Wow, new person, been a while since we got one of those. Try not to break them this time guys. Or just scare them off. Or turn them inside out. Or... ... . .. .... ... .. . .. . *AHEM* Welcome~
I've been there... can't really give any advice that's not cliche. Friends are good to keep close, true friends will stay with you and help you when you need it. If it gets too hard, you could always just punch life in the face.
Wait, so do you watch Invader Zim?
When you said that.
I assumed you watched Invader Zim since you just quoted Gir a post ago.
I don't lie about DRRR. I speak it fluently. Because he had a brain tumor, Gir, that is why. I prefer scepter encrusted jewels. Nah, Deii, you need to add one more 'ra' for it to mean that.
Durararararararararararararararararararararararararara is slang for Awesome. YOU'RE WRONG, IT DOES NOT WORK. Wrong No. But yes. Um. Something
Dakka? Darra? Durra? DURA? DURARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARARA!!! Just don't toss around vending machines and anger is fine. If it's not yellow I don't have it. It's the opposite of 4Chan. Well, opposite of /b/ anyway, not all of 4chan is a hellhole.
Wet floor signs are the embodyment of yellow and breakdancing put together. Oh, and Kida. Depression is contagious. No, no ,no , not at all. It's just wet floor signs. Well, and that yellow billboard I found walking home. Colourless is like the anti-thesis of 4chan. It's similar in some aspects, but then it's completly not.
UHHHHHHMMM ... Yes. Err.. I mean... no? *hides 7 signs beind back* ...OKAY, BUT I HAVE A GOOD REASON FOR IT. But what of Colourless? EVERYONE is friends there CB EVERYONE. All 11670 of us. Such good friends we have on Colourless, such good friends. CB
Thanks B. Hah, skulls? I don't know why any of us would go around collecting them. If anything we're just all going to start up collections of things that are yellow. Mostly handkerchiefs and scarves.
I think I'm pretty much over all that now, I got through all the arguing crying and yelling already. I know, I know, and I don't want to be a creepy stalker. Kida has a girlfriend anyway. I wanna be friends with him though. Actually another one of my friends is trying to track him down(and no, I didn't tell her to, she started all on her own). So as not to seem creepy, we wanna invite him to a photoshoot, because asking someone you only really saw for half an hour to causally hang out is weird, but photoshoots are totally different. Hahaha... yeah so me and my friends are semi-stalkers. ._.'
It's a bit more than simply breaking up... but I guess I was a fool to believe someone like that saying something like marriage was serious. Oh and if anyone cares, I got stabbed in the back the very next day. Not litterally, but at least literally wouldn't be so bad. Thank god nobody let me have a knife that day. Ah well, that's all in the past. All I need to do is stop myself from becoming a stalker to Kida and everything will be perfectly fine.
Hey, I'm kinda back. I apologize for ditching this place, I had too much going on. I'll try to be on more. So... I think I've become obsessed, it's almost stalker level. I feel bad. I guess this is what happens when you get broken to such a point and you kinda go insane for a little bit, you just cling to any kindness. Sorry, this probably sounds kinda weird... I just feel like talking. Talking and being distracted. Oh yeah, If anyone wants to play a Danmaku game me and some friends made, the demo is done. There's still some stuff wrong with it but it's just a demo. *shameless advertising*
Sorry guys, I kinda jumped ship a while ago... **** hit the fan for me and a lot was going on. Just kinda saying I won't be back for a while yet. I have a lot to do.
*hugs Higher anyway* Accept your family's love. >B[ So... Onomatophobia. I just realized I feel like a moron because of it.
Or save up the rest for times when you actually NEED it. 'two cents' is a saying, it just means you chipped in with what you had on the conversation. And Higher, that's not being cheap, that's being smart.
I guess that's true. I dunno, I never really understood people's obsession with spending money even if it is for something fun. Like I still want to hit one of my friends when he talks about magic and how he just got 4 new cards for whatever he's currently making, I think a cube or something. Anyway each was $40. He does that almost every paycheck. It's a peice of cardstock with ink on it. I just don't get why you would do that. Ever. Shoot, all I have is a half cent.... sorry guys.
Maybe, but it still cost way more than any game should.
Um... I don't really know, I just know there are people which my friends know that play it and waste shitloads of money one these figurines that you need to play with.