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  1. Saxima
    Oh, you guys made a thread about me, how sweet.

    let me have this okay i need an inflated ego to feel good about myself
    Post by: Saxima, Jan 19, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Saxima
    vomits who is this i will kill you gross im not cute get the flip out of here

    . . . thank you

    . . . gross
    Post by: Saxima, Jan 17, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  3. Saxima
  4. Saxima
  5. Saxima

    [/url] o k a y, Morgiana was super powerful Valen, too! She didn't need something so stupid like supervision, as that dumb, pompous squad leader had put it, saddling her with the "older" Valen as they left the Hall { yeah, they could actually do that during a game – she was shocked, too! }.

    So that was how "underage" Morgiana the Magnificent Mirage ended up in a bar in the godforsaken, dummy-land of Fairwyn.

    Sangria had insisted she have a drink, but she knew better and she sat, pouty, with her arms crossed, glaring at the drink and hoping that it would explode. However!, since they were out of the castle, their powers had returned in full, and Morgiana was able to make the drink into something way more acceptable – and that was her favorite of all the human confections: cream soda. The color and fuzz of the drink had all remained the same, but now she was downing deliciously sweet and fizzy cream soda.

    This completely bites! Morji complained loudly over the rambunctious crowd of the bar. What are we even supposed to do now? she then asked to no one in particular. She thought about the Valen that had disappeared while they were in the castle and wondered what even happen to them. It was a mysterious place, so really, anything.

    Now I just wanna go home . . . she pouted, and then dropped her head onto the bar, feeling her eyelids grow heavy. She missed her bed.

    S L E E P I N E S S ; ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜

    Post by: Saxima, Jan 16, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Saxima
    I hope you guys are all super ****ing jealous, because I got to see this super kawaii kitty live. The most adorable little thing.

    Post by: Saxima, Jan 16, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  7. Saxima

    Proof that Ravi is indeed the group's pervert.

    Post by: Saxima, Jan 16, 2014 in forum: The Playground
  8. Saxima
    Can you . . . actually do that? Like, I'm trying to imagine that being a . . . thing, and I just keep falling out of my chair with strangled laughter.
    Post by: Saxima, Jan 16, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Saxima
    DID YOU MEAN: Every Kingdom Hearts AMV ever?
    Post by: Saxima, Jan 16, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. Saxima
    How about we all just agree that Hyorin's version of Let It Go was the gr8st. ♥

    But yeah, I watched Frozen and enjoyed it a lot. I wasn't exactly sure what to expect from it, but I think that whatever it was, I was a little let down by it. It kind of just felt like something was missing. Maybe the movie was a little too goofy for me, but it was hecka cute and I enjoyed it a lot.

    Maybe I was just really spoiled by Tangled.
    Post by: Saxima, Jan 16, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Saxima
    I finally watched the season finale of Sherlock today. Holy crackerjacks on a stick, it was awesome and super flippin' intense. I seriously can't wait for the next season.

    > seven million years later

    Anyway, I'm glad they said something about it being out before the end of this year. ♥
    Post by: Saxima, Jan 16, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. Saxima

    [/url] a t t e n t i o n span shorter and more anxious than usual, Morgiana didn't stay in the ballroom for a minute longer than she thought she had to. What did the empty clothing mean? Was it just in the ballroom? Where there more empty clothes in the castle?! Did the Valen who wore them just disappear? WAS SHE GOING TO DISAPPEAR, TOO?

    Worried that maybe the air was strange in the ballroom and it would make her dissolve too, she pranced away with electric yellow eyes. There were more falling parts of the castle that she had to avoid, getting a scratch or two, but for the most part, the ground was stable and she was able to navigate without much trouble.

    One pair of intricately-designed silver doors later and Morji was gaping in awe of the throne room. She immediately shuddered at the thought that G O D might have once sat in here. It wasn't very large, but the space it had and its regal decor made up for that. She trailed down the velvety, thin red carpet until she neared the throne. More clothes without owners; a crown and a robe. She didn't think that G O D would have worn anything as flashy as that, so she vaguely wondered who it belonged to.

    For several long minutes, Morji was incredibly tempted to dawn the crown and cape, and her hand was already outstretched to grab both items, but when the castle shook again like it was telling her NO, she stepped back, screamed back at the walls in argument, and then proceeded to violently stomp out of the room with blackened eyes.

    In[/url] her pouty rage, she stomped on with no direction until she ran into a chalky white pillar. Stumbling back a little, she was ready to go off on the would-be person, but flinched when she was looking at a giant portrait of a famous Valen that was once a pirate. Tar, they had called him, and he had been very famous for winning many games and expanding his land so much that many Valens often entered alliances with him, only to try and doublecross to take his land. He wasn't a very kind man, and was ruthless, and Morgiana thought he was the coolest because pirates.

    She danced around a little, looking from portrait to painting of Valens that she both knew, hated, and didn't know. She wondered if there was one of G O D, but even if she did find one, she doubted she would recognize them. Her face contorted into a pout at this.

    I'm definitely gonna get to be in one of these! she declared, and then pointed a finger at one of the paintings, watching the Valen in it melt away until she was the subject of it, standing atop a mountain with her arms raised and her sheepy hair flowing valiantly in the wind. It'll definitely be the best one in here. She then spun on her heel and began to walk until there was a squishy sound, and she looked to the ground in alarm.

    Nearly the whole of her left shoe was covered in paint and she scowled at it, pointing at her shoe until it looked clean again. Who would leave paint like this in the gallery where it could get everywhere or someone could get hurt?! I would have been seriously mad if I fell again! she threatened to the air, her eyes turning red as she cautiously moved around the spill. It . . . really was weird, though.

    She headed the way she came, but gave one last look to the puddle of paint with a raised eyebrow, and then the paintings that seemed overly-creepy to her now, and quickly scampered away. Wiping away the eerie paint and eerie empty clothes, Morgiana eventually stumbled her way into the music room. Her first expectation was shattered when there was no ghostly-not-really-there music playing, and then her second was shattered even more awfully when there were other Valen already in the room.

    She threw out a finger in accusation at the group that was already in there. Particularly Sangria, Marina, and Johnis. You guys can't just take my room like that! she said with annoyance lacing her tone, taking a few steps forward. I was definitely going to look here first, so you guys should definitely go away!

    S L E E P I N E S S ; ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜

    Post by: Saxima, Jan 13, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Saxima

    [/url] o f all the people who could have been sitting next to Morgiana, it just really had to be dummy Sangria. Not only did Morji not like alcohol, but she didn't like Sangria's sometimes uppity air that she had about her. She was not a better Valen than Morji and she wasn't above her either!

    . . . Hun. This isn't anything to be scared of. ❤

    Her hand went to Morji's sheepy hair and she flinched, her eyes darkening in their shade. Who said I was scared, huh?! But Sangria wasn't exactly looking at her. Fine then, be like that!

    She warily watched as Sangria took out the empty bottle that had – g i g g l e s n o r t – clocked her in the face earlier and murmured words of offering. Morji watched with a scowl { albeit, layered with wonder } as the bottle filled up with a pale purple liquid that was, no doubt in the whole of Aether, alcohol.

    Before she could do anything else, there was a faint tremor . . . And then a much stronger one. Morgiana was on her feet immediately, her eyes icy blue, frantically scanning the area. Since they were in the castle now, there was . . . No way to get out! She let out a gasp of shocked realization and her first worries were about if she would ever see her b e d ever again.

    Contemplating[/url] what to do, Morgiana stood up and sat down several times. When Sangria said something again, it gave her something of a direction.

    Most everything else passed in a blur, but the majority of the Players had gathered on the roof, finally finding the bell with the ominous words on them. Morji was intimidated by them.

    She was always frustrated when she came to the Hall, but only to go directly to the main foyer, but now . . . Now she was given a chance to explore the castle as freely as she pleased, with no one to bother her! There was never an end to the giant, mysterious maze that the castle was, which was why it always kept her interest.

    With slightly droopy eyes, she drifted away from the group and watched her feet walk forward, only slightly wary of the dangers of the castle crumbling. It was really a shame! She would never completely know what this place was like { not that there was ever a chance to know all of that before, but she could dream! }.

    Just barely dodging a falling pillar, Morgiana had dove into a pair of doors and landed on ceramic, ornate tile with a loud t h u m p. Wailing dramatically and loudly, she lifted her head and blew her giant cloud of hair out of her face to see where she was. The ceiling was high and woven with beams of bronze and gold, which the glass ceiling could be seen through, leading to a view of the strange sky.

    Grand music played, but it only seemed like a perpetual echo and she could only hear it in her head. Creepy. The expanse of room was lined with columns on both sides and on the far side of the room was a bit of risen flooring and chairs set up. A b a l l r o o m. How did she know that? The creepy dresses everywhere might explain it . . . she mumbled, standing up and dusting herself off. Her silver shoes clicked against the tile floor as she wove her way around the scattered dresses and clothing carefully as if they were landmines.

    The question was, Where are all the people?! Her voice trilled loudly over the almost-ghostly music playing.

    S L E E P I N E S S ; ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜

    Post by: Saxima, Jan 13, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Saxima

    [/url] m u c h to her dismay, when Crestatia began to do that thing where she stomps on everyone, Sangria saw fit to sit next to her. Morji squirmed under the warmth of the body next to her, trying to remain wide-eyed enough to pay attention.

    Marian introduced her game as r e d e m p t i o n and Morjiana slightly scoffed at the name. What a human that girl still was. Still, for a first-timer, Morgiana appreciated and slightly admired the simplicity of the game. There were Valens that always put on an extreme, dumb show for their first game and ended up fucking up royally, which had always given Morji much teasing and laughing material.

    Her oceanic eyes lazily scanned the guidelines and she vaguely wondered what the punishments were for breaking any of the rules. Hopefully something fun and entertaining. Morji remember the harsh punishments for some of her previous games and they were absolutely terrific and always had her giggling.

    Cards had been set down on the table and Morgiana reached for only one. Hearts. Hmm. Everyone was relatively quiet as they looked through cards and guidelines and rules and nonsense for this first game of this runny-nosed Valen.

    I do hope this is a decent start for my first game.

    Morgiana rolled her eyes at the annoying tone. I DO HOPE THIS IS A DECENT START FOR MY FIRST GAME. Pfff. Whatever . . .

    Before she could make any further commentary, the gong of a bell tolled and Morji flinched in her seat, all signs of sleepiness drained away. Her eyes faded to a bright purple and she glanced apprehensively around the hall. She immediately looked to Sangria, grabbing her arm worriedly and then to Crestatia, who was up and heading towards the doors.

    I apologize, Marina, sometimes these things happen. I will go search for the source.

    Beeeee careful . . . Morgiana whispered pathetically, worried about the situation in general. Her and loud sounds were not exactly the best of amigos. Just like a pitiful puppy, Annalynne followed after Crestatia.

    S L E E P I N E S S ; ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜

    Post by: Saxima, Jan 11, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Saxima

    [/url] f o r the most part, she was left to her own devices, which simply entailed her whipping up small snacks that would keep her sleepy mind preoccupied. There were loud voices of the other Valens all around her and Morgiana was reminded of why she didn't spend time around any of them; too much noise, not enough sleep. Gross.

    On her fourth bag of squishy giant marshmallows, there was a languid voice near her face. Psst, you awake hun? ❤

    I wish I wasn't. was her first-reaction reply, puffing her cheeks slightly with darkening eyes.

    When she realized it was Sangria she puffed her cheeks even more. She had to be the worstest of the worst when it came to Valens she didn't like. Not only did Morgiana not like the smell of alcohol or taste of it, but Sangria thought it was so dandy that she went haywire on alcohol like it was sugar or something.

    Don't worry, hun. I'm out of all the good stuff, but tell you what, I'd love to make something named after you! Sangria giggled and Morgiana grimaced, contemplating mocking the giggle with something really really scary, but decided against it on the grounds that she just wanted to close her eyes.

    Her eyes turned a vibrant shade of magenta when Sangria . . . k i s s e d her hand.
    Morgiana[/url] sputtered and snatched her hand away, opening her mouth to whine out loudly in protest before Sangria continued. A taste as flighty as a bird, bitter to the core but leaves a lasting imprint on the soul. Makes any fellow who downs it in a shot ready to rest the rest of their night away. I can see it now, hun. You'd be famous. ❤

    Y - You definitely won't like it if I get mad, Sang –

    There was a s w o o s h right in front of Morgiana's face and then the sound of something colliding. Barely stunned by this turn of events, Morji lazily turned her head to see where gross Sangria went to and saw her stumbling into a wall and hitting her head. She barely contained her sputtered laugh. Her eyes returned to a warm shade of pink and she popped another marshmallow into her mouth.

    Served her right for messing with her!

    Just when Morji thought she was in the clear, You aren't hurt, are you, dear? ❤

    WhyyyyyYyYyYyyyYYY are you like this. she asked, scowling and continuing to chew. Sangria said something else, but Morji didn't care. If you're try'na get me drunk again, it's definitely not going to work! And then she clutched her small bag against her chest. And you can't have any of my marshmallows, so don't ask!

    S L E E P I N E S S ; ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜

    Post by: Saxima, Jan 10, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Saxima

    [/url] t h o s e gross feelings of sore-loserness still made themselves feel comfortable in Morgiana's chest as she heard the tell-tale knock on the door. The fruity sent of mango and orange was just making her feel nauseous now. A voice was telling her that it was time for her to head over to the Hall, but why did she want to see any of those people? She puckered her lips into a pout and glossed a hand over her hair. It turned into its usually lustrous and sheepy self.

    She stood from her criss-cross position on her needlessly large couch and yawned with a widely open mouth. How could anyone really want to be up this early? The large clock on the wall told a time of 6:45pm. The knock on the door sounded again and Morjiana was quick to stomp her foot on the smooth wooden floor.

    The door disappeared and there was a dignified, elderly man standing there. Morjiana narrowed her pink eyes at him as they shifted between hues of darker red. I hired you to keep me on track, not to bother me for no reason! she whined loudly.

    If you please, I am keeping you on track. he replied. The next game is starting soon and you're wanted at the hall.

    She puffed her cheeks and bit her lower lip. I know that! she snapped. The elderly man remained unfazed.

    With another wave of her hand, something more dramatic this time, her clothes were changed away from pajamas and she began setting stomping feet towards the door. The man moved out of her way.

    Morjiana[/url] sighed deeply and smoothed out her skirt.

    Fata Morgana was just as quiet as ever as the sleepy Valen stepped out of her tree house home. The ever-dusked, pink-and-cream sky was littered with wispy clouds and the wheat fields rolled across in gentle waves. Mirage FM { some of the other Valens liked to call it that } hadn't shrunken much at all after her last loss, but it wasn't exactly big to begin with and was mostly filled with residents who were warm folks but often sleepy like herself. She supposed that was her fault, and the place would be a complete wreck if it wasn't for Butler . . . The "butler".

    Technically, she had won him in a game a long time ago and found him of great use when Mirage FM was extremely gross and dead. Morgiana had the power to model it as she pleased a little more freely than the other Valens, but she was always too preoccupied with her large bed to care. Now she had Butler to care for her.

    One small flick of the wrist later and Morjiana was grasping onto a small bag of large marshmallows that, in their cluster, resembled her hair. Popping one after the other into her mouth, she listened to Butler talk about how Mirage FM was doing for the week and every now and then would mention the new game and Aether's newest Valen, Marian. Marley? Merry. Melissa? Mauvy. Mary? Morjiana didn't care. It started with an M. Her M-name was far more important and cool anyway.

    Disregarding the lavish woodland staircase that led to the ground, Morjiana jumped off of the balcony. Before she met the ground, there were a slew of squishy cracking sounds and Butler watched as her body began to contort.

    Make sure to behave yourself. he said as he watched a small sparrow begin to soar away.

    In her head, Morjiana scoffed.

    Morgiana's small talons touched to the stone bridge. The Hall of Games loomed over her small bird figure and the usual cracking sound happened until she was standing before it as her normal form. She quickly pulled at her long, sheepy hair making sure that she was actually her right form before taking a breath that was more of an annoyed huff.

    She didn't want to meet any of those crackerjacks. Every time she came to the Hall, all Morji ever wanted to do was explore.

    Her footsteps were heavy and pouty as she walked into the Hall and began to make her way to the main foyer where all of the other Valens probably were. She was always one of the last to arrive, but it wasn't really a big deal to her. They could start if they wanted, that just meant more naptime for her.

    As soon as she stepped into the Hall, her eyelids felt heavier and she wanted nothing more than to go back to sleep, but instead trudged along until the stench of heavy alcohol reached her nostrils, and she knew that Sangria was around, doing her best to get everyone shitfaced as usual. She scrunched her nose as she began nearing her usual seat.

    There was Garret, the one she sometimes tried to outdo in tricks and jokes even though it wasn't really her field, Prism, the one she didn't really care about because she thought he was super-extra boring and easily swayed, Ursa, the one she didn't like because she didn't like cold things, Daphne, the one she didn't like because she was way too happy and energetic where Morji just wanted to sleep for god's sake just leave her alone!, Annalynne, the crackerjack she didn't like who thought she was too good for everyone, Darren, the one that was too nice and she didn't like him because he was too nice, and the others she was too hazy to pay mind to.

    Besides Melina, the newest Valen that Morji didn't like because . . . Who knew. It should have been Anthony. Should have been Vanille. Gross Marian who won. Gross. Morji wrinkled her nose. Besides Melina, Morji wondered when the scary Crestatia was gonna show. Morji didn't like hanging out with anyone of these Valens { and rarely did }, but especially Crestatia because she was . . . a little scary. No, Morgiana was not actually scared of her, but holy jeez, Crestatia was scary when she wanted to be.

    She took her seat and pulled out a small notebook and quill pen from her long, sheepy hair. Don't wanna be heeeeEeEeEeeeEeeeR. she muttered.

    S L E E P I N E S S ;; ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜

    Post by: Saxima, Jan 10, 2014 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. Saxima

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

    Thread by: Saxima, Jan 10, 2014, 0 replies, in forum: Social Groups
  18. Saxima
    what is this

    who are these people


    i need an adult

    surprised that this thing has made it this far
    Post by: Saxima, Jan 3, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Saxima
    You know, I don't like that tone you're using, you crackerjack. You think you're funny, don't you?

    . . . If I ever become admin, you'll be the first to go, Frenchy. Let's see how you like gray.
    Post by: Saxima, Jan 1, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Saxima
    My birth pictures indicate that I was red.

    So if I return to my roots, that would make me a Mod.

    . . . Make me a mod.
    Post by: Saxima, Jan 1, 2014 in forum: The Spam Zone