i feel u ahhh SNSD . . . not a big fan tbh, although i liked Mr.Mr. ( the one time i watched it lol ). ah dude! it'd be great to see Girl's Day,...
omg i love watching VIXX's dance practices because i love dancing and choreo in general and theirs is so team-oriented and they suit it to the...
omg i'm sorry i talk so much
i feel u. the fact that it was leaked makes me annoyed, so i want to wait as well. i've watched the teasers a million times though lol it was by...
i know man her red hair was so killer she was slayin all the faves. dude Jackpot and 1004 are really good but i like Everybody and I've only...
◀◀ ◀◀ hi there sheepieim wonsheep but you can call me saxima or sax. whatever suits your fancyyou seem like a real cutie so i hope i'll see you around ( ღ˘⌣˘ღ )◀◀ ◀◀ are you into kpop?
◀◀ ◀◀ happy birthday u crackerjacks ilyhope it's smashing and filled with ninjas and stands and ora and whatever else u like
◀◀ ◀◀ u know i only wanted fun and u got me all fucked up oh lord
◀◀ ◀◀ all hail the king
◀◀ ◀◀ #shotsfired◀◀ ◀◀ but seriously flip a coin. or do what you want. or. yeah. do what you want man it's a free forum aint no on stoppin u
◀◀ ◀◀ listen here u fuckers View attachment 38133 ◀◀ ◀◀ anyway congratulations stardust you're that much closer to becoming actual . . . uh. stardust lol
◀◀ ◀◀ didn't u guys read what she said this stream is for me u fuckers go away jk pls be anticipating it i bothered her to the ends of the earth for this so i want many people to join us
◀◀ ◀◀ that's so depressing because it's nearly like 95% true omg
◀◀ ◀◀ maybe
◀◀ ◀◀ * votes for mincraft server even though doesn't play *
◀◀ ◀◀ XD
there aren't many K-Pop fans on KHV, so i get excited about it lol sorry not sorry yeah, Full House. it was a huge success mine are Ravi, Leo,...
◀◀ ◀◀ khv: the land of good influencesit shall be done
okay so i'm not such an avid fan of Beast and BtoB, but i really REALLY love VIXX, B.A.P, and BlockB omg. Beast's Yoseob was recently in a musical...
◀◀ ◀◀ This is a special time.