Ah, that's too bad. Free candy is always nice.
To have a distaste of rules and laws, you prefer freedom to do as you please. It doesn't have to be logical, and I'm not saying you can't be evil if you're a fan of the chaotic 'side', simply that not everything that likes chaos is evil. Someone who is on the lawful 'side' could just as well be as evil as anyone who likes chaos more. To be on the lawful 'side' only means you like to have a certain sense of order and laws that bind. Chaos has a bad rep for being 'evil' and lawful has a dumb rep for being goodie-two-shoes. I blame this on misinformed people. Regardless, whether chaotic or lawful? The gods can kiss my ass. This isn't to sound cool or anything of course~ Just simply how a wonderful person such as me thinks is best, after all, a sociopath who needs someone isn't a sociopath in the end~ Now onto a more fun topic we can all join in <3 Who went Trick-or-Treating or dressed up for Halloween?
And like I said, chaos does NOT directly relate to being evil.
Well truthfully there is quite a few different definitions but most don't say Daemons are evil, a lot say they are good, etc, etc.
Being part of a group? of FOLLOWERS? No thank you. Their idea of a Daemon is off too...
Getting support from gods just isn't my style. I would also like to note that chaos doesn't directly mean evil. Lawful doesn't mean you're good either.
Forces of Chaos? Government? Nah, I fly solo, it's more fun that way.
Well I hope nobody catches something from it being too cool, I'd hate to cause some physical misery to someone. Of course mental misery is a whole different playing field~
Nick, Phoenix, Phoenix Wright, Feenie. Confusion solved or do I have to explain the details of the content of my post? Finally someone who likes the idea of Izaya running about, an applaud goes to you B.
I expected better from you as well. *shakes head* Well it appears I'm fully Izaya now, please excuse me if I happen to be an ass or go about trolling. And what did I mean? I'm ashamed I couldn't tell if Nick was trying to troll or not, though to be fair it's different than the type of 'trolling' I do. Ah, I love to be horrible~ It brings out the most interesting aspects of humans. <3
I can't tell if I'm being trolled or not... this is bad for my rep as Izaya. Oh, well then, if he stole cupcakes then it's good that he exploded after all. The request has been made Well just be sayin' somewhere else. D:<
So you are a dinosaur hunter! Amazing technique, to talk them into blowing themselves up. Though that one didn't seem so bad a guy... Izaya, or maybe Izaya Orihara. It's oh so fun to be Sai but putting people in boxes only goes so far~ I may use his internet name though, just to be clever, but I dunno. I think sticking to the basics is good enough. Why do I need to out sociopath anyone? I'm perfectly content the way I am. I... I never thought I'd actually hear of someone who doesn't know Steve. That guy was my hero since I was like... 7 or so. Though he doesn't exactly do documentaries, what gave you the urge to say you don't know much about documentaries if you don't know the guy?
EXCUSE ME FOR BRINGING LOGIC INTO THIS, BUT Last I knew the word Awesome has been around for longer than 17 years. So either your lying about your age or you where not born when the word awesome was created. Well consider the phrasing. "When the word Awesome was invented, I was born" This makes it seem as such you where simply born on a certain event. Should it be the other way around "The word awesome was invented when I was born" is the same words and same basic meaning, however it seems to imply the word awesome was created because you where born. Simple rephrasing can change everything. To take it a step farther "When I was born, the word Awesome was invented for me." Now that's defiantly a way to sound like a self important jerk. If you wanna be like me, throw some sarcasm in to, that usually hits in the final straw~ Oh by the way guys, if we're talking about words made because of us, the term Sociopath was my doing. <3 Referencing things? Now why on Earth would I do that? Not like the numbers correspond to anything or that Kida Masaomi is anyone I know of. Feels good to be Izaya once in a while. I feel like such a horrible person~. Aaaaand on that note, I may get a name changed, I dunno yet.
For the sake of learning? Well now.. One- GOD YOU'RE OLD Two - I think you got that line in reverse. Three - ..... ... ..... .. ... KIDA MASAOMI.
He maybe, I dunno, I shoudl ask. B, are you a stalker? Being awesome can generate a sound, you just can't hear it because you don't know what you're listening for. Also to be awesome, sometimes one must do awesome things, said awesome things an generate sound as well.
But you've been here for how long now? B is hardly s stranger, more like that creepy person that you don't talk to. ...Except not creepy, and you do talk to him. So he's just that guy.
Though I would say that rant maybe a bit too long, I don't think it wasn't without justifiable reason. There is two, maybe three reasons we don't ignore your posts. 1, Quite frankly it's rude, and though I personally can be spiteful and such, it's common courtesy to at least reply. 2, Possibly you could have been/are one of the types to pester if a post has been ignored. 3, Some things are... well they almost demand a reply. There are a few unsaid guidelines around here, most are what I would assume is common knowledge about proper etiquette, even though we're on the internet. (however I guess I'm mistaken for that) Messing around is fine so long as you can have a addition to the ongoing conversation. Personally I think that, if the topic of conversation is on a more serious matter of things, a little more thought should be put into the reply. This doesn't mean you can't mess around a little, but you need to have a bit of a serious tone to you post either after or before. Simple foolishness as a reply I find is somewhat insulting to the person you're replying to if they put effort into their comment. As a side note, posting a number of pictures is kinda the same. I find a lot of people, myself included, get tired of looking through pictures if there's one in every post without much variation at least. This is just a simple request to keep the image count down a bit more. It seems kinda redundant to me to go over these things... and I apologize if it seems like a lot, but this is just what we've gone over and learned from out five other threads that maxed out. You're not forced to respect me or B ourselves, but please respect what we say to the degree it asks for. If you understand that and try to follow with it, then thank you and I hope interactions here go a bit more smoothly.
I rather think the meaning of my comment flew over your head.
Oh no, I know you're serious about the book's theme. I think my brain just melted from the question itself, so I can't answer "What's a Norse? " for you.
....Learn you damn Norse Mythology. You think names like Rataoskr and Ginnungagap where made up from the people who crated the Tales games? Or Midgard, Nifelhiem, and other such places where made by Square Enix?