Kind of a similiar story but whatever. Our computer teachers decided to have an online shooting game tournament, so I decided to join even though I had never played this particular game. (forgot what the game was called, Soldier of Fortune or some crap. Just a free internet game, nothing big, and so that it didn't lag the school comps) In the end, I hit the frag limit almost everytime with 40 kills therefore, coming first out of around 20 people. So then, I was called a cheater, so I had 5 people watching me play, and they were all 'guys, she's not cheating.' Most of the guys ragequit then.
Protip: short hair like Kairi's, ONLY WORKS on skinny people OR people with a thin face. It does not work on people with a chubby face (go ask a hair dresser too if you don't believe me, atleast that's what a few have told me, and it's on the net.) I don't know what your face looks like, so I wouldn't know, but if you don't have the face/body for a hair cut like that (like me, I'm too chubby to have short hair) then keep your hair long. Long hair has been proven to make you look skinnier (well, atleast your face) and is very flattering. Plus, it doesn't require much styling. Short hair on the other hand like that, needs A LOT of straightening if you want it to look good, and styling (like hair gel, etc.) And also, even though this opinion shouldn't count but just saying, I think short LAYERED hair is better than Kairi's hair, who is just a straight cut with hardly any layers.
Aww, I'm sure you can do your eyes like that D: and omg, thank you so much<33 And yeah, couldn't help noticing, since I'm part Greek and all. It's like, second nature.
Thanks, lol for once I actually like the way I did my eyes, glad to hear someone else likes them x3 and did I ever tell you that the 'o' you use in your user name is the Greek letter pronounced as 'fi'? xD
I'm pretty sure you do o:
sex scenes? violence? blood?! COUNT ME IN holycrapIfeelsuperstupidbutwhatwasyournamebeforeI'mconfuzzledbynamechange;-;
No seriously now, what is True Blood? .____.
what the **** is True Blood? Don't tell me it's an even shittier version of Twilight.
I'm leaving again (oh the irony, coming back the day before I leave) for just under two weeks since I'm going on a holiday interstate so yeah.
sidoh. win
Reverse trap?
just as planned.
woof I'm a seahorse.
My tummy rawred at me. I think it wants me to eat something. Too bad for tummy.
beep beep whoosh crash
irl facepalm that I imagined in my head after looking at this ****.
1. Put CDs in a pile 2. Pour flammable substance all over CDs 3. Get a match 4. Light match on fire and drop onto CDs 5. ????? 6. PROFIT! yay for being high at 3am
True that. So too much ugly = pretty?!