Reality/Perception warping.On a more realistic note, destroy all sex offenders.
ayyyyy i can dig it
lay it on me babe
i can read music lyrics in korean, but you're talking like being able to wholly read/understand the language, which wasn't the case with the other alphabets. i assumed you meant just knowing the alphabet.
carps i also know cryillic during my brief russian-language obsessionbut my most recent addition was hangul, which was surprisingly easy to learn since i spent two days pouring over it and romanizing korean texts and ****
heyheyheyheyheyheyheydo me
do it baguette View attachment 37749
i am 10026532105% sure that i am one of the grumpy old men. i need someone to be the waldorf to my statler
that's what im saying. look at those dapper little shitsthey are my idols in nature
Or you could become a butterfly. Or a mantis shrimp. °˖ ✧◝(○ ヮ ○)◜✧˖ °i mean, look at these bright little ****ers
Nasty stuff . . . ~ t o g e t h e r ~ ? ~(⁰▿⁰)~ . . . why the flip was i not invited (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
[/url]⚜ f r a n k l y, Morgiana didn't give two flying figs about Akantha and her stupid sensitve behavior. All their group wanted was passed through her land to get to Twercania – that's it. She didn't have to be so flippin' sensitive and stupid about it. Who cared about the stupid flowers? Apparently, the whole group did because everyone was now kissing Akantha's stupid hiney, praising her ( kind of ) pretty flowers that infested this stupid flowery land like a disease. . . . They were pretty, though. Morgiana preferred her wheat, though. At least they could be useful. Still, she guessed that kissing ass was better than having to make their way through some maze because Akantha threw a stupid fit. Why, if Morji had it her way, the flowers wouldn't even be such a problem and Akantha would swear them off forever! She showed her disdain for the situation with stormy eyes and heavy footsteps, staying on the far side of the group from Mimi and her . . . thing. Mimi, shockingly, seemed to talk, but Morgiana was too busy eating flower-shaped cookies to pay attention to what she was saying, only knowing that it was more of them staying here, traversing, sucking up to Akantha for passage through her land. . . . She was suddenly cursing that stupid coin toss – she wouldn't have had to be here if it just landed on tails instead of heads. She tugged a little on Asterion's sleeve, motioning for him to lean down. ❴ If we show her that we care about her stup – flowers . . . Do you think she'll let us through? ❵ she whispered. ❴ What do we do if she doesn't? ❵ S L E E P I N E S S ; ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜
[/url]⚜ f r a n k l y, Morgiana didn't give two flying figs about Akantha and her stupid sensitve behavior. All their group wanted was passed through her land to get to Twercania – that's it. She didn't have to be so flippin' sensitive and stupid about it. Who cared about the stupid flowers? Apparently, the whole group did because everyone was now kissing Akantha's stupid hiney, praising her ( kind of ) pretty flowers that infested this stupid flowery land like a disease. . . . They were pretty, though. Morgiana preferred her wheat, though. At least they could be useful. Still, she guessed that kissing ass was better than having to make their way through some maze because Akantha threw a stupid fit. Why, if Morji had it her way, the flowers wouldn't even be such a problem and Akantha would swear them off forever! She showed her disdain for the situation with stormy eyes and heavy footsteps, staying on the far side of the group from Mimi and her . . . thing. Mimi, shockingly, seemed to talk, but Morgiana was too busy eating flower-shaped cookies to pay attention to what she was saying, only knowing that it was more of them staying here, traversing, sucking up to Akantha for passage through her land. . . . She was suddenly cursing that stupid coin toss – she wouldn't have had to be here if it just landed on tails instead of heads. She tugged a little on Asterion's sleeve, motioning for him to lean down. ❴ If we show her that we care about her stup – flowers . . . Do you think she'll let us through? ❵ she whispered. ❴ What do we do if she doesn't? ❵
[/url]⚜ i t felt like ages before Garrett actually replied, but Morgiana was just anxious to see what these crackerjacks were trying to do. She wondered if any of the others from the bar were doing things like this, too. ❴ Oh, well, we're just looking for information on ancient and foreign languages. ❵ Garrett replied, and her first thought was why would anyone need to learn about the languages when she could just as easily make them speak it, but then he let on more of an explanation about the book that Marinara had and she raised her eyebrows. . . . Well, the stuff in the book could be worth looking into, but why in a ratchet little place like this? Gosh, these people must have been completely blind to see that there really couldn't be anything of use here. ❴ Old foreign languages? ❵ she asked once more, and then started backtracking to another shelf. ❴ You'll want something deader than dead. Something that no one uses anymore. ❵ Actually, she really didn't know, but it seemed like a good place to start. She hadn't been able to look in the book Mary had, but she assumed it could only be written in something dead that no one used anymore, not even spread throughout the different regions. Before she could get very far, Mimi and her – OhgodwhynoCREEPY DOLL – abomination were telling them about Twercania, and she remembered studying there once, but the librarian kicked her out before she could get anything done there. She shivered as she tried to collect her thoughts and not think about the thing in Mimi's arms. ❴ Do you think we'll be able to leave Fairwyn, though? ❵ she asked, trying not to sound shaky around the little monster. ❴ We would have to take the book, too . . . The others would come with us? ❵ Her face screwed up in thought of so many having to travel together. S L E E P I N E S S ; ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜
[/url]⚜ i t felt like ages before Garrett actually replied, but Morgiana was just anxious to see what these crackerjacks were trying to do. She wondered if any of the others from the bar were doing things like this, too. ❴ Oh, well, we're just looking for information on ancient and foreign languages. ❵ Garrett replied, and her first thought was why would anyone need to learn about the languages when she could just as easily make them speak it, but then he let on more of an explanation about the book that Marinara had and she raised her eyebrows. . . . Well, the stuff in the book could be worth looking into, but why in a ratchet little place like this? Gosh, these people must have been completely blind to see that there really couldn't be anything of use here. ❴ Old foreign languages? ❵ she asked once more, and then started backtracking to another shelf. ❴ You'll want something deader than dead. Something that no one uses anymore. ❵ Actually, she really didn't know, but it seemed like a good place to start. She hadn't been able to look in the book Mary had, but she assumed it could only be written in something dead that no one used anymore, not even spread throughout the different regions. Before she could get very far, Mimi and her – OhgodwhynoCREEPY DOLL – abomination were telling them about Twercania, and she remembered studying there once, but the librarian kicked her out before she could get anything done there. She shivered as she tried to collect her thoughts and not think about the thing in Mimi's arms. ❴ Do you think we'll be able to leave Fairwyn, though? ❵ she asked, trying not to sound shaky around the little monster. ❴ We would have to take the book, too . . . The others would come with us? ❵ Her face screwed up in thought of so many having to travel together.
Sorry about your shit-situation, James. I hope that you find a place soon and I'll look through all the friends I can to see if there's anyone around your area for you to crash with. Until then, best of luck, friend. We are here for moral support, and we love you. (✿´‿`)ノ
Molten rock is for bitches.Real humans drink liquid mercury.
[/url]⚜ t h e fly around Fairwyn had been refreshing and great for Morgiana. Her only regret was that she couldn't find a decent tree to settle into for a good nap. It felt like the entire land was in party-mode, but she stayed far away from all of those gross Fairwyniens. Sometime later, she had regretfully spotted some of the other Valen she'd come around with going into what looked like a dingy, sorry little building and she wondered what they up to. Maybe it had something to do with the game, and if it did, she would be darned if they were trying to get a o n e - u p on her! Sharply diving, Morgiana found her way to the ground in no time. She looked at the building and almost pitied how pathetic it looked, wondering what they could possibly do in here. She strut into the building. ❴ HelloooooOoOOOooo? ❵ she called out, beginning to wind her way around the shelves and books. In one of the sections, she spotted Garrett and thought he was as good a Valen as any to talk to about things. After swiping some dust away from her face, she bounded up to the other. ❴ Hey, you should tell me what you guys are doing here. ❵ she said, looking from side to side at the shelves of old-looking books. S L E E P I N E S S ; ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜
[/url]⚜ t h e fly around Fairwyn had been refreshing and great for Morgiana. Her only regret was that she couldn't find a decent tree to settle into for a good nap. It felt like the entire land was in party-mode, but she stayed far away from all of those gross Fairwyniens. Sometime later, she had regretfully spotted some of the other Valen she'd come around with going into what looked like a dingy, sorry little building and she wondered what they up to. Maybe it had something to do with the game, and if it did, she would be darned if they were trying to get a o n e - u p on her! Sharply diving, Morgiana found her way to the ground in no time. She looked at the building and almost pitied how pathetic it looked, wondering what they could possibly do in here. She strut into the building. ❴ HelloooooOoOOOooo? ❵ she called out, beginning to wind her way around the shelves and books. In one of the sections, she spotted Garrett and thought he was as good a Valen as any to talk to about things. After swiping some dust away from her face, she bounded up to the other. ❴ Hey, you should tell me what you guys are doing here. ❵ she said, looking from side to side at the shelves of old-looking books.
I'll go again, too.
DID YOU MEAN: aiight ?. . . aiight for best member 2014
[/url]⚜ a f t e r another round or three of cream soda, Morgiana found herself dozing off on the bar table, not unsurpsingly. Despite the loud ruckus, she was usually able to fall asleep anywhere if she really wanted to. With heavy eyelids drooped close, her mind grew a hazy fog. Puffy dandelions bloomed inside her mind, cuddling her with a ticklish, soothing warmth and she could smell the familiar, homely scent of the wheat fields that sprawled across Mirage FM – ❴ TESTOSTEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE!! ❵ Morgiana sat up sharply, her eyes a vivid red color and swimming with anger at being so rudely brought out from her almost-nap. Whoever that was, she was going to c r u s h them. There was only one person who had that dumbly-manly voice and said that word with such dumb vigor . . . Just when she was just about to jump into action, Mary Anne charmed the crowd into being a bunch of dirty adults that Morgiana had no pleasure in participating in. Those sorts of activities were gross to her, and just because she liked draping herself on people, that didn't mean that she wanted to t o u c h them. Especially not. Gross. Reason #627 to not like Marie En. Annoyingly, her body temperature had risen and she could feel her heart beginning to pound in her chest. She lifted her head from the bar and crossed her legs tightly, her face contorting into something between a scowl and a pout. ❴ This is stupid! ❵ she announced, and then got up from the bar stool and looked around for someone. She really needed to leave this gross tavern and its gross atmosphere. With[/url] slightly wobbly legs and even more hazy vision, Morgiana weaved her way through the crowd, pressing up against various other Valen. Her scowl-pout deepened with all the touching, but she eventually stumbled to the entrance of the bar. As she was opening the door, someone's hands were pressed to her hips and with widening magenta eyes, she wrenched her head around. It was an older male Valen, with a certain look in his eyes that Morgiana found disgusting. ❴ Hey Dolly, how about you have a drink with me? ❵ he asked her with a lascivious tone. ❴ No, no, no! I'm leaving. ❵ she told him firmly, her tone harsh. ❴ Get your filthy hands off me, old man. ❵ ❴ You should respect your elders, ❵ he replied with a hint of threat in his tone. ❴ And you should respect people who could crush you in their sleep. ❵ She pressed a black-gloved finger to his forehead and his eyes began to widen and his mouth opened in a silent scream. While making her escape, she wondered what he had seen. Probably his worst nightmare, or something. The cool air of the Fairwyn night was actually pretty decent, but it was pretty crappy next to the ever-warm and soothing air of Mirage FM. Childishly, she thought that she knew she wasn't allowed to leave Fairwyn because she was apart of the game that become a really dumb but strange situation, so she thought as long as she stayed in this godforsaken land, things would be alright. Moving her poofy hair over her shoulders, she bent over slightly and a crackling sound of growing bones began. From her back, a pair of feathered dove wings shot out and a few moments later, Morgiana was sky high, the tavern's toxic atmosphere finally wearing off. S L E E P I N E S S ; ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜ ⚜
[/url]⚜ a f t e r another round or three of cream soda, Morgiana found herself dozing off on the bar table, not unsurpsingly. Despite the loud ruckus, she was usually able to fall asleep anywhere if she really wanted to. With heavy eyelids drooped close, her mind grew a hazy fog. Puffy dandelions bloomed inside her mind, cuddling her with a ticklish, soothing warmth and she could smell the familiar, homely scent of the wheat fields that sprawled across Mirage FM – ❴ TESTOSTEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE!! ❵ Morgiana sat up sharply, her eyes a vivid red color and swimming with anger at being so rudely brought out from her almost-nap. Whoever that was, she was going to c r u s h them. There was only one person who had that dumbly-manly voice and said that word with such dumb vigor . . . Just when she was just about to jump into action, Mary Anne charmed the crowd into being a bunch of dirty adults that Morgiana had no pleasure in participating in. Those sorts of activities were gross to her, and just because she liked draping herself on people, that didn't mean that she wanted to t o u c h them. Especially not. Gross. Reason #627 to not like Marie En. Annoyingly, her body temperature had risen and she could feel her heart beginning to pound in her chest. She lifted her head from the bar and crossed her legs tightly, her face contorting into something between a scowl and a pout. ❴ This is stupid! ❵ she announced, and then got up from the bar stool and looked around for someone. She really needed to leave this gross tavern and its gross atmosphere. With[/url] slightly wobbly legs and even more hazy vision, Morgiana weaved her way through the crowd, pressing up against various other Valen. Her scowl-pout deepened with all the touching, but she eventually stumbled to the entrance of the bar. As she was opening the door, someone's hands were pressed to her hips and with widening magenta eyes, she wrenched her head around. It was an older male Valen, with a certain look in his eyes that Morgiana found disgusting. ❴ Hey Dolly, how about you have a drink with me? ❵ he asked her with a lascivious tone. ❴ No, no, no! I'm leaving. ❵ she told him firmly, her tone harsh. ❴ Get your filthy hands off me, old man. ❵ ❴ You should respect your elders, ❵ he replied with a hint of threat in his tone. ❴ And you should respect people who could crush you in their sleep. ❵ She pressed a black-gloved finger to his forehead and his eyes began to widen and his mouth opened in a silent scream. While making her escape, she wondered what he had seen. Probably his worst nightmare, or something. The cool air of the Fairwyn night was actually pretty decent, but it was pretty crappy next to the ever-warm and soothing air of Mirage FM. Childishly, she thought that she knew she wasn't allowed to leave Fairwyn because she was apart of the game that become a really dumb but strange situation, so she thought as long as she stayed in this godforsaken land, things would be alright. Moving her poofy hair over her shoulders, she bent over slightly and a crackling sound of growing bones began. From her back, a pair of feathered dove wings shot out and a few moments later, Morgiana was sky high, the tavern's toxic atmosphere finally wearing off.
It sucks to hear that. People are awful sometimes. (*`へ´*) I hope you know that you always have us ( KHV ) to support you and love you and that...