the cry of the plant-dragon mandrakes was only second to reaching our destination, but upon coming across the immortal who called this particular land her home, the venture became easier to bear. Yet reaching the enormous metal towers of our destination served to quiet the prolific life around I and the others. My very Mimi-mistress, who now gripped on to me tightly, had quietened and silenced her thoughts away from my consideration. She was slightly weakened from the apparent disappearance of the dolls at the farthest ends of the maze, and decided to keep a close eye on the antisocial lady of the maze instead. However, my Mimi-mistress knew well enough that the denizen of Twercania would be enough of a handful. It was then that I, Gotterdammerung, decided to take the lead for my dear mistress and drag her through the soaring city-spires of bookcases and arches. It was as empty as one would expect, with a dearth of what one would consider a living object, and the environment's nature seemed to drain away the very force that gave us consciousne e gave to us a set time that he would let us return with the book. My Mimi-mistress returned the level of sentience of I, Gotterdammerung, back to its original state as we walked away from the immortal whom my mistress did not trust, not simply because this immortal had, she told me after, spoken to them only through books and booming voices. My Mimi-mistress had created another doll out of the book, and transferred part of her communication power to the doll, but did not name it, for from the beginning my Mimi-mistress instilled the inevitability of death in the doll so that she herself could sever connections to it through mere business, in order to make sure that they would get the book on time. She had decided to reduce my consciousness in a quick way of making sure the denizen did not instantly read her memories through the shell of I, Gotterdammerung. I, Gotterdammerung, considered my Mimi-mistress a very wise mistress, but in a flash her thoughts seemed to block out the other components of Twercania and I, Gotterdammerung, re-took my position on the helm within her arms. The immortal never did show my mistress the pretty flowers, and I, Gotterdammerung, felt that what was once beautiful had been tarnished by apathy and fleeting desire. I told my Mimi-mistress this, and she simply giggled but did not say anything. It took quite a bit of time, but eventually, the party was back at the Blazing Victory tavern of Fairwyn, where I, Gotterdammerung, noted that little had changed in our absence. - - - - -
To answer your question, I believe he was last online in August. In that particular time frame I am unsure to specifically say if he has completely left the forum but I do hope he returns. For now, it appears he is not here, but regardless, I hope you dinosaur your way through our amazing forum.
I want to say I have seen much worse on one of the main roads here but that implies the traffic actually moves.
From the interviews, the vibe from P5 was more breaking free from the bounds and apathy of society and the like. "Painting the town red' and all that. It definitely sounds like a take-that at certain sects of apathetic gamers. In fact, I think this was directly implied earlier.
Squash is something that has been lobbied upon for a while but no results yet. From its fast pace and fun I would definitely enjoy seeing it in the Olympics. Similarly Basque pelote has been on and off of the Olympics so it would be nice allowing it to be more consistent. Chess would actually be a really interesting idea and open up the Olympics to sports/games beyond athletic prowess. As someone who nerds out over extremely well-played chess games and watches them on a daily basis, it would be nice to see. But I am not quite sure if it would fit the IOC's requirements.
Oh my lord. All of this? I am extremely happy to hear you are well and able to embrace what you love. You are truly the strongest of magical asian school girls. Thank you for being alright, friend. There actually was a good tumult of worry over your disappearance and to call this post of yours here relieving is an understatement. It is really good to have you return!
Sometimes Shakespeare takes a hit-or-miss approach for high school students, and I can understand how unapproachable his Early Modern English style can be. When you get into the depth of it and come to understand it, some of Shakespeare's plays, I find, are absolutely profound and thought-provoking while simultaneously being filled with the crudest sex jokes imaginable. Being a toilet philosopher certainly takes some skill. But anyhow, I feel, more than anything, the aim of teaching Shakespeare should be to note both the writing style and the content overall. At times I feel some schools skip out on the latter strictly in favour of the former without allowing their students to understand which is unfortunate. Perhaps in the future you may gain a more favourable light on it, or perhaps not for good reason, such as his writing or humour simply not being your cup of tea. People see profound beauty in different ways. I wish you the best of luck with your schoolwork.
Remove the Owner's Curse of never appearing active on the forum ever. Is this a Satsuki Kiryuuin cosplaying convention
Chinese white tea is my favourite, when prepared properly. I highly recommend it.
Ah whoops excuse me, I checked the message early in the morning and must have forgotten to reply. :c Thank you for the offer! I will consider it,...