♡ SUFFERING double-you aych hwai
♡ SUFFERING ruined my life alternatively; saxima bangs everyone
♡ SUFFERING being saxima is suffering
♡ SUFFERING amazing
♡ SUFFERING zenfurry
♡ SUFFERING there there
♡ SUFFERING am i the only one who keeps cringing at the vB to XenForo thread because it's making me nervous ha ha ha
♡ SUFFERING ITT: we're all Summer of 2012 Saxima
no homie u ****ed up y this #homie****edup2k14
♡ SUFFERING i haven't the foggiest of what you're talking about Spoiler ♡ SUFFERING being Nate is suffering
♡ SUFFERING well then, i think a little bit of patience is in order. these things will get done in due time. until then, there's no use in worrying about it.
♡ SUFFERING but i thought they fixed the posts counting the RPA mod months ago
♡ SUFFERING it was the illuminati
♡ SUFFERING i hope you guys are star-crossed lovers. two birds with one stone ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
안녕 !! ♡ impressions before/now? ♡ r u impressive? ♡ jekkak . . . jekkak ♡ you really should punch the idiots at your school ♡ what's been your favorite KHV roleplay? ♡ what's your least favorite roleplay you've ever been in ( KHV or outside )? ♡ if i spammed you with k-hip hop/rap would you listen to it? ♡ am i really your favorite non-staffie? ♡ what's your favorite VIXX song? ♡ am i impressive? EDIT: ♡ u r one of my favorites on KHV you are a gr8 hubae
I seem to have lost my Cinemark lucky coin again. This is the third time this month and I am a very sad sheepie.
* finger snaps *
22 • salmon pink • November
ren and hongbin were x542543574 prettier than all of us looool yeah, go for it! idk how good i'll be at responding, but i'll try!