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  1. Quiet Elegy
    Then what do I have to do to get a little respect as a model citizen around here?

    Must have forgotten the taste of sugar then.

    ;~; but I already called it Jurassic Thunder
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 28, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  2. Quiet Elegy
    What, do I have to be some sort of saint?

    The harlequin killing people like he just don't care.

    Nah, it's by that Velociraptor who starred in Jurassic Park, he was great, though clearly he was just a bit too inspired by Tropic Thunder.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 28, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  3. Quiet Elegy
    Yeah, it was hard too considering I know nothing of drawing dinosaurs or guns.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 28, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  4. Quiet Elegy
    Hey hey hey, I'm not that bad am I? Sure maybe shizu-chan things I am, but I haven't even done anything to you and you accuse me of being a horrible person!

    Dude wat.
    That thing looks like it has a troll face. Though I can see why.

    Oh and as a side note I think the world needs to see my drawing because it's just that epic.


    err... apparently kh-vids shrinked it. It's full size on my DA though.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 28, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  5. Quiet Elegy
    Maybe I will sometime.

    True, true. I mean he's not really evil enough to be a bad guy anyway ...or stupid enough considering some of the bad guys

    Yeah but Ash is a classic, and who else would you put in there if not Ash?
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 25, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  6. Quiet Elegy
    Power Rangers is Japanese, they took the clips of the fight then just kinda put English actors for the non fully body suit parts.
    Kamen Rider wouldn't be used for Power Rangers because it's it's own thing. Basically, they would only use Power Rangers to make Power Rangers, not Kamen Rider.

    I watched the newest Power Rangers at a convention, it was in Japanese and has an actor I really like playing the Red Ranger.

    I dunno if Izaya is the type to decided dressing up in a tight black body suit and helmet then helping others fight stuff is quite his style.
    Also don't get me wrong, I do like JYB, he made a rather impressive Emil and Lelouch... just not Izaya.

    Woah woah woah, am I thinking the same Kamina as you are? The whole 'PIECE THE HEAVENS!' Kamina?
    If so I am so on board this, SOMEONE FUND IT.
    I can put in a empty can of tuna.
    I dunno if that will suffice for funding though....
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 21, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  7. Quiet Elegy
    I'm pretty sure if they make more PoweRangers then they're gonna take the Japanese one and **** with that, they wouldn't take Kamen Rider's stuff.
    Actually speaking of that, I watched the subbed Japanese version of the newest series at Chibi-con. Kurosagi was the red ranger~ I may watch it just for that. Well, that and it was pretty kickass.

    If you're talking about the English versions then I think they all kinda suck. Not to say some of the Originals didn't suck either but.. you know.
    Though I think English people did an amazing job with things like Excel Saga and Ghost Stories, but need to keep their grimy fingers off a lot of stuff that comes from other places.
    Yes I'm looking at you 4Kids, you had a good start but you've killed yourself.

    Oh and while on the topic of shows like Power Rangers and Kamen Rider, Rescue Fire is another really good one.

    Also, Izaya is being Dubbed by Johnny Yong Bosch. It sounds so... wrong and awkward. ;~;
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 21, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  8. Quiet Elegy
    Oh Spoony, how I love your reviews. I've seen that already, I'm awaiting more from FFX.

    ...I remember seeing that game. It was... interesting.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 20, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  9. Quiet Elegy
    Do you know who you're talking to? I'm the person who ****ed up and brought magic casters to a place with an anti-magic field. If it wasn't for Zidane's Trance then I would have been there for at LEAST 5 more hours.

    Oh no doubt. I know Kamen Rider can kill Giant Enemy Crabs for sure with music.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 19, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  10. Quiet Elegy
    Cast L1 lightning all day long.

    Music tactic shoudl still be useful in such a case as well.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 18, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  11. Quiet Elegy
    But that doesn't take huge amounts of power, you just use the power of MUSIC~ to defeat it or flip it over to attack it's weakpoint for MASSIVE DAMAGE.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 16, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  12. Quiet Elegy
    Anyway, even if you did have huge amounts of power, how much of it do you even need to use?
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 16, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  13. Quiet Elegy
    Still, usually limited but balanced is better then strictly unbalanced power.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 10, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  14. Quiet Elegy
    Exactly. A black mage wounded isn't able to help itself without something like potions, a white mage on it's own can't do much more than try and flail at something then heal themselves after they get punched across the map.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 10, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  15. Quiet Elegy
    Black mages and White mages are alright as well, they've got some nice skills, but a Red mage I think is the smartest, they can hold their own well. Also they could potentially the most cruel or kindest type of person alive.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 9, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  16. Quiet Elegy
    So? It's not like they can steal everything, and what they can steal is rather useless. It's only in very few situations they have a use, so even though occasionally they could possibly be fun to play, they have no practical purpose in combat.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 9, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  17. Quiet Elegy
    That's a blue mage... the useless ones.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 9, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  18. Quiet Elegy
    Nah, just a simple mage who uses White and Black magic. You know, the smart ones.
    I suppose primarily in Final Fantasy games.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 7, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  19. Quiet Elegy
    I really wanted to but Sai was too cold, Rena doesn't really fit and is also cold, Izaya doesn't look weird enough for the normies who don't know DRRR. So I ended up being a Red Mage.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 7, 2010 in forum: Forum Families
  20. Quiet Elegy
    Of course~
    It was a pretty nice night out on Halloween here, so it worked out well.
    Post by: Quiet Elegy, Nov 7, 2010 in forum: Forum Families