Yes yes, and I still refuse to let go of my precious Alfred. What's a prince without his horse anyway? I'll tell you why I'm going on about a horse named Alfred if you tell me the origins of this "a heavy risk, but the priiiize" is.
They've always made spoofs of her, you've never heard Leather Pants or Brooklyn Rage? Spoofs are made because it's easy to make fun of some things, and people love a good laugh. She's not the only one to be spoofed either. Anything popular usually gets messed around with. Some people may not hate her, but if the spoof is good it can warrant a laugh still. Besides, the reason she's so special is she's OOOOO SO SHINY AND NOT NORMAL. Plus she stutters. though for visual kei fans she's nothing new, she's not even good. Ayabie's Aoi all the way <3 Oh and welcome back by the way.
What prize is there to distracting me? *clings to Alfred* I refuse to click for fear of distraction.
But Old Spice smells bad. Besides, I get Alfred, the coolest horse ever.
You get a horse?! Pssh, I'm getting Alfred then.
I'll just take the normal route thank you, swan dives only work for pools.
I like plan D...
Nah, we won't keep anybody around like that unless we keep them drugged 24/7, which we hardly have the money to go through with. Do we have a plan B or C, maybe also D?
Pandas aren't endangered, that's a conspiracy, just like how dodos are extinct, and dinosaurs despite the fact that even if they where alive right now they wouldn't be able to breath because the climate they lived in wasn't just warmer but had 40% more oxygen in the air. Hey, I think we're doing quite well to still be alive and kicking here. I think it was kinda expected that we would all leave like... however long ago it was when everyone else also dwindled off. A year or so? More? It's a conspiracy, we're not endangered, we just want us to believe we are. ... ... CONSPIRACY! okay I'm done now...
I'm sorry, I didn't mean to stay away so long. I don't mind being a panda, but I dislike being sad...though if you're a panda why would you be sad?
Ah well it's nice they are drawing to a close but I wish they went on longer, I don't particularly want to go back to school yet.
Oh god I'm so sorry for being gone so long, but the holidays where kinda hectic. ;~;
Well that sure was... interesting. Not quite like me and Shizzy's relation though.
Maybe or maybe not, though in the end I've already said I follow no one.
It seems common for a person like me. I was proud when my Shizzy actually hit me the fist time. They always used to SAY they where so close to shoving me/kicking me/punching me in the face/etc. Anyway long story short I got them to hit me now we punch eachother all the time while I giggle like a lunatic. Bruises and death threats mean we care~
But then what will we argue about?
You say you could list reasons I'm /b/, I can list at least one thing /b/ did that wasn't bad, trolling, or spiteful.
Okay yeah maybe but hey, /b/ isn't bad ALL the time.
Since when was I /b/ in human form?