Actually I drew it out partly, though it's missing a few things. A bit messy, but that's cause it's a sketch. It's also shrunk down in size. We went under a walking bridge type thing made out of brick and cobblestone. There was a hole in the roof lettign sun in, and a bigger hole in the floor. Plants with large heart shaped leaves covered the upper part of the hole, and a foot deeper there where colourful flower peeking out. Moss clung to the cracks in the walls, and in some parts more flowers grew out of it. There's supposed to be giant blue fist-sized ants.... but, you know, it looks better without those hiding under the leaves. They almost bit one of my party members because they where stupid enough to poke around the hole without looking.
Well it's partly my dreams, not just me, even though it kinda still is... well if that makes any sense anyway. Thank you though. If I get time to do scenery again, next I'll probably draw something pretty green and floral-ish.
Well though sometimes the plot is a bit lacking, that can be fixed with a little planning. The overall idea sometimes needs revision but there are little details that can be put to use. Such as one dream that never really explained the purpose of the key, but my character had found two keys, to keep trust with their overseer and, you know, not be killed by them, they gave one key up. The other however they kept secret and hidden. The key itself wasn't revisited which I think can be put to use at least in that aspect. A game where there are a lot of minor things that either have no use or are a key for somewhere far ahead. usually games give you a key, you use it, get anther two, use them, go a while, fidn another key to use right away. brainstorming on the use of the key itself is the start of possible plot. I have many little things like that that can be twisted and beaten into submission for easy use in a game. More so though are the characters and areas visited in the dreams. Even the bleakest of places are very vivid, they're too good to be true but they seem almost more real than reality. I don't really have any way to describe it, just the colours used, the detail in everything.... it's beautiful. Somehow even a large city is able to be made grand. Though it's the places that don't even resemble reality that I love to go to most. I'm not a very good scenery artist so I only have one and a half examples, but I plan to draw more. Not the utmost best skill when comapred to other works people have done, but as good as I could muster for these two: Echos of dripping water, rushing water, and the simple sound of water splashing on rock. The path is lit by glowing crystals. As beautiful as it is it gives off the feeling of loneliness and sadness. This one actually wasn't in a dream itself but it's a good example. Half done, this was in a dream though it's incredibly hard to represent. Very brown feeling, tan coloured rock was used on the pathway by ancient people. Below is a pit so deep you can't tell if there is a bottom or not, above is similar. The pit is cylinder shaped. Despite that, and the cracked condition of the path, it doesn't feel unsafe. Below two rings of more ancient writing is swirling about. In the center of this pit is a circular platform, connected to tunnels to various places via three pathways including the one you're standing on. The platform itself holds a throne on which the bones of an old king sit, guarded by a family or raccoons. I think I'm gonna scrap my pencil drawign and do another digital art for it. I don't liek the pencil one anymore.
Oh no, not those ones, I mean other dreams I've had. I have plenty enough to fuel a whole series and more.
A lot of questions indeed, but dreams usually do anyway regardless. I've often thought of making stories or games out of my dreams, since the imagery in them is vivid enough to rival Eternal Sonata It could be a good idea. ...just that my game team is already so full of ideas and games we can't work on my dreams. ;~;
Weird stuff like being chased by a evil girl and her two minions that look like a green frog hypello thing and a furry. All just because i have a weird power over electricity, I proceeding to talk them into letting me join them, then torturing someone as proof I should be allowed to join and not be killed. Being some guy with crow wings trying to kidnap back my daughter from a man who refuses to believe she's mine. If I don't get her back she'll die. That had some strange mix of DRRR into the characters, my 'character' looked similar to Izaya. Something about pirates and having to sneak around. That was somewhat like Pirates of the Caribbean, and Jack was my father. I had a pet fish-dog that was able to fit in one hand. It died because my character was a dumbass. Despite the constant theme of death, there is no relation, and though it is such a dark theme, my dreams are pretty slack about it. They're not exactly scary or sad, I wake up and just reflect on myself and them until I fall asleep again or have to go get ready.
Ugh, let me just drag myself in and die for a bit, life is way to harsh. I'm sorry for being gone, there's just so much going on it's horrible. ...and I'm sore. and I'm having crazy dreams that wake me up at night. :I
Ah well, I'm not exactly worried about stalkers, and it's not like the internet can't find where you live easily enough anyway from what you do even when careful.
Well if you wanna learn anything interesting it's better to ask about history then, you know, average weather.' Yeah, though I blab about ai-kon enough for anybody to track me down to his city.
We get Chinooks though so it gets to -10C or higher sometimes, -20C is also common. -30C is the common for Jan and Feb, not much but a little of late December I suppose. The province anyway. I think I already gave away my city though or something. If not, it's really not to hard to figure anyway.
Normally we get like -30C... to tired to convert that right now. I would hope to god that we never get weather like that in fall. We only get it in the dead of January and February. It's more because of our surrounding area than simply that it's Canada. Our region is far colder temperature wise than the rest of Canada unless you go further north. I think we've got it lucky though, we may have biting cold but only to exposed skin, it's a dry cold. I've been to Montreal, it's hell there. -17C to them is a disaster because no matter how many cloths you put on the cold seeps in and it's damp. Chills to the bone there. I recommend never coming here to dear little Manitoba, nor going to Saskatchewan. The only redeemable thing about Manitoba is it's so un-polluted. Sask is just a flatland with nothing, nothing at all, ever, and there never will be.
The glitch is when you pick up something like say a cabinet, and hold it in front of you, you won't be attacked. Usually the worse we get is something like -49F with windchill, though it has hit like -58F and such before with our windchills. Feels weird using Fahrenheit :x
4shared I don't care to much for, what I'm looking for is always on youtube or nico nico. Videos I could care less for unless it's to do with touhou, in which case it's a fanmade PV and is usually freaking amazing. I suppose some vocaloid PVs are also great. Official music videos for bands and stuff though... yeah no I don't give a damn, I don't even listen to mainstream stuff in the first place. You're into gamedev? That's cool, though if you're learning C++ I don't think you need to learn java. C++ should give you the ability to make better games than Java as far as I know. I know our team personally doesn't use Java, and we've got a programmer in training learning C++ to help us out when we move onto bigger games. As of now we only have a demo, but it's not bad for our first game. Most people find funny videos through fandoms. I could send you at least 20 hilarious touhou ones, however the jokes may flow over your head. this is better I think for amnesia. I have a bag of Milky Ways~! Problem is that game isn't scary after you learn there's a glitch. Pick up something and hold it in front of you. -8 Fahrenheit? Wimps. Snowstorms and 5foot high snow is understandable though, mostly.
I eat whatever I'm given but I like only really like pepperoni pizza :I Well youtube isn't always the best for the type of music I like, but it has a lot. Often I will look for things on NicoNicoDouga. Demonoid is good for discographys if you know who you're looking for. I'm horrible for multiple tabs, like if I'm on Pixiv or Danbooru they really go on forever. Surprisingly not usually true for DA though... Pssh, Greek Mythology is so overused. Norse is far better~ Taking a class on it maybe boring as hell though the content is incredibly interesting... School has tendencies to do that, it happened to one of my friends. Isn't C++ better than Java though? Depending on what you want to do I guess.
Alright then, I permit the getting of pizza for such an occasion. Bring forth thine pizza.
Oh, I was under the assumption you meant pizza for us to eat. Being dead doesn't look good on a resume, so I'd rather not die myself.
Depends what it's made of I suppose. I mean the last one you got had rat poison in it. :I
This isn't about it being justifiable, I told you it was okay anyway. This is about you getting to have your fun and not scaring off everyone who comes along.
Now now, you get to have plenty of fun, what about last week when I said it was okay to dissect that health inspector and the cop?
I only use youtube for music now a days. Much Touhou music to be found~ Now now, don't go scaring him off, it's not the nice thing to do.