i'll be no.5 when you realise that 4 aint enough.
I construct a bridge out of jeans and rubber bands to cross the pits of falling.
My nigga.
I bet you put loads of toast in the toaster.
Ugh, someone do my nominations for me, there's so many!
This thread was like a conversation with an old folk trying to turn on the toaster.
I knew for a ****ing fact that seeing you were the last poster in this thread would be you posting this gif.
Using the Post Style one as I used to long before you got back, useful as all get out for lazy people like me who don't want to have to do anything each post to get their preferred fonts and colours.
Got a new tattooooo. Spoiler
Hey Zach, got my tattoo today, there's been a fair few changes since your original concept but it's all stemmed from that....
if you're lying down you've specifically stated you are not hanging.
Can I be in a group?
Someone who has stopped uploading videos, but has a good library of videos is www.youtube.com/jefmajor He's a really silly guy who has fun playing a wide array of games, usually more obscure ones. He never oficially quit making videos, but I dunno if he'll ever be back.
Only ones you dig yourself.
I Like doughnuts.
What's that supposed to mean!? I have a stellar taste in games.
I appreciate the approval, keep and eye out for my friend and genius, Reid.
Atari 2600 is where my dreams lie.
"I know exactly how un-clever everyone else is" - every KHV member.
I am here now, work called me.